Band VII der Hausdorff Edition widmet sich dem philosophischen Werk F. Hausdorffs. Der Band enthalt den Aphorismenband "Sant' Ilario. Gedanken aus der Landschaft Zarathustras", das erkenntniskritische Buch "Das Chaos in kosmischer Auslese" sowie drei bemerkenswerte Essays uber Nietzsches Werke - alle unter dem Pseudonym Paul Mongre veroeffentlicht. Die beiden Bucher werden sehr eingehend kommentiert. In einer historischen Einfuhrung des Herausgebers wird Hausdorffs philosophisches Werk in die G...
The Mathematics of Paul Erdos (Algorithms and Combinatorics, #14)
This is the most comprehensive survey of the mathematical life of the legendary Paul Erdos, one of the most versatile and prolific mathematicians of our time. For the first time, all the main areas of Erdos' research are covered in a single project. Because of overwhelming response from the mathematical community, the project now occupies over 900 pages, arranged into two volumes. These volumes contain both high level research articles as well as "key" articles which survey some of the cornersto...
Our universe has multiple origin stories, from religious creation myths to the Big Bang of scientists. But if we leave those behind and start from nothing-no matter, no cosmos, not even empty space-could we create a universe using only math? Irreverent, richly illustrated, and boundlessly creative, The Big Bang of Numbers invites us to try. In this new mathematical origin story, mathematician and novelist Manil Suri creates a natural progression of ideas needed to design our world, starting with...
Coincidences Chaos & All That
by Edward B. Burger and Michael Starbird
Like a hunter who sees 'a bit of blood' on the trail, that's how Princeton mathematician Peter Sarnak describes the feeling of chasing an idea that seems to have a chance of success. If this is so, then the jungle of abstractions that is mathematics is full of frenzied hunters these days. They are out stalking big game: the resolution of 'The Riemann Hypothesis', seems to be in their sights. The Riemann Hypothesis is about the prime numbers, the fundamental numerical elements. Stated in 1859 by...
IB Math AA [Analysis and Approaches] Internal Assessment
by Mudassir Mehmood
The Seminar has taken place at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey, since 1990 and it has become a tradition, starting in 1992, that the Seminar be held during July at IHES in Bures-sur-Yvette, France. This is the second Gelfand Seminar volume published by Birkhauser, the first having covered the years 1990-1992. Most of the papers in this volume result from Seminar talks at Rutgers, and some from talks at IHES. In the case of a few of the papers the authors did not attend, but the p...
Isomorphisms of Types (Progress in Theoretical Computer Science)
by Roberto Dicosmo
This is a book about isomorphisms 0/ types, arecent difficult research topic in type theory that turned out to be able to have valuable practical applications both for programming language design and far more human centered information retrieval in software libraries. By means of a deep study of the syntax of the now widely known typed A-ca1culus, it is possible to identify some simple equations between types that on one hand allow to improve the design of the ML language, and on the other hand...
Dimensionality Reducing Expansion of Multivariate Integration
by Tian-Xiao He
This book focuses primarily on a powerful tool: dimensionality reducing expansion (DRE). The method of DRE is a technique for changing a higher dimensional integration to a lower dimensional one with or without remainder. This work will appeal to a broad audience of students and researchers in pure and applied mathematics, statistics, and physics.
To most people, mathematics means working with numbers. But as Keith Devlin shows in Mathematics: The Science of Patterns, this definition has been out of date for nearly 2,500 years. Mathematicians now see their work as the study of patternsreal or imagined, visual or mental, arising from the natural world or from within the human mind. Using this basic definition as his central theme, Devlin explores the patterns of counting, measuring, reasoning, motion, shape, position, and prediction, revea...
The ideal portable companion, the world-renowned Collins Gem series returns with a fresh new look and updated material. This is the perfect pocket guide for nature enthusiasts keen to identify the most commonly seen butterflies and moths in Britain and northern Europe. Authoritative text, beautiful photographs and detailed illustrations show the distinguishing features of each butterfly and moth to aid identification. Features information on size, habitat, geographical ra...
The Collected Mathematical Papers of Arthur Cayley.Vol. 8
by Arthur Cayley
Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States
by Samuel F B Morse
The Collected Mathematical Papers of Arthur Cayley Volume 3
by Arthur Cayley
A Descriptive Treatise on Mathematical Drawing Instruments
by William Ford Robinson Stanley
Ten British Mathematicians of the 19th Century
by Alexander MacFarlane
Felix Hausdorff - Gesammelte Werke Band IA
Der Band 1A beginnt mit einem Vorwort zur Gesamtedition. Den Hauptteil des Bandes bilden Hausdorffs Arbeiten uber geordnete Mengen aus den Jahren 1901-1909. Diese haben der Entwicklung der Mengenlehre nachhaltige Impulse verliehen. Sie enthalten zahlreiche fur die Untersuchung geordneter Mengen grundlegende neue Begriffe sowie tiefliegendere Resultate. Alle diese Arbeiten sind sorgfaltig kommentiert. Die Kommentare zeigen, dass einige von Hausdorff's Ideen und Resultaten fur die moderne Grundlag...