Arithmetic (Veritas Prep GMAT, #2)
by Chad Troutwine, Markus Moberg, Chris Kane, and Mark Glenn
Year 3 (5 Minute Maths Mastery)
Level: KS2Subject: Maths This maths mastery practice resource book is aligned to the national curriculum for Year 3. It is packed with intelligent practice aligned to a mastery approach to maths, and will help pupils build fluency, speed and accuracy. Written by maths mastery experts, this photocopiable resource saves time with ready-to-practise questions that comprehensively cover the number curriculum for Year 3. With a focus on increasing speed and accuracy throu...
How to Prepare for the Fcat (Barron's FCAT: Florids'a High School Math)
by Pamela Windspirit
Math Plus, 1992
In Up for Debate!, high school math teacher and debate coach Chris Luzniak shares stories, examples, and step-by-step routines that will help you build a classroom culture where students do the talking, explain their thinking, and critique each other's reasoning, all in the context of the math content you're expected to teach. Inside, you'll find: Inspirational stories of students debating math in real classroomsConcrete structures and routines that will get your students talking, listening, and...
New York Times bestselling author Danica McKellar makes it a breeze to excel in high school geometry! Hollywood actress and math whiz Danica McKellar has completely shattered the “math nerd” stereotype. For years, she’s been showing girls how to feel confident and ace their math classes—with style! With Girls Get Curves, she applies her winning techniques to high school geometry, giving readers the tools they need to feel great and totally “get” everything from congruent triangles to theorems,...
Bob Miller's Math Prep for the Compass Exam (REA Test Preps)
by MR Bob Miller
In Teaching Struggling Students in Mathematics, Too Many Grades of D or F, Bill Hanlon provides examples and recommends highly effective and practical instructional and assessment strategies that classroom teachers can immediately implement and that school administrators can readily observe. These high yield strategies build on accepted practices and directly address the needs of struggling students. His no nonsense, common sense approach assists classroom teachers in organizing their instructio...
Provide students with essential practice with this write-in workbook for the only series published in association with the Ministry of Education.- Have confidence in complete coverage of the revised syllabus- Rely on up-to-date, comprehensive and accessible materials- Encourages problem solving, critical thinking and mental strategies- Provide essential practice with write-in workbooks- Inspire students with motivational and attractive resources
I Love You to the Barn and Back, Notebook, 5x5 Quad Rule Graph Paper
by Slo Treasures
The first student-centred guide on how to write projects and case studies in mathematics, with particular attention given to working in groups (something maths undergraduates have not traditionally done). With half of all universities in the UK including major project work of significant importance, this book will be essential reading for all students on the second or final year of a mathematics degree, or on courses with a high mathematical content, for example, physics and engineering.
Edexcel GCSE 9-1 Maths Higher Revision Guide (Collins GCSE Grade 9-1 Revision) (Collins GCSE Essentials)
by Collins GCSE
Exam Board: Edexcel Level: GCSE Grade 9-1 Higher Subject: Maths Suitable for the 2025 exams Complete coverage of the GCSE grade 9-1 course Revision that Sticks! Collins Edexcel GCSE 9-1 Maths Higher Revision Guide uses a revision method that really works: repeated practice throughout. This revision guide contains clear and concise revision no...
English Language Learners in the Mathematics Classroom
by Debra Coggins, Drew Kravin, Grace Davila Coates, Maria Dreux Carroll, and Andrew (Drew) M Kravin
Algebra in the Early Grades (Studies in Mathematical Thinking and Learning)
This volume is the first to offer a comprehensive, research-based, multi-faceted look at issues in early algebra. In recent years, the National Council for Teachers of Mathematics has recommended that algebra become a strand flowing throughout the K-12 curriculum, and the 2003 RAND Mathematics Study Panel has recommended that algebra be “the initial topical choice for focused and coordinated research and development [in K-12 mathematics].” This book provides a rationale for a stronger and more...
Theorems in School (New Directions in Mathematics and Science Education, #2)
I'm Just Not a Math Person!
by Brian A Peters and Kristine E Hobaugh