Эстетический подход к регенерации десен
by Др. Видуши Думра and Др. Гурпрет Каур
Антимикробная активность прополиса, HEBP, хло&
by Амрут Бамбавале, Сумита Бхагват, and Леена Падхые
Soldering and Welding in Prosthodontics
by Ila Patel, Pronob Sanyal, and Abhijeet Kore
The Dental Register, 1894, Vol. 48: A Monthly Journal of Dentistry (Classic Reprint)
by J Taft
Opportunities in Dental Care Careers (Opportunities in ... (Prebound)) (VGM opportunities)
by Bonnie L Kendall
Instruments Used for Oral Surgery (Instruments Used for Oral Surgery, #1)
by James R Hooley and Robert J Whitacre
Dental and Oral Radiography: A Textbook for Students and Practitioners of Dentistry (Classic Reprint)
by James David McCoy
Smile, Be True to Your Teeth & They'll Never Be False to You
by Robert S Rauch
Effetti Della Saliva Sui Fili Ortodontici.
by Mariyam Zehra and Sandeep Shetty
Student Workbook for Essentials of Dental Assisting - Elsevier eBook on Vitalsource (Retail Access Card)
by Debbie S. Robinson
A Practical Approach to Special Care in Dentistry
Efficacy of Croton Lechleri Sp in wound healing
by Marisol Rossana Ortega Buitron
Kindesmissbrauch und Vernachl�ssigung
by Priyanka Razdan, Chanchal Singh, and Basavaraj Patthi
Kontroversen in der Parodontologie
by Chinmay Ajila, Shashikanth Hegde, and Vinita A Boloor
Un libro di testo sulle lesioni a cellule chiare del maxillo-facciale
by Malay Kumar Baranwal and Sameera Shamim Khan
Жестокое обращение с детьми и отсутствие k
by Приянка Раздан, Чанчал Сингх, and Басаварадж Паттхи
Incidenti endodontici
by Damini Kesarwani, Sunandan Mittal, and Vanita Keshav