Seifert Manifolds (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, #291) (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 291, #291)
by Peter Orlik
Exotic Smoothness and Physics: Differential Topology and Spacetime Models
by Torsten Asselmeyer-maluga and Carl H Brans
The recent revolution in differential topology related to the discovery of non-standard ("exotic") smoothness structures on topologically trivial manifolds such as R4 suggests many exciting opportunities for applications of potentially deep importance for the spacetime models of theoretical physics, especially general relativity. This rich panoply of new differentiable structures lies in the previously unexplored region between topology and geometry. Just as physical geometry was thought to be t...
This textbook uses examples, exercises, diagrams, and unambiguous proof, to help students make the link between classical and differential geometries.
Chain Conditions in Topology (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics)
by W. W. Comfort and S. Negrepontis
A chain condition is a property, typically involving considerations of cardinality, of the family of open subsets of a topological space. (Sample questions: (a) How large a fmily of pairwise disjoint open sets does the space admit? (b) From an uncountable family of open sets, can one always extract an uncountable subfamily with the finite intersection property. This monograph, which is partly fresh research and partly expository (in the sense that the authors co-ordinate and unify disparate resu...
Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures
Bereits in 6. Auflage prasentiert das erfolgreiche Lehrbuch den Kanon der Analysis einer Veranderlichen. Durch die zahlreichen Beispiele und und UEbungsaufgaben mit Loesungen eignet es sich bestens als Begleit-Literatur zu einer Vorlesung, zum Selbststudium und zur Prufungsvorbereitung. Die vielen historischen Anmerkungen und eingestreuten Perlen der klassischen Analysis geben diesem Lehrbuch seinen besonderen Reiz.
Convex Bodies: The Brunn-Minkowski Theory (Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications)
by Rolf Schneider
At the heart of this monograph is the Brunn-Minkowski theory, which can be used to great effect in studying such ideas as volume and surface area and their generalizations. In particular, the notions of mixed volume and mixed area measure arise naturally and the fundamental inequalities that are satisfied by mixed volumes are considered here in detail. The author presents a comprehensive introduction to convex bodies, including full proofs for some deeper theorems. The book provides hints and po...
Higher Dimensional Categories: From Double To Multiple Categories
by Marco Grandis
The study of higher dimensional categories has mostly been developed in the globular form of 2-categories, n-categories, omega-categories and their weak versions. Here we study a different form: double categories, n-tuple categories and multiple categories, with their weak and lax versions.We want to show the advantages of this form for the theory of adjunctions and limits. Furthermore, this form is much simpler in higher dimension, starting with dimension three where weak 3-categories (also cal...
Properties of Closed 3-Braids and Braid Representations of Links (SpringerBriefs in Mathematics)
by Alexander Stoimenow
This book studies diverse aspects of braid representations via knots and links. Complete classification results are illustrated for several properties through Xu's normal 3-braid form and the Hecke algebra representation theory of link polynomials developed by Jones. Topological link types are identified within closures of 3-braids which have a given Alexander or Jones polynomial. Further classifications of knots and links arising by the closure of 3-braids are given, and new results about 4-bra...
Geometry of Low-Dimensional Manifolds
by Professor of Mathematics S K Donaldson and C B Thomas
Symplectic Twist Maps: Global Variational Techniques (Advanced Series in Nonlinear Dynamics, #18)
by Christophe Gole
This book concentrates mainly on the theorem of existence of periodic orbits for higher dimensional analogs of Twist maps. The setting is that of a discrete variational calculus and the techniques involve Conley-Zehnder-Morse Theory. They give rise to the concept of ghost tori which are of interest in the dimension 2 case (ghost circles). The debate is oriented somewhat toward the open problem of finding orbits of all (in particular, irrational) rotation vectors.
Algebraic K-Theory, Evanston 1980 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, v. 854)
Representing 3-manifolds By Filling Dehn Surfaces (Series on Knots & Everything, #58)
by Ruben Vigara Benito and Alvaro Lozano-rojo
This book provides an introduction to the beautiful and deep subject of filling Dehn surfaces in the study of topological 3-manifolds. This book presents, for the first time in English and with all the details, the results from the PhD thesis of the first author, together with some more recent results in the subject. It also presents some key ideas on how these techniques could be used on other subjects.Representing 3-Manifolds by Filling Dehn Surfaces is mostly self-contained requiring only bas...
Descriptive Topology in Selected Topics of Functional Analysis (Developments in Mathematics, #24)
by Jerzy Kakol and Wieslaw Kubis
"Descriptive Topology in Selected Topics of Functional Analysis" is a collection of recent developments in the field of descriptive topology, specifically focused on the classes of infinite-dimensional topological vector spaces that appear in functional analysis. Such spaces include Frechet spaces, (LF)-spaces and their duals, and the space of continuous real-valued functions C(X) on a completely regular Hausdorff space X, to name a few. These vector spaces appear in functional analysis in distr...
Sources of Hyperbolic Geometry (History of Mathematics, #10)
This book presents, for the first time in English, the papers of Beltrami, Klein, and Poincare that brought hyperbolic geometry into the mainstream of mathematics. A recognition of Beltrami comparable to that given the pioneering works of Bolyai and Labachevsky seems long overdue - not only because Beltrami rescued hyperbolic geometry from oblivion by proving it to be logically consistent, but because he gave it a concrete meaning (a model) that made hyperbolic geometry part of ordinary mathemat...
Rings, Modules and Algebras in Stable Homotopy Theory (Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, #47)
by A.D. Elmendorf, I. Kriz, M.A. Mandell, and J. Peter May
This book introduces a new point-set level approach to stable homotopy theory that has already had many applications and promises to have a lasting impact on the subject.
K-Theory (Grundlehren Der Mathematischen Wissenschaften (Springer Hardcover), #226) (Classics in Mathematics)
by Max Karoubi
From the Preface: K-theory was introduced by A. Grothendieck in his formulation of the Riemann- Roch theorem. For each projective algebraic variety, Grothendieck constructed a group from the category of coherent algebraic sheaves, and showed that it had many nice properties. Atiyah and Hirzebruch con sidered a topological analog defined for any compact space X, a group K{X) constructed from the category of vector bundles on X. It is this ''topological K-theory" that this book will study. Topolo...
Gesammelte Werke
Band 5 umfasst die Themenbereiche Astronomie, Optik und Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie. Er enthalt Hausdorffs Dissertation uber die Refraktion des Lichtes in der Atmosphare, zwei Folgearbeiten zum gleichen Thema sowie die Habilitationsschrift uber die Extinktion des Lichtes in der Atmosphare. Es folgt eine Arbeit uber geometrische Optik, die unmittelbar an die beruhmte Publikation von H. Bruns uber das Eikonal anschliesst und in der Hausdorff die damals ganz neuen Lieschen Theorien fur die Optik nut...
Introduction to Hyperbolic Geometry (Universitext)
by A. Ramsay and R D Richtmyer
This text for advanced undergraduates emphasizes the logical connections of the subject. The derivations of formulas from the axioms do not make use of models of the hyperbolic plane until the axioms are shown to be categorical; the differential geometry of surfaces is developed far enough to establish its connections to the hyperbolic plane; and the axioms and proofs use the properties of the real number system to avoid the tedium of a completely synthetic approach. The development includes pro...
An Illustrated Introduction to Topology and Homotopy - Solutions Manual
by Sasho Kalajdzievski
This volume contains papers from three sets of tutorials covering mathematics, the physical aspects of scattering, and engineering modelling and processing of the phenomena under consideration. In addition, a technical report by Calvin Wilcox on synthesis problems for radar ambiguity functions is published here for the first time.
Topological Vector Spaces II (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften, #237)
by Gottfried Kothe
In the preface to Volume One I promised a second volume which would contain the theory of linear mappings and special classes of spaces im- portant in analysis. It took me nearly twenty years to fulfill this promise, at least to some extent. To the six chapters of Volume One I added two new chapters, one on linear mappings and duality (Chapter Seven), the second on spaces of linear mappings (Chapter Eight). A glance at the Contents and the short introductions to the two new chapters will give a...
Fractals and Chaos: An Illustrated Course provides you with a practical, elementary introduction to fractal geometry and chaotic dynamics-subjects that have attracted immense interest throughout the scientific and engineering disciplines. The book may be used in part or as a whole to form an introductory course in either or both subject areas. A prominent feature of the book is the use of many illustrations to convey the concepts required for comprehension of the subject. In addition, plenty of...