Programmieren von Taschenrechnern (Programmieren von Taschenrechnern, #2)
by Hans Heinrich Gloistehn
In den letzten Jahren haben die wissenschaftlichen Taschenrechner die bisherigen Rechen- hilfsmittel (Rechenschieber, elektromechanische Tischrechner usw.) weitgehend abgelost_ Seit einiger Zeit befinden sich programmierbare Taschenrechner auf dem Markt, die wegen dervielfaltigen Einsatzmoglichkeiten und des gunstigen Preises ebenfalls rasch einen immer groBer werdenden Abnehmerkreis finden werden. Diese Gerate konnen noch mehr als die bisherigen den Benutzer von lastiger und langwieriger Rechen...
An Introduction to the Lie Theory of One-Parameter Groups
by Abraham Cohen
Als weiterer Vertreter der "Einsteiger"-Reihe ist das vorliegende Buch als Lehr- buch zwischen gymnasialem Mathematikunterrricht und Universitat konzipiert. Es wendet sich damit insbesondere an Lehrer/-innen, Studierende des Lehramtes, Studienanflinger an Fachhochschulen, Berufsakademien und Universitaten sowie "Quer-Einsteiger" aus Industrie und Wirtschaft. Durch - Lernzielkontrollen am Ende der Kapitel, - mehr als 140 Ubungsaufgaben mit Lasungen und - ein Symbol- sowie ein ausfiihrliches Sachw...
Als dieses Buch zum ersten Mal erschien (als Band 2 der neugegrundeten Grundlehren), lobte man einhellig die Anlage und den Stil des Bandes. Selten nur blieb ein Buch uber sechs Jahrzehnte hinweg wegen seiner hervorragenden Didaktik und seiner anregenden Formulierungen so gefragt. In dieser neuen Auflage beschreibt Wolfgang Walter, der Knopp noch persoenlich kannte, die Wirkungsgeschichte und Bedeutung von Knopps klassischer Einfuhrung in die Theorie und Anwendung der unendlichen Reihen.
The Collected Mathematical Papers of Arthur Cayley.Vol. 12
by Arthur Cayley
Make your own luck by understanding probability Over the years, some very smart people have thought they understood the rules of chance?only to fail dismally. Whether you call it probability, risk, or uncertainty, the workings of chance often defy common sense. Fortunately, advances in math and science have revealed the laws of chance, and understanding those laws can help in your everyday life. In Chancing It, award-winning scientist and writer Robert Matthews shows how to understand the la...
Names, Dates, and Numbers; What They Mean to You
by Roy Page Walton
Schere Schlagt Papier - Stein schlagt Schere - Papier schlagt Stein - Nichts schlagt eine Sportlehrerin
by Elisabeth Fehman
Analysis of Divergence (Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis)
The 7th International Workshop in Analysis and its Applications (IWAA) was held at the University of Maine, June 1-6, 1997 and featured approxi mately 60 mathematicians. The principal theme of the workshop shares the title of this volume and the latter is a direct outgrowth of the workshop. IWAA was founded in 1984 by Professor Caslav V. Stanojevic. The first meeting was held in the resort complex Kupuri, Yugoslavia, June 1-10, 1986, with two pilot meetings preceding. The Organization Committee...
Niemand Ist Perfekt Aber Als Mathelehrer Ist Man Verdammt Nah Dran
by Elisabeth Fehman
The modern theory of Kleinian groups starts with the work of Lars Ahlfors and Lipman Bers; specifically with Ahlfors' finiteness theorem, and Bers' observation that their joint work on the Beltrami equation has deep implications for the theory of Kleinian groups and their deformations. From the point of view of uniformizations of Riemann surfaces, Bers' observation has the consequence that the question of understanding the different uniformizations of a finite Riemann surface poses a purely topo...
Springs of Scientific Creativity
Springs of Scientific Creativity was first published in 1983.Mathematician Henri Poincaré was boarding a bus when he realized that the transformations of non-Euclidian geometry were just those he needed in his research on the theory of functions. He did not have to interrupt his conversation, still less to verify the equation in detail; his insight was complete at that point. Poincaré’s insight into his own creativity -- his awareness that preliminary cogitation and the working of the subconscio...
The Collected Mathematical Papers of Arthur Cayley, Vol. 8 (Classic Reprint)
by Arthur Cayley
With this fun romp through the world of equations we encounter in our everyday lives, you'll find yourself flipping through the stories of fifty-two formulas faster than a deck of cards. John M. Henshaw's intriguing true accounts, each inspired by a different mathematical equation, are both succinct and easy to read. His tales come from the spheres of sports, business, history, the arts, science, and technology. Anecdotes about famous equations, like E=mc 2, appear alongside tales of not-so-fam...
Fermat's Last Theorem-Finally Solved! and Other Mathematical Curiosities
by James J Asher
Graph Paper Composition (Graph Notebook 8.5 X 11, #1) (Graph Paper Composition Notebook, #32)
by Johan Publishers and Nadine Pitt
18 Unconventional Essays on the Nature of Mathematics (Informatik-Fachberichte, #198)
by Ulrich Reimer
Mathelehrer 1 Ich Habe Immer Recht 2 Sollte Ich Einmal Nicht Recht Haben, Tritt Ganz Automatisch 1 In Kraft
by Elisabeth Fehman