Provides detailed and complete solutions to the odd-numbered exercises and test questions.
Precalculus, Loose-Leaf Version
by David Cohen, Theodore B Lee, and David Sklar
This latest edition in the highly respected Swokowski/Cole precalculus series retains the elements that have made it so popular with instructors and students alike: its exposition is clear, the time-tested exercise sets feature a variety of applications, its uncluttered layout is appealing, and the difficulty level of problems is appropriate and consistent. Mathematically sound, ALGEBRA AND TRIGONOMETRY WITH ANALYTIC GEOMETRY, Eleventh Edition, effectively prepares students for further courses i...
Trigonometry with MyMathLab Student Access Kit (Books a la Carte)
by Margaret L Lial, John Hornsby, David Schneider, and Callie Daniels
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Mike Sullivan's time-tested approach focuses students on the fundamental skills they need for the course: preparing for class, practicing with homework, and reviewing the concepts. In the Ninth Edition, Precalculus has evolved to meet today's course needs, building on these hallmarks by integrating projects and other interactive learning to...
Student's Solutions Manual (Download Only) for Precalculus
by Eric Schulz, Julianne Sachs, and William Briggs
Precalculus : Mathematics for Calculus
This bestselling author team explains concepts simply and clearly, without glossing over difficult points. Problem solving and mathematical modeling are introduced early and reinforced throughout, providing students with a solid foundation in the principles of mathematical thinking. Comprehensive and evenly paced, the book provides complete coverage of the function concept, and integrates a significant amount of graphing calculator material to help students develop insight into mathematical idea...
Pre-Calculus Demystified, Second Edition (Demystified)
by Rhonda Huettenmueller
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Your step-by-step solution to mastering precalculusUnderstanding precalculus often opens the door to learning more advanced and practical math subjects, and can also help satisfy college requisites. Precalculus Demystified, Second Edition, is your key to mastering this sometimes tricky subject.This self-teachin...
Notetaking Guide for Larson/Hostetler's Precalculus with Limits: Enhanced Edition, 2nd
by Professor Ron Larson and Robert P. Hostetler
This is an innovative study aid, in the form of a notebook organizer, that helps students develop a section-by-section summary of key concepts.
A Graphical Approach to College Algebra, Books a la Carte Edition
by John Hornsby and Margaret L Lial
Success in your calculus course starts here! James Stewart's CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENDENTALS texts are world-wide best-sellers for a reason: they are clear, accurate, and filled with relevant, real-world examples. With SINGLE VARIABLE CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENDENTALS, Eighth Edition, Stewart conveys not only the utility of calculus to help you develop technical competence, but also gives you an appreciation for the intrinsic beauty of the subject. His patient examples and built-in learning aids w...
Mathzone for Collegiate Mathematics Access Card
Trigonometry MyMathLab Edition Package
by Margaret L Lial, John Hornsby, and David I Schneider
Guided Lecture Notes for College Algebra with Integrated Review
by Michael Sullivan
This is an innovative study aid, in the form of a notebook organizer which helps students develop a section-by-section summary of key concepts.
Clear explanations, an uncluttered and appealing layout, and examples and exercises featuring a variety of real-life applications have made this text popular among students year after year. This latest edition of Swokowski and Cole's PRECALCULUS: FUNCTIONS AND GRAPHS retains these features. The problems have been consistently praised for being at just the right level for precalculus students like you. The book also provides calculator examples, including specific keystrokes that show you how to...
MyNotes with Integrated Review Worksheets for Essentials of College Algebra
by Margaret L Lial, John Hornsby, David I Schneider, and Callie Daniels
College Algebra plus MyMathLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package
by Judith A Beecher, Judith A Penna, and Marvin L Bittinger
ALERT: Before you purchase, check with your instructor or review your course syllabus to ensure that you select the correct ISBN. Several versions of Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products exist for each title, including customized versions for individual schools, and registrations are not transferable. In addition, you may need a CourseID, provided by your instructor, to register for and use Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products. Packages Access codes for Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products may...
This manual provides detailed solutions to odd-numbered exercises in the text.