Battistin: Pet & Nmr - New Perspectives in Neuro Imagand in Clinical Neurochemistry
Future Directions of NMR
NMR has become truly a multidisciplinary area of science dealing with applications ranging from basic to applied sciences including medical, agricultural and industrial. In addition to being an indispensable tool in chemical sciences, NMR is now recognized as an important field in biomolecular structural studies as well as medical diagnosis and intervention. The exciting developments in NMR are still continuing and it is hoped that the day may come when "pocket size NMR spectrometers" for specif...
Protocolli Di Studio in Tc Spirale Multistrato
by Andrea Laghi and Riccardo Ferrari
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, a technique widely used for structure determination by chemists and biochemists, is based on the detection of tiny radio signals emitted by the nucleus of an atom when immersed in a strong magnetic field. Every chemical substance gives rise to a recognizable NMR signature closely related to its molecular structure. This comprehensive account adopts an accessible, pictorial approach to teach the fundamental principles of high resolution NMR. Mathemat...
Human health as well as aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems are threatened from increa sing levels of environmental radiation of various sources, many of them of anthropoge nic causality: large areas of the former Soviet Union suffer from radioactive pollution, in particular after the Chemobyl accident; the increase in the incidence of UVB radiati on at the Earth's surface as a result of a progressive depletion of stratospheric ozone is a global problem that requires international concerted ac...
MRI/DTI Atlas of the Rat Brain
by George Paxinos, Charles Watson, Evan Calabrese, Alexandra Badea, and G Allan Johnson
MRI/DTI Atlas of the Rat Brain offers two major enhancements when compared with earlier attempts to make MRI/DTI rat brain atlases. First, the spatial resolution at 25µm is considerably higher than previous data published. Secondly, the comprehensive set of MRI/DTI contrasts provided has enabled the authors to identify more than 80% of structures identified in The Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates.
Diagnostic Ultrasound and Animal Reproduction (Current Topics in Veterinary Medicine, #51)
The use of ultrasonic imaging techniques for diagnostic purposes in veteri nary medicine and animal science has lagged far behind their use in human medicine. In the area of domestic animal reproduction, diagnostic ultrasono graphy has a relatively short history. Reports on B-mode scanning first appeared as late as 1969, when Stouffer and co-workers used it for counting foetal numbers in late gestation sheep. After Lindahl had re-evaluated the potential of two-dimensional ultrasonography for p...
Computational Diffusion MRI (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, #15171)
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 15th International Workshop, CDMRI 2024, held in conjunction with MICCAI 2024, the 27th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention. The conference took place in Marrakesh, Morocco, October 6, 2024. The 19 full papers presented in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 22 submissions.
Genitourinary, E-Book (Diagnostic Imaging)
by Bryan R Foster and Ganeh Fananapazir
Brain and Spine E-Book (EXPERTddx)
by Miral D Jhaveri, Karen L Salzman, and Jeffrey S Ross
Interventional Radiology E-Book (Diagnostic Imaging)
by Brandt C Wible
This book provides a comprehensive coverage of sensor and lab-on-a-chip technologies for medical applications. Presenting a unified coverage of the operational principles and fabrication issues of the sensors and related chips, this important compendium describes the contemporary electronic devices that help to identify and effectively combat different diseases and malfunctions of the human body. It is intended to serve as an essential textbook or reference book for graduate/postgraduate student...
qMRI is a rapidly evolving scientific field of high current interest because it has the potential of radically changing the clinical and research practices of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This focuses solely on the theoretical aspects of qMRI, which are treated and analyzed at three different spatial scales, specifically: i) the quantum physics scale of individual spins; ii) the semi-classical physics scale of spin packets; and iii) the imaging scale of voxels. Topics are presented paying p...
Breast Imaging, E-Book (The Core Requisites)
by Bonnie N Joe and Amie Y Lee
Radiology and ultrasound are the primary diagnostic imaging techniques used in veterinary medicine. The responsibility for obtaining useful diagnostic images usually falls onto the veterinary radiologist or radiographer. The book, consisting of 24 chapters, has been prepared according to the syllabus established by the Veterinary Council of India (VCI) and will assist veterinary students in understanding radiology and other diagnostic imaging technologies in the veterinary field. The book serves...
L'A(c)chographie gA(c)nA(c)rale en rA(c)animation traite des possibilitA(c)s d'une technique particuliA]rement adaptA(c)es A la rA(c)animation, du fait qu'elle s'effectue sans risque et au lit du patient. S'adressant aussi bien au radiologue qu'au rA(c)animateur, l'ouvrage est conAu de maniA]re A permettre au premier une approche "corps entier," et d'initier le second A la technique. Dans un mAame et seul volume se trouve rA(c)uni tout ce qui concerne la pathologie spA(c)cifiquement rA(c)animato...