Does Ecstasy cause brain damage? Why is crack more addictive than cocaine? What questions regarding drugs are legal to ask in a job interview? When does marijuana possession carry a greater prison sentence than murder?Illegal Drugs is the first comprehensive reference to offer timely, pertinent information on every drug currently prohibited by law in the United States. It includes their histories, chemical properties and effects, medical uses and recreational abuses, and associated health probl...
The definitive reference to prescription and over-the-counter medications with special attention to herbal and dietary supplements and drug and herbal interactions. The Consumer Guide to Drugs is the most current, best-organised and authoritative directory on medications available today and the unique page-at-a-glance format ensures it is the most consumer-friendly. Each of hundreds of illustrated listings includes essential information such as how the drug works, dosage, side effects, precautio...
Psychiatric drugs account for over a quarter of all doctor's prescriptions. With the introduction of Prosac as the latest medical miracle that figure is likely to increase. But do we really need to take these drugs? How do they work, and what are the side-effects? Every year MIND receives over 10, 000 enquiries about psychiatric drugs and their side effects. Used properly they are of enormous benefit to mental health. When abushed or used indiscriminately however they will exacerbate rather than...
A complete home reference to prescribed and over-the-counter medication.Discover how medicines work, what they treat, their risks, benefits, and side effects from this new edition. Clear and easy-to-use, the New Guide to Medicines and Drugs explains what the major drug groups are and what they are used for. It explains how drugs work, dosage and side-effects, and possible interactions with other medicines. Clear, concise, and jargon-free, this book provides guidance for anybody taking medication...
The Essential Guide to Prescription Drugs
by James J. Rybacki and James W Long
The ultimate guide to health in your later years covers all the major medical concerns of people over fifty years of age. This book provides: a guide to disease prevention; Body atlas; A-Z of medical disorders; information on medical care; and Glossary of medical terms. All of the information in the book is written in clear and concise language, and is culled from the continuously updated database at the internationally renowned John Hopkins School of Medicine. The guide is organised from A-Z by...
The Essential Guide to Prescription Drugs 2002
by James J. Rybacki and James W Long
The lifesaving, money-saving guide that should be within reach of every medicine cabinet Join the millions of smart, health-conscious consumers who turn to Joe and Teresa Gradeon for sound advice on the enter spectrum of medications and health care products on today's drugstore shelves. From antiperspirants to antidepressants, from dandruff shampoos to cold remedies, antacides, pain relievers, laxatives, betacarotene, and the newest prescription drugs for heart disease, the Graedons provide th...
Amphetamines and Other Stimulants (Drug Abuse Prevention Library)
by Lawrence Clayton
Chiral Photochemistry (Molecular and Supramolecular Photochemistry)
Control of molecular chirality is central to contemporary chemistry, biology, and materials-related areas. Chiral photochemistry employs molecular and supramolecular chiral interactions in the electronically excited state to induce molecular chirality, providing new and versatile strategies and surprising results unattainable by conventional therma
Phytochemistry of Plants of Genus Rauvolfia (Phytochemical Investigations of Medicinal Plants)
by Brijesh Kumar, Sunil Kumar, Vikas Bajpai, and KP Madhusudanan
Rauvolfia species, commonly known as Sarpagandha, has been traditionally used in Ayurveda for curing high blood pressure, hypertension, snake bites, fever, and mental illnesses. Due to its wide variety and differences in chemical composition, it is necessary to develop an efficient and reliable method for rapid screening and determination of phytochemicals in the extracts of the Rauvolfia species. This book will provide qualitative and quantitative comparative phytochemical investigations of sel...
American Diabetes Association Guide to Insulin and Type 2 Diabetes
by Marie McCarren
Insulin is the most powerful tool available for managing diabetes. It can do the job when pills, exercise, and a careful diet are no longer enough. You might be worried that shots will hurt or that figuring out doses is hard. The American Diabetes Association Guide to Insulin and Type 2 Diabetes gives complete information, and you'll hear from the experts - people with type 2 diabetes who use insulin. Their advice, support, and practical tips will help you fit insulin into your lifestyle.
Bayesian Analysis with R for Drug Development (Chapman & Hall/CRC Biostatistics)
by Harry Yang and Steven J. Novick
Drug development is an iterative process. The recent publications of regulatory guidelines further entail a lifecycle approach. Blending data from disparate sources, the Bayesian approach provides a flexible framework for drug development. Despite its advantages, the uptake of Bayesian methodologies is lagging behind in the field of pharmaceutical development. Written specifically for pharmaceutical practitioners, Bayesian Analysis with R for Drug Development: Concepts, Algorithms, and Case Stu...