Numerische Mathematik 2 (Springer-Lehrbuch)
by Professor of Mathematics Alfio Quarteroni, Riccardo Sacco, and Fausto Saleri
Numerische Mathematik ist ein zentrales Gebiet der Mathematik, das fur vielfaltige Anwendungen die Grundlage bildet und das alle Studierenden der Mathematik, Ingenieurwissenschaften, Informatik und Physik kennenlernen. Das vorliegende Lehrbuch ist eine didaktisch exzellente, besonders sorgfaltig ausgearbeitete Einfuhrung fur Anfanger. Eines der Ziele dieses Buches ist es, die mathematischen Grundlagen der numerischen Methoden zu liefern, ihre grundlegenden theoretischen Eigenschaften (Stabilitat...
Extrapolation and Rational Approximation
by Claude Brezinski and Michela Redivo-Zaglia
This book paints a fresco of the field of extrapolation and rational approximation over the last several centuries to the present through the works of their primary contributors. It can serve as an introduction to the topics covered, including extrapolation methods, Pade approximation, orthogonal polynomials, continued fractions, Lanczos-type methods etc.; it also provides in depth discussion of the many links between these subjects. A highlight of this book is the presentation of the human sid...
Recent advances in the field of guided-wave optics, such as fiber optics and integrated optics, have included the introduction of arbitrarily-shaped optical waveguides which, in many cases, also happened to be arbitrarily inhomogeneous, dissipative, anisotropic, and/or nonlinear. Most of such cases of waveguide arbitrariness do not lend themselves to analytical so lutions; hence, computational tools for modeling and simulation are es sential for successful design, optimization, and realization...
This book provides an introduction to the scientific fundamentals of groundwater and geothermal systems. In a simple and didactic manner the different water and energy problems existing in deformable porous rocks are explained as well as the corresponding theories and the mathematical and numerical tools that lead to modeling and solving them. This approach provides the reader with a thorough understanding of the basic physical laws of thermoporoelastic rocks, the partial differential equations...
Continuum Thermodynamics (Progress in Mathematical Physics, #43)
by Alfredo Bermzdez de Castro, Alfredo Bermudez de Castro, and Alfredo Bermudez Castro
Dimensionality Reduction (Chapman & Hall/CRC Computer Science & Data Analysis)
by Miguel A. Carreira-Perpinan
Dimensionality reduction (DR) refers to the problem of projecting high-dimensional data onto a low-dimensional manifold so that relevant information is preserved. DR arises in many application areas where direct processing of the data is too costly. Through a machine-learning perspective that focuses on algorithms rather than theory, Dimensionality Reduction provides an overview of methods for DR including real-world applications taken from areas such as speech processing and computer vision. In...
Finite Element Analysis of Acoustic Scattering (Applied Mathematical Sciences, #132)
by Frank Ihlenburg
A cognitive journey towards the reliable simulation of scattering problems using finite element methods, with the pre-asymptotic analysis of Galerkin FEM for the Helmholtz equation with moderate and large wave number forming the core of this book. Starting from the basic physical assumptions, the author methodically develops both the strong and weak forms of the governing equations, while the main chapter on finite element analysis is preceded by a systematic treatment of Galerkin methods for in...
Symbolic Algebraic Methods and Verification Methods
The usual usual "implementation" "implementation" ofreal numbers as floating point numbers on exist- iing ng computers computers has the well-known disadvantage that most of the real numbers are not exactly representable in floating point. Also the four basic arithmetic operations can usually not be performed exactly. For numerical algorithms there are frequently error bounds for the computed approximation available. Traditionally a bound for the infinity norm is estima- ted using ttheoretical h...
Abstract Algebra with Applications (Chapman & Hall/CRC Pure and Applied Mathematics)
by Karlheinz Spindler
A comprehensive presentation of abstract algebra and an in-depth treatment of the applications of algebraic techniques and the relationship of algebra to other disciplines, such as number theory, combinatorics, geometry, topology, differential equations, and Markov chains.
This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the theory of ordinary differential equations with a focus on mechanics and dynamical systems as important applications of the theory. The text is written to be used in the traditional way (emphasis on the theory with the computer component as optional) or in a more applied way (emphasis on the applications and the computer material). The accompanying CD contains Maple worksheets to use in working the exercises and extending the examples. The di...
The field of discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods has attracted considerable recent attention from scholars in the applied sciences and engineering. This volume brings together scholars working in this area, each representing a particular theme or direction of current research. Derived from the 2012 Barrett Lectures at the University of Tennessee, the papers reflect the state of the field today and point toward possibilities for future inquiry. The longer survey lectures, delivered by F...
Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations IV. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Volume 65.
Elementary Mathematical and Computational Tools for Electrical and Computer Engineers Using MATLAB
by Jamal T Manassah
Engineers around the world depend on MATLAB for its power, usability, and outstanding graphics capabilities. Yet too often, engineering students are either left on their own to acquire the background they need to use MATLAB, or they must learn the program concurrently within an advanced course. Both of these options delay students from solving realistic design problems, especially when they do not have a text focused on applications relevant to their field and written at the appropriate level of...
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, #1297)
This book introduces the reader to solving partial differential equations (PDEs) numerically using element-based Galerkin methods. Although it draws on a solid theoretical foundation (e.g. the theory of interpolation, numerical integration, and function spaces), the book’s main focus is on how to build the method, what the resulting matrices look like, and how to write algorithms for coding Galerkin methods. In addition, the spotlight is on tensor-product bases, which means that only line elemen...
Mathematical Foundations of Nature-Inspired Algorithms (SpringerBriefs in Optimization)
by Xin-She Yang and Xing-Shi He
This book presents a systematic approach to analyze nature-inspired algorithms. Beginning with an introduction to optimization methods and algorithms, this book moves on to provide a unified framework of mathematical analysis for convergence and stability. Specific nature-inspired algorithms include: swarm intelligence, ant colony optimization, particle swarm optimization, bee-inspired algorithms, bat algorithm, firefly algorithm, and cuckoo search. Algorithms are analyzed from a wide spectrum...
This volume contains contributions from international experts in the fields of constructive approximation. This area has reached out to encompass the computational and approximation-theoretical aspects of various interesting fields in applied mathematics.
Approximation of Additive Convolution-Like Operators (Frontiers in Mathematics)
by Victor D Didenko and Bernd Silbermann
This book deals with numerical analysis for certain classes of additive operators and related equations, including singular integral operators with conjugation, the Riemann-Hilbert problem, Mellin operators with conjugation, double layer potential equation, and the Muskhelishvili equation. The authors propose a unified approach to the analysis of the approximation methods under consideration based on special real extensions of complex C*-algebras. The list of the methods considered includes spli...
Symbolic and Numerical Scientific Computation (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, #2630)
Scientific Computing in Chemical Engineering
Scientific Computing in Chemical Engineering gives the state of the art from the point of view of the numerical mathematicians as well as from the engineers. The application of modern methods in numerical mathematics on problems in chemical engineering, especially reactor modeling, process simulation, process optimization and the use of parallel computing is detailed.