Written by a leading nanobiologist actively involved at the forefront of the field both as a researcher and an educator, this book takes the reader from the fundamentals of nanobiology to the most advanced applications. The book is written in such a way as to be accessible to biologists and chemists with no background in nanotechnology. It is reader-friendly and will appeal to a wide audience not only in academia but also in the industry and anyone interested in learning more about nanobiotechno...
Peroxidases in Chemistry and Biology, Volume II
by Johannes Everse and Matthew B. Grisham
The second of two relatively independent volumes on the chemistry and biology of peroxidases. The Peroxidases in Chemistry and Biology series provides up-to-date information on a wide range of developments in the field of Peroxidases, methods and applications. This is Volume 2 originally published in 1990.
Structure Computation and Dynamics in Protein NMR (Biological Magnetic Resonance, #17)
Volume 17 is the second in a special topic series devoted to modern techniques in protein NMR, under the Biological Magnetic Resonance series. Volume 16, with the subtitle Modern Techniques in Protein NMR , is the first in this series. These two volumes present some of the recent, significant advances in the biomolecular NMR field with emphasis on developments during the last five years. We are honored to have brought together in these volume some of the world s foremost experts who have provide...
A Step-by-Step Guide to Present and Future Uses of Microarray TechnologyMicroarray technology continues to evolve, taking on a variety of forms. From the spotting of cDNA and the in situ synthesis of oligonucleotide arrays now come microarrays comprising proteins, carbohydrates, drugs, tissues, and cells. With contributions from microarray experts
This hands-on reference tool provides the most up-to-date information needed to synthesize molecules by solid-phase synthesis (SPS)-employing polymeric support (resins), anchoring linkages (handles), coupling reagents (activators), and protection schemes. The volume presents new strategies for creating a wide variety of compounds invaluable for drug discovery in coming years. Thoroughly analyzes peptides, DNA, carbohydrates, conjugates of biomolecules, and small molecules. Written by 35 internat...
This is a completely revised and expanded edition of the Guidebook to Biochemistry. Every chapter has been reviewed and brought up to date. A new chapter, on the cell and membrane transport, has been included, and the single chapter on regulation in the previous edition has been greatly enlarged and divided into two chapters. Other topics that have received particular attention in this edition include lipids, cell membranes and the biochemical action of hormones. The chapter on genetics has been...
Largely driven by major improvements in the analytical capability of mass spectrometry, proteomics is being applied to broader areas of experimental biology, ranging from oncology research to plant biology to environmental health. However, while it has already eclipsed solution protein chemistry as a discipline, it is still essentially an extension of classical protein chemistry, owing much of its maturation to prior contributions. Unfortunately, this debt is not always evident in current litera...
Bioluminescence And Chemiluminescence - Proceedings Of The 11th International Symposium
Light-emitting reactions occur in some living organisms, and are also now extensively exploited by industry and various branches of biomedical science. Luminescence from the natural world, particularly from marine organisms, is increasingly being harnessed by genetic and chemical manipulation to enhance the quality of human life. This volume contains cutting-edge contributions from most of the world's leading researchers in this field. It presents an up-to-date compilation of the range of biomed...
Chemistry of Peptide Synthesis is a complete overview of how peptides are synthesized and what techniques are likely to generate the most desirable reactions. Incorporating elements from the author’s role of Career Investigator of the Medical Research Council of Canada and his extensive teaching career, the book emphasizes learning rather than memorization. The text uses clear language and schematics to present concepts progressively, carefully excluding unnecessary details and providing a histo...
Conformational Proteomics of Macromolecular Architecture
by R Holland Cheng and Lena Hammar
Optical Guided-wave Chemical and Biosensors (Springer Series on Chemical Sensors and Biosensors, #8)
For the first time, distinguished scientists from key institutions worldwide provide a comprehensive approach to optical sensing techniques employing the phenomenon of guided wave propagation for chemical and biosensors. This includes both state-of the-art fundamentals and innovative applications of these techniques. The authors present a deep analysis of their particular subjects in a way to address the needs of novice researchers such as graduate students and post-doctoral scholars as well as...
"Der LAffler/Petrides ist das, was sich jeder Student wA1/4nscht: Ein topaktuelles Lehrbuch, das zu jeder erdenklichen Frage eine Antwort parat hat." (Studentenzitat) Neu: Das Standardwerk der Biochemie wurde von 22 renommierten Experten in jeder Hinsicht runderneuert: - Die enge VerknA1/4pfung von theoretischen Inhalten und klinischer Praxis wird noch A1/4berzeugender herausgestellt. Die groAzA1/4gige Ausstattung mit aussagekrAftigen Abbildungen erleichtern den Zugang zu komplizierten biochemis...
Der vorliegende Band des Handbuchs der medizinischen Radiologie zu der bisher wenig beachteten Frage von Strahlengefahrdung und Strahlenschutz umfaBt unseren heutigen Wis sensstand tiber die Vedinderungen an Organen und Geweben, Funktionseinheiten und Syste men des Organismus, die durch Einwirkungen ionisierender Strahlen und anderer physika Ii scher Energien auftreten konnen. Vorangestellt werden Kenntnisse tiber die allgemeine zelluHire Strahlenbiologie und Strahlenpathologie sowie die generel...
A thorough understanding of stereochemistry is essential for the comprehension of almost all aspects of modern organic chemistry. It is also of great significance in many biochemical and medicinal disciplines, since the stereoisomers of a compound can have dramatically different biological properties. This text explains how the different properties of stereoisomers of a compound arise, and what processes can be used to prepare and analyze stereoisomerically pure compounds. It also presents promi...
Biochemical Methods
by Alfred Pingoud, Claus Urbanke, Jim Hoggett, and Albert Jeltsch
This book gives a profound overview on the relevant biochemical techniques. Moreover, it refers to laboratory equipment and safety aspects and explains how to obtain relevant biochemical information. It provides an introduction into physical-chemical processes and mathematical methods required for the interpretation of data. Principles of expensive instrumental analysis are also explained and a presentation of safety considerations and regulatory issues according to international requirements is...
This text focuses on the biological interactions of sulphur compounds which arise specifically from the presence of the sulphur atom within the molecule. The book opens with introductory chapters on the chemistry and biology of sulphur, before tackling the field by introducing compounds which share a common chemical combination. In general, following a description of the uses and impact upon the biological field, specific chemical group characteristics are discussed together with the biological...
Java for Bioinformatics and Biomedical Applications
by Harshawardhan Bal and Johnny Hujol
Industrial Application of Immobilized Biocatalysts (Biotechnology and Bioprocessing, #16)
Offers practical examples of bioreactor systems that use immobilized biocatalysts - including enzymes and microbial cells - that have been implemented on the industrial level in Japan and Denmark. The book provides information on the current status of successful new bioreactor technologies.
Research into the biochemical basis of toxicology has expanded rapidly over recent years, amidst concerns over the adverse effects of drugs, environmental pollution and occupational hazards. Following on from the acclaimed first two editions of Principles of Biochemical Toxicology, John Timbrell has expanded the text to include: summary sections questions and model answers thoroughly revised artwork These features, plus the new easy-to-read format will make biochemical toxicology more accessible...
Stochastic Image Processing (Information Technology: Transmission, Processing and Storage)
by Chee Sun Won and Robert M. Gray
Stochastic Image Processing provides the first thorough treatment of Markov and hidden Markov random fields and their application to image processing. Although promoted as a promising approach for over thirty years, it has only been in the past few years that the theory and algorithms have developed to the point of providing useful solutions to old and new problems in image processing. Markov random fields are a multidimensional extension of Markov chains, but the generalization is complicated b...
Biochemistry: A Short Course (Biochemistry: A Short Course)
by John L. Tymoczko, Jeremy M. Berg, Lubert Stryer, and Gregory Gatto
Derived from the classic text originated by Lubert Stryer and continued by John Tymoczko and Jeremy Berg, Biochemistry: A Short Course focuses on the major topics taught in a one-semester biochemistry course. With its brief chapters and relevant examples, this thoroughly updated new edition helps students see the connections between the biochemistry they are studying and their own lives. Now with SaplingPlus, Learning objectives and active learning questions. SaplingPlus is an online solution th...
Significant technological advances during the last few years in the field of electromagnetic probing in the meter to sumbillimeter wave, infrared and optical regions, as well as in data processing and the use of mathematical inverse methods have opened up new avenues in the detection, identification and imaging of natural and man-made objects and gasseous agents in our environment. Information previously considered irretrievable can now be recovered from data disturbed by noise and clutter with...