Leadership in Academic Health Centers
by Christine Goldthwaite and Ralph A Gigliotti
Leadership in Academic Health Centers: Core Concepts and Critical Cases introduces current and aspiring academic leaders to key dimensions of effective leadership in an academic health context. Drawing upon critical incidents derived from the experiences of academic health leaders, the cases and concepts presented in this book will explore connections to the leadership, communication, and higher education/academic health literatures and encourage readers to apply the content to their experience...
Automotive Health in Deutschland (Essentials)
by Mustapha Addam, Manfred Knye, and David Matusiewicz
Fehlzeiten-Report 2006
by Bernhard Badura, Henner Schellschmidt, and Christian Vetter
In den letzten Jahren haben im Bereich der Datenbankverwaltung neue Anwendungen und Einsatzgebiete zahlreiche neuartige Forschungsprobleme und Entwicklungsaufgaben hervorgebracht. Dabei handelt es sich vorwiegend um Anwendungen aus den Gebieten CAD/CAM, VLSI-Entwurf, Software-Entwicklung, geographische Informationssysteme, Buroautomatisierung, Expertensysteme usw., die oft als Non-Standard-Anwendungen zusammengefasst werden. In vielen Forschungsprojekten werden bereits aussichtsreiche Losungsvor...
This book provides answers to fundamental and challenging questions regarding the global response to COVID-19. It creates a historical record of COVID-19 research conducted over the four years of the pandemic, with a focus on how researchers have responded, quantified, and modeled COVID-19 problems. Since mid-2021, we have diligently monitored and analyzed global scientific efforts in tackling COVID-19. Our comprehensive global endeavor involves collecting, processing, analyzing, and discovering...
Occupational Health and Rehabilitation (International)
Sustaining a healthy and productive work environment for employees with health issues and work disabilities or those returning to work after sick leave may present a challenge to employers. This publication offers unique insights into occupational health and rehabilitation, covering international perspectives as well as a variety of health-related disciplines. Policymakers, employers, employees, researchers and students will find new approaches to questions of how to maintain work ability and he...
Technical and Economic Valuation of Healthcare Building Upgrade (Springer Tracts in Civil Engineering)
by Raul Berto, Paolo Rosato, and Carlo Antonio Stival
The book presents a methodology for detecting intervention needs on existing healthcare buildings and estimating the related costs, to perform a sustainable financial planning for modernization, regulatory adjustment and performance upgrade. By the identification of specific parameters, characterizing the building in terms of layout typology, technical features and services provision, it proposes a framework for the collection of relevant information to current regulations and standards. Integra...
Guide to Clinical Resource Management (Strategies for Improving Patient Care)
by Thomas F. Purdon
This book presents the concept of healthcare facilities management performance measurement (HCFMPM) using Ghana as a case study. It set forth in-depth theoretical and empirical underpinnings of performance measurement concepts for hospital facilities services, with the view to demonstrate critical performance dimensions to improve FM contributions and added value to healthcare delivery. The research approach adopted is mixed method encompassing qualitative interviews in case study setting and a...
Oracle Case Management Solutions
by Leon Smiers, Manas Deb, Joop Koster, and Prasen Palvankar
Organizations increasingly need to deal with unstructured processes that traditional business process management (BPM) suites are not designed to deal with. High-risk, yet high-value, loan origination or credit approvals, police investigations, and healthcare patient treatment are just a few examples of areas where a level of uncertainty makes outc
This latest installment in the renowned series explores the organizational issues around the access and delivery of substance abuse treatment and the role of managed care. In 20 chapters by recognized experts important issues are addressed, such as: economics, cost-benefits, financing of services, and treatment outcome studies. This volume will be of great value to both researchers and clinicians.
The Physician Manager's Handbook: Essential Business Skills for Succeeding in Health Care
by Robert J Solomon
Hospitals & Health Care Organizations
Drawing on the expertise of decision-making professionals, leaders, and managers in health care organizations, Hospitals & Health Care Organizations: Management Strategies, Operational Techniques, Tools, Templates, and Case Studies addresses decreasing revenues, increasing costs, and growing consumer expectations in today‘s increasingly competi
Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement für die Praxis
by Martin Kaminski
Die DIN SPEC 91020 wurde am 4. Juli 2012 veröffentlicht und ist der weltweit erste öffentlich anerkannte Standard für ein zertifizierbares Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagementsystem. Unternehmen investieren hohe Ressourcen in Gesundheitsförderungsmaßnahmen, jedoch meist ohne eine systematische Analyse und Nachhaltigkeit. Das Buch bietet einen Leitfaden bei der systematischen Einführung und Optimierung eines BGM für die internen wie externen Akteure einer Organisation unabhängig von dessen Branch...
Hochkarätige Experten vermitteln Hintergründe und viele praktische Beispiele für ein umfassendes Gesundheitsmanagement für Führungskräfte. Das Buch zeigt, wie Sie mit Executive Health den Erfolg Ihres Unternehmens sichern.Wie gelingt es Führungskräften, in einer digitalisierten Welt sich radikal veränderten Anforderungen erfolgreich zu stellen und dabei auch langfristig gesund zu bleiben? Was für ein neues Denken in Bezug auf Gesundheit ist erforderlich, um auf Dauer den Verantwortungen in Beruf...
Der Herausgeberband stellt die rechtlichen Anforderungen umfassend dar, liefert praktische Beispiele und gibt Handlungsempfehlungen zur frühzeitigen Erkennung von Fehlverhalten und Risiken im Krankenhaus, deren Rechtsfolgen und künftigen Vermeidung. Compliance meint hierbei das Einhalten interner wie externer Vorgaben und Normen sowohl im Hinblick auf die Patientenversorgung und die Abrechnung der erbrachten Leistungen als auch die Beziehungsgeflechte mit Lieferanten und Dienstleistern. Durch Go...
Tourism has become a booming industry within the last few decades, and with the help of many new unique destinations and activities, creative tourism will continue this upward trajectory for the foreseeable future. Tourism helps stimulate economies, decrease unemployment, promote cultural diversity, and is overall a positive impact on the world. Driving Tourism through Creative Destinations and Activities provides a comprehensive discussion on the most unique, emerging tourism topics and trends....