Paying the Doctor
Although it does not seem unusual to us that professionals be compensated for the product or service they provide, there are some professions that make us feel uncomfortable with the necessity of payment. Paying the Doctor explores this dilemma as it relates to the health care field. It analyzes and explains the roles of the health care provider, patient, and market influences in cost and reimbursement. Part introductions to each section familiarize the reader with the specific concerns it conta...
Straub and Walzer have assembled a well-balanced collection of articles by experts in the field of health care, beginning with two which explore the changing populations and economies of rural areas. Successive chapters explain issues such as recent developments in home patient care, cost-saving innovations, and the pros and cons of rural HMOs. Of special note are those essays which project the future of health care and provide alternative approaches to health care services such as the viability...
Glencoe Medical Insurance
by Nenna L Bayes, Cindy Keller, and Joanne Valerius
Glencoe Medical Insurance provides focused coverage of the knowledge and skills necessary for successful medical insurance processing, including in-depth coverage of medical insurance, the claims process, HCFA 1500, and UB-92. It covers all types of medical insurance including Blue Cross, Blue Shield, HMOs, PPOs, Medicare, Medicaid, and other plans. Managed care is integrated throughout the text, including discussion of contract law as it relates to managed care. There is an emphasis on practice...
Designing and Managing Programs (SAGE Sourcebooks for the Human Services)
by Peter M. Kettner, Robert M. Moroney, and Lawrence L. Martin
The Fifth Edition of the classic Designing and Managing Programs for human services helps readers grasp the meaning and significance of measuring performance and evaluating outcomes. The authors, all leaders in the field, incorporate the principles of effectiveness-based planning as they address the steps of designing, implementing, and evaluating a human services program at the local agency level. Meaningful examples at every stage of the process—from problem analysis and needs assessment to ev...
Capital Campaigns (Aspen's Fund Raising Series for the 21st Century)
by Andrea Kihlstedt
This essential guide for capital campaigns of all sizes and configurations--from small start-ups to colleges and universities--is ideal for novices and experienced professionals alike. Since the publication of the last edition, the field of fundraising has undergone a major sea change thanks to widespread use of the internet as a tool for raising capital. This thoroughly revised fourth edition has been updated in every chapter to reflect the current ways of communicating and raising money in t...
Chart of Accounts for Hospitals (Hfma Healthcare Financial Management)
by Ronald Kovener
Essentials of Health Information Management (Book Only)
by Michelle Green and Mary Jo Bowie
The Laboratory Manual is a valuable tool designed to enhance your classroom experience. The lab manual features application-based assignments, chapter objectives, and step-by-step instructions to reinforce learning and encourage skill building. This lab manual will be helpful for learners who wish to complete a future professional-practice experience in the health information department of a hospital.
Die elektronische Gesundheitskarte und die Verteilung von Informationen im deutschen Gesundheitswesen (Edition Kwv)
by Marian Alexander Arning
Im deutschen Gesundheitswesen wird eine Vielzahl an medizinischen Informationen über Patienten verarbeitet. Diese tragen maßgeblich zu einer erfolgreichen Behandlung des Patienten bei, auch wenn sie derzeit i.d.R. noch relativ verteilt bei verschiedenen Heilberuflern gespeichert sind. Die elektronische Gesundheitskarte wird zu einer Vernetzung im deutschen Gesundheitswesen und zu einer besseren Verfügbarkeit von Informationen für den betroffenen Patienten und die ihn behandelnden Heilberufler fü...
Rain and Resurrection How the Talmud and Science Read the World
by Irun Cohen
This book presents a set of essays interpreting excerpts from the Talmud that illustrate values essential to Western science. It includes another set of essays interpreting the function of interpretation in the method of science, to associate Talmudic and post-modern concepts.
Health and Canadian Society provides a comprehensive overview of social and political issues in health and health care in Canada. This third edition features contributions not only from sociologists but also from researchers and practitioners in disciplines ranging from history to medicine. Ninety-five per cent of the contributions are new to this edition. Recognized as the standard textbook on the sociology of health in Canada, Health and Canadian Society is an essential reference for sociologi...
Dieses Sonderheft hilft Controllern, Investitionen in die Gesamtplanung ihres Unternehmens einzuordnen sowie Investitionen besser zu bewerten, zu steuern und zu kontrollieren. Namenhafte Wissenschaftler und Vertreter bekannter Unternehmen wie RWE, Deutsche Post DHL Group, Metro und dem Energiekonzern Axpo, zeigen auf, mit welchen Maßnahmen sich aktuelle Probleme des Investitions-Controllings lösen lassen. Dadurch erhalten Controller das passende Rüstzeug, um ihre Unternehmen auf dem Weg zu Erfo...
Understanding Current Procedural Terminology and HCPCS Coding Systems: 2023 Edition
by Mary Jo Bowie
Master today's most current 2023 CPT® and HCPCS diagnostic and procedural coding as well as the latest guidelines from federal agencies, Medicare and the American Medical Association (AMA) with Bowie's UNDERSTANDING CURRENT PROCEDURAL TERMINOLOGY AND HCPCS CODING SYSTEMS, 2023 Edition. This trusted and comprehensive resource is updated annually to ensure you learn the most current code sets and understand key developments in the field as you prepare for certification exams and work in today's me...
Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced professional, 3-2-1 CODE IT! 6E offers the most complete, easy-to-use medical coding guide on the market. This best-selling book addresses the latest updates on ICD-10-CM, ICD-10-PCS, CPT®, and HCPCS Level II coding sets, conventions, and guidelines. The book’s well-organized, intuitive approach begins with diagnosis coding before building on this foundation with more in-depth instruction on coding procedures and services. You’ll find clear coverage of...
Seemed Like a Good Idea
by Mark Pauly, Flaura Winston, Mary Naylor, Kevin Volpp, Lawton Robert Burns, Ralph Muller, David Asch, Rachel Werner, Bimal Desai, and Krisda Chaiyachati
Consumers, public officials, and even managers of health care and insurance are unhappy about care quality, access, and costs. This book shows that is because efforts to do something about these problems often rely on hope or conjecture, not rigorous evidence of effectiveness. In this book, experts in the field separate the speculative from the proven with regard to how care is rendered, how patients can be in control, how providers should be paid, and how disparities can be reduced – and they a...
Das vorliegende Open-Access-Buch adressiert die Frage nach einer leistungsgerechten Vergütung der Nierenersatztherapie unter Berücksichtigung von Prozesszeiten sowie Material- und Medikamentenkosten. Die Verfahren der Nierenersatztherapie nehmen im Rahmen der Finanzierung stationärer Leistungen eine spezielle Rolle ein. Entsprechende Leistungen sind teilweise als Inhalt der Fallpauschale anzusehen, teilweise jedoch additiv zur Fallpauschale über Zusatzentgelte abzurechnen. Weiterhin zeigt es sic...
Krankenhäuser mit einer Bettenzahl von bis zu 200 Betten sehen sich ganz spezifischen strategischen und organisatorischen Fragen gegenübergestellt. Dieses Buch analysiert Herausforderungen und Lösungsstrategien von kleineren Krankenhäusern im ländlichen Raum aus betriebswirtschaftlicher und versorgungswissenschaftlicher Perspektive. Zunächst wird die aktuelle Situation des Krankenhauswesens in Deutschland mit Schwerpunkt auf kleineren Krankenhäusern im ländlichen Raum diskutiert. Anschließend we...
First published in 1935, this book provides a valuable contribution to the history of Public Health and Preventive Medicine. Written as a recollection of the experiences and knowledge of Sir Arthur Newsholme, the book covers a period in which phenomenal progress was made.
Adaptive Health Management Information Systems: Concepts, Cases, & Practical Applications
by Joseph Tan and Fay Cobb Payton
First published in 1929, this book is a continuation of Arthur Newsholme's Evolution of Preventive Medicine, published in 1927, which was concerned with the possibilities in progress of prevention of disease, up to the middle of the nineteenth century. The current volume focuses on the modern period and looks at the work of Louis Pasteur in particular. It provides a complete overview of the subject of preventive medicine at the time, and should be used as the basis for more detailed study. The b...