Prise en charge des lésions de la tache blanche non piquée sur les jeunes incisives permanentes
by Parika Vaid, Anil Gupta, and Shikha Dogra
Лечение беспигментных поражений белых пя
Местная доставка лекарств в пародонтолог
by Рачана Агарвал, Паллави Ситар Камбле, and Сачин Б. Мангалекар
Dental Radiography - Elsevier eBook on Vitalsource (Retail Access Card): a Workbook and Laboratory Manual
by Joen Iannucci and Laura Jansen Howerton
Demistificare il riassorbimento dei denti
by Ritika Satija, Meenu G Singla, and Hemanshi Kumar
Management of Soft Tissue Trauma, An Issue of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics of North America
by Dyalram
In this issue of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics, guest editors Jonathan Martin brings his considerable expertise to the topic of Management of Soft Tissue Trauma. Provides in-depth, clinical reviews on Management of Soft Tissue Trauma, providing actionable insights for clinical practice. Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field; Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to c...
СУТУРЫ - временное средство, но постоянный 
by Самикша Шарма, Викас Йиндал, and Амит Гоел
Antimikrobielle Aktivitat von Propolis, HEBP, Chlorhexidin, EDTA
by Amrut Bambawale, Sumita Bhagwat, and Leena Padhye
Fundamentals of Craniofacial Growth
by D. Dixon Andrew, A.N. Hoyte David, and Ronning Olli
This book brings together in one volume selected important topics in craniofacial growth. Topics include: principles of skeletal growth; osteogenesis and its control; formation of the cranial base and craniofacial joints; prenatal development of the facial skeleton; growth of the mandible, nasomaxillary complex, orbit, cranial base, ear capsule, and cranial vault; bone remodeling; muscles; soft tissues; and blood vessels.Fundamentals of Craniofacial Growth contains detailed illustrations and ext...
Markers of Dental Caries in a Juvenile Diabetic Child
by Dr Ajna Alex
Dental Self Help
For half a century, S Perry Brickman harbored a deep and personally painful secret... On a late summer day in 2006, Brickman and his wife attended an exhibit on the history of Jewish life at Emory University and were astonished to come face-to-face with documents that strongly suggested that Brickman and many others had been failed out of Emory's dental school because they were Jewish. They decided to embark on an uncharted path to uncover the truth. With no initial allies and plenty of resista...
So You'RE Getting Braces
by Alvin Silverstein and Virginia B Silverstein
Explains the process of straightening teeth, including a short history of this branch of dentistry and a glimpse of possible advancements.
Caries Prevention by Domestic Salt Fluoridation
by K. Toth and Kbaroly Tboth
Имплантаты в детской стоматологии
by Сариш Мирза, Амит Кумар, and Винаы Тхакур
by Прерна Агарвал and Манви Чандра Агарвал
Scully's Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine: The Basis of Diagnosis and Treatment - E-Book
by Stephen J Challacombe, Jane Setterfield, and Barbara Carey