Daoist Body Cultivation
by Shawn Arthur, Bede Bidlack, Catherine Despeux, Stephen Jackowicz, Lonny Jarrett, Louis Komjathy, and Michael Winn
Daoist Body Cultivation is a comprehensive volume by a group of dedicated scholars and practitioners that covers the key practices of medical healing, breathing techniques, diets and fasting, healing exercises, sexual practices, Qigong, and Taiji quan. Each presentation places the practice in its historical and cultural context and relates its current application and efficaciousness. Ultimately aiming to energetically transform the person into a spiritual and trancendent being, Daoist cultivatio...
Die Wissenschaftliche Homoeopathie. Theorie Und Praxis Homoeopathischen Heilens
by Georgos Vithoulkas
In recent years, a movement stressing a causal relationship between spirituality and good health has captured the public imagination. Told that research demonstrates that people of strong faith are healthier, physicians and clergy alike urge us to become more religious. The religion and health movement, as it has become known, has attracted its fair share of sceptics. While most root their criticism in science or secularism, the authors of Heal Thyself, one a theological ethicist, the other a p...
One Year to a Successful Massage Therapy Practice (LWW In Touch)
by Laura Allen
Through an ethnography of the social and medical worlds of a community of Tibetan refugees in India, this book addresses two main questions: first, how has the prolonged displacement of Tibetan refugees affected concepts of health in the exile community? Second, how has exile changed traditional Tibetan medical practices? It explores how social changes linked to exile have influenced concepts of health and illness in the Tibetan refugee community of Dharamsala and by looking at recent changes in...
Homeopathy Offers A Gentle and Permanent Way to Treat Infections A Subtle, Single, Potent and Penetrating Signal To Stimulate the Defence Mechanism of the Body. Emphasis Is Given to Dealing With the Microbiology In Light of the Theories of Homeopathy.
Abseits der herkoemmlichen Touristenstroeme, in der Mitte Chinas, liegt das Wudang-Gebirge. Hier hat eine besondere Form des Daoismus, der ureigenen chinesischen Religion, ihre Wurzeln. Die Sanfeng-Daoisten betreiben Kampfkunste und praktizieren ein spezielles Qigong. Ein Herzstuck dieses Qigongs ist die Methode "Seiner Natur folgen - zuruckkehren zum Ursprung", die dem grossen Meister Huo Long (um 1200) zugeschrieben wird. Ziel der UEbung ist es, verbrauchtes, Krankheit verursachendes Qi aus de...
The Metabolic Approach to Cancer
by Dr Nasha Winters and Jess Higgins Kelley
"Read this important book to learn how cancer is an environmental, metabolic disease with many small causes that stack up-and what you can do to prevent or even reverse it."-Dave Asprey, New York Times bestselling author of The Bulletproof Diet The Optimal Terrain Ten Protocol to Reboot Cellular Health! The Metabolic Approach to Cancer offers an innovative, metabolic-focused nutrition protocol that works. Naturopathic, integrative oncologist and cancer survivor Dr. Nasha Winters and nutrition...
A comprehensive guide to what's what and what works in complementary medicine, this expert guide cuts through the jargon and gives you the facts about the alternatives. Whether you are interested in maintaining your general well-being or relieving the symptoms of a specific complaint, this book outlines all of the therapies available to you - from acupuncture through healing foods to yoga and massage - and tells you what each treatment is most effective for, how to go about finding a practitione...
Wiederherstellung Der Materie Des Menschen Durch Konzentration Auf Zahlen (German Edition)
by Grigori Grabovoi
Reiki is a holistic system for balancing, healing and harmonising all aspects of the person - body, mind, emotions and spirit - encouraging deep relaxation and the release of stress and tension, and promoting awareness and spiritual growth. This comprehensive manual provides much-needed support for students and teachers who want to ensure best practice. It can also be used by people who have taken Reiki courses and want more information, or wish to update their skills and work professionally,...