Standards for Preparing Teachers of Mathematics
AMTE, in the Standards for Preparing Teachers of Mathematics (SPTM), puts forward a national vision of initial preparation for all Pre-K-12 teachers who teach mathematics. SPTM contains critical messages for all who teach mathematics, including elementary school teachers teaching all disciplines, middle and high school mathematics teachers who may teach mathematics exclusively, special education teachers, teachers of emergent multilingual students, and other teaching professionals and administra...
ISEE Middle Level Summer Math Workbook
by Michael Smith and Reza Nazari
A handbook used to refresh your memory of mathematics concepts and skills.
Fractions, Decimals, & Percents GRE Strategy Guide (Manhattan Prep GRE Strategy Guides)
The 2009 World Forecasts of Vegetable Waxes Excluding Triglycerides Export Supplies
by Philip M. Parker
Bis in unsere Gegenwart hinein wird das Streben nach Erkenntnis als ein ganzlich rationaler Prozess betrachtet, der allein von der Vernunft und dem Verstand gelenkt wird. Die Studie zeigt auf, dass es neben dem Verstand und neben der Vernunft vor allem die Gefuhle sind, die den Vorgang der Erkenntnis in Gang setzen, aufrechterhalten und zu einem uberprufbaren Resultat gelangen lassen. Anhand biographischer Analysen wird dargelegt, dass allein die "Verbindung" von Denken und Fuhlen Menschen dazu...
Exam Board: SQALevel: National 4Subject: MathsFirst Teaching: September 2013First Exam: June 2014 Teach lessons that suit the individual needs of your students with this SQA endorsed and flexibly structured resource that provides a suggested approach through all three units. This textbook completely covers the latest National 4 syllabus. Each chapter includes summaries of key points and worked examples with explanatory notes showing how skills are applied. Section Reviews presented in non-calc...
Assistantships and Graduate Fellowships
This valuable reference source brings together a wealth of information about resources available for graduate study in mathematical sciences departments in the U.S. and Canada.
Raisonnement Et Strategies de Preuve Dans l'Enseignement Des Mathematiques (Exploration, #125)
by Philippe R Richard
Que fait l'eleve quand on lui demande de justifier ses propos en classe de mathematique? Cet ouvrage, une these au sens fort du terme, offre une reconstitution tout a fait originale des moyens d'expression mobilises par l'eleve en situation de validation. A travers une analyse qualitative illustree d'exemples authentiques, le talent createur des eleves face aux difficultes rencontrees dans la solution de problemes est mis en evidence. Fonde sur des reperes epistemologiques, didactiques et semiot...