In The White Plague, René and Jean Dubos argue that the great increase of tuberculosis was intimately connected with the rise of an industrial, urbanized society and—a much more controversial idea when this book first appeared forty years ago—that the progress of medical science had very little to do with the marked decline in tuberculosis in the twentieth century. The White Plague has long been regarded as a classic in the social and environmental history of disease. This reprint of the 1952 e...
The Statistical Analysis of Doubly Truncated Data (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)
by Jacobo J de Una-Alvarez, Rosa R Crujeiras, and Carla C Moreira
A thorough treatment of the statistical methods used to analyze doubly truncated data In The Statistical Analysis of Doubly Truncated Data, an expert team of statisticians delivers an up-to-date review of existing methods used to deal with randomly truncated data, with a focus on the challenging problem of random double truncation. The authors comprehensively introduce doubly truncated data before moving on to discussions of the latest developments in the field. The book offers readers examp...
Il testo presenta gli sviluppi matematici e statistici relativi alo studio dei fenomeni dipendenti dal tempo, con l'obiettivo di mettere in grado il lettore di comprendere ed utilizzare i metodi di previsione statistica per le serie temporali, le catene di Markov, i processi di punti. L'attenzione e posta sia sugli aspetti strutturali probabilistici, illustrandoli nel dominio temporale e in quello frequenziale, sia su quelli statistici relativi all'inferenza . Il libro nasce come testo per co...
Having a happy, healthy child is what every expectant parent hopes and prays for. Imagine the devastation if your child is born healthy, and through medical misinformation, is transformed into a child that suffers permanent mental handicap and convulsions. This is what happened to Rosemary Fox shortly after her daughter, Helen, was born. As she sought explanations and compensation, she was told that she was damaging the vaccine program and told to keep quiet. She refused, and campaigned to get t...
100 Questions & Answers about Childhood Immunizations
by Thomas H Belhorn
This book provides answers to fundamental and challenging questions regarding the global response to COVID-19. It creates a historical record of COVID-19 research conducted over the four years of the pandemic, with a focus on how researchers have responded, quantified, and modeled COVID-19 problems. Since mid-2021, we have diligently monitored and analyzed global scientific efforts in tackling COVID-19. Our comprehensive global endeavor involves collecting, processing, analyzing, and discovering...
Occupational Epidemiology
Molecular Virology and Control of Flaviviruses
Prevention and Control of Yellow Fever in Africa
Poverty & Children
Poverty, while not a disease process, is well-known to have far-reaching effects on the health of children and adolescents. In developing countries, poverty is associated with inadequate shelter, unsafe water and inadequate nutrition, leading to increased rates of infectious diseases, including malaria and diarreal illnesses, as well as increased rates of infant and maternal mortality. Even in wealthy, industrialised countries, poverty negatively impacts on child health, starting life with incre...
Twenty-Two Years presents the results of a unique longitudinal study of the first 22 years in the lives of more than 200 young people with varying degrees of mental retardation. By following their paths through available services, job histories, leisure activities, friendships, and marriages, the authors provide objective information about the quality of life of young people with mental retardation.The book makes a unique contribution by determining what factors in childhood predict who will and...
Whaiora: Maori Health Development gives a historical account of the major changes in Maori health status and the reasons for those changes. Maori leadership in health and participation in the health services form part of a recurrent theme which links advances in health to advances in other aspects of Maori development. Practitioners, students, and those interested in sociology, anthropology, history, Maori studies. Health professionals (medical and management staff, nurses) and health students (...
Bayesian Disease Mapping (Chapman & Hall/CRC Interdisciplinary Statistics)
by Andrew B. Lawson
Focusing on data commonly found in public health databases and clinical settings, Bayesian Disease Mapping: Hierarchical Modeling in Spatial Epidemiology provides an overview of the main areas of Bayesian hierarchical modeling and its application to the geographical analysis of disease. The book explores a range of topics in Bayesian inference and modeling, including Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, Gibbs sampling, the Metropolis–Hastings algorithm, goodness-of-fit measures, and residual diagn...
The Black Death is the name most commonly given to the pandemic of bubonic plague that ravaged the medieval world in the late 1340s. From Central Asia the plague swept through Europe, leaving millions of dead in its wake. Between a quarter and a third of Europe's population died. In England the population fell from nearly six million to just over three million. The Black Death was the greatest demographic disaster in European history. In this Pocket Essential, Sean Martin looks at the origins of...
Epidemiological studies show that cancer incidence is far more dependent on the conditions of life than previously supposed. Classically, cancers occurred with heavy exposure to a specific occupational hazard, or were associated with habits. In some instances, research shows, the incidence of cancer falls when the method of work or the associated habit is changed. In short, variation in incidence is now known to be the rule rather than the exception in cancer. No cancer that occurs with even mod...
Forschungsmethoden und Evaluation in den Sozial- und Humanwissenschaften (Springer-Lehrbuch)
by Nicola Doering and Jurgen Bortz
Der Klassiker zu den Forschungsmethoden – rundum erneuert, didaktisch verbessert und aktueller denn je! Dieses Buch ist ein fundierter und verlässlicher Begleiter für Studierende, Forschende und Berufstätige – da ist alles drin:Grundlagen: Wissenschaftstheorie, Qualitätskriterien sowie ethische Aspekte.Anwendung: Alle Phasen des Forschungsprozesses von der Festlegung des Forschungsthemas, des Untersuchungsdesigns und der Operationalisierung über Stichprobenziehung, Datenerhebungs- und Datenanaly...
This one-of-a-kind publication pays tribute to one of the pre-eminent scientists and educators in neuroepidemiology, Dr. Bruce Schoenberg. The goal of this book is to provide a comprehensive, state-of-the-art review of the work that has taken place in the field of neuroepidemiology over the last decade and address the challenges and prospects of the future. The work presented in this volume focuses on clinically relevant issues related to the magnitude, distribution, natural history, risk factor...
Inoculating Cities
Inoculating Cities: Case Studies of Urban Pandemic Preparedness begins with a brief historical description of infectious disease outbreaks in cities as well as an overview of infectious disease outbreaks since 2000 that hold profound implications for cities and urban environments – such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in 2003, H1N1 influenza in 2009, Ebola virus in 2014, Zika virus in 2015, and more recently, COVID-19 in 2020. Each of these outbreaks affected different geographies of...
Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles
by Anne M Johnson, Jane Wadsworth, Julia Field, and Kaye Wellings
The field of sexual behaviour has been notoriously neglected in social research and there has been no major survery of sexual behaviour since the Kinsey report in the late 1950s. Various social and health problems, including the AIDS epidemic and the increase in teenage pregnancies have recently underlined the need for an up to date and authoritative analysis of current sexual behaviour. Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles is the result of a major statistical survey of the sexual behaviours and atti...
Helicobacter Pylori