Immunology and Genetics of Mammalian Reproduction: Some Controversial Issues
Various experimental procedures have been employed to elucidate the complex immunological materno-fetal interactions. However, they have often not provided clear information regarding the mechanisms responsible for protecting the conceptus against potential attack by the mother's immune system. This special issue, written by well-known researchers, presents a detailed analysis of controversial topics in the field. The papers deal with the following issues: the problem of immunological infertilit...
Methods in Avian Embryology (Methods in Cell Biology, Vol 51)
A current and authoritative guide, Methods in Avian Embryology presents a combination of classical embryological techniques and modern molecular biological approaches to studying the developing avian embryo. The only one of its kind, this book is specifically devoted to providing a detailed approach to studying avian embryos. It also describes how to use this system to study problems in cell, developmental, and neurobiology. The protocols emphasize microsurgery, histology, and cellular and molec...
In vitro Embryotoxicity and Teratogenicity Tests (Concepts in Toxicology, #3)
by F. Homburger and Alan M. Goldberg
Development and Regeneration of Skeletal Muscles (Bibliotheca Anatomica, #29)
Plays (Classics) (Russian Classics in Russian and English)
by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov and Marian Fell
The dramatic works of Anton Chekhov (1860-1904) present the actions of ordinary people. He avoids any explicit political treatment, but the depth and subtlety of his art has generated a wealth of interpretation. His representation of human relationships is infinitely sympathetic, and each play contains at least one character who expresses Chekhov's hopes for a brighter future. "The Cherry Orchard" and "Three Sisters" was first published in this translation in 1951. "The Seagull", "Uncle Vania",...
Larsen's Human Embryology E-Book
by Gary C. Schoenwolf, Steven B Bleyl, Philip R Brauer, and Philippa H Francis-West
Some of the most important achievements in the field of empiricist ethics were made by the School of Moral Sentiment, comprising Francis Hutcheson, David Hume, and Adam Smith. This book throws new light on their consensus theory of virtue. Hope works some of their ideas into a merit theory of rights applicable to conventional rights, defends ethical cognitivism, and analyzes pleasure.
Manipulating the Mouse Embryo: A Laboratory Manual, Fourth Edition
by Richard Behringer, Marina Gertsenstein, Kristina Nagy, and Andras Nagy
Every animal on Earth begins life as a single cell. From this humble origin, the nascent creature embarks on a risky journey fraught with opportunities for disaster—yet with astounding regularity, it reaches its destination intact. From One Cell illuminates this epic transformation—still one of nature’s most mysterious feats—to show where we all come from and where we’re going. Through the eyes of the scientists unraveling the secrets of development, we see how all the information needed to buil...
Untersuchungen Zur Embryologie Galens (Schriften zur Geschichte und Kultur der Antike, Band 27)
by Diethard Nickel
The Concept of Evidence (Readings in Philosophy S.)
An examination of the constitutive role of rhythm and movement in the visualization of developing life. In The Form of Becoming Janina Wellmann offers an innovative understanding of the emergence around 1800 of the science of embryology and a new notion of development, one based on the epistemology of rhythm. She argues that between 1760 and 1830, the concept of rhythm became crucial to many fields of knowledge, including the study of life and living processes. She juxtaposes the history of rhy...
The Cell and Molecular Biology of Fish Oogenesis (Monographs in Developmental Biology, #18)
by Sardul S. Guraya
1 Introduction 1. 1 Wnts and Development The f amily of Wnt genes consists of at least 19 members in vertebrates. Wnts ha v e multiple roles during normal development and aetiology of diseases (Wodarz and Nusse 1998; Moon et al. 2002, 2004). These genes encode for glycoproteins that are released in the intercellular space, acting as intercellular mediators (Moon et al. 1997). By binding to their special receptors, the Frizzled (Fz) receptors, they are able to activate at least three different pa...
Bat Skeletal Growth: Molecular and Environmental Perspectives
The ability to perform true flight with a wing has set bats aside as unique and important vertebrates. How the hand of a primitive mammal might have evolved into a hand-wing remains an elusive yet challenging question facing biologists. This special issue was designed to bring together ideas about the growth and development of bats, specifically looking to integrate ideas on how the bat wing emerges as a unique structure from the embryonic hand, and where some of the most rapid growth occurs wi...
Developmental Biology (Developmental Biology Developmental Biology)
by Scott F. Gilbert
This new edition keeps the excellent writing, accuracy, and enthusiasm of the Gilbert Developmental Biology textbook, streamlines it, adds electronic supplements to reinforce ideas and creates a new textbook that will meet the desires of those teaching Developmental Biology to a new generation. As revolutionary as Gilbert's Developmental Biology was in 1985, so will the Gilbert and Barresi be in 2016.