Introduction to Combinatory Logic (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note)
by J. R. Hindley, B. Lercher, and J. P. Seldin
The life and legacy of the greatest logician since Aristotle.. Kurt Gdel was an intellectual giant. His Incompleteness Theorem turned not only mathematics but also the whole world of science and philosophy on its head. Equally legendary were Gdel's eccentricities, his close friendship with Albert Einstein, and his paranoid fear of germs that eventually led to his death from self-starvation. Now, in the first popular biography of this strange and brilliant thinker, John Casti and Werner DePauli...
Robustness and Usability in Modern Design Flows
by Goerschwin Fey and Rolf Drechsler
The size of technically producible integrated circuits increases continuously, but the ability to design and verify these circuits does not keep up. Therefore today's design flow has to be improved. Using a visionary approach, this book analyzes the current design methodology and verification methodology, a number of deficiencies are identified and solutions suggested. Improvements in the methodology as well as in the underlying algorithms are proposed.
The series is devoted to the publication of high-level monographs on all areas of mathematical logic and its applications. It is addressed to advanced students and research mathematicians, and may also serve as a guide for lectures and for seminars at the graduate level.
Felix Hausdorff - Gesammelte Werke Band IA
Der Band 1A beginnt mit einem Vorwort zur Gesamtedition. Den Hauptteil des Bandes bilden Hausdorffs Arbeiten uber geordnete Mengen aus den Jahren 1901-1909. Diese haben der Entwicklung der Mengenlehre nachhaltige Impulse verliehen. Sie enthalten zahlreiche fur die Untersuchung geordneter Mengen grundlegende neue Begriffe sowie tiefliegendere Resultate. Alle diese Arbeiten sind sorgfaltig kommentiert. Die Kommentare zeigen, dass einige von Hausdorff's Ideen und Resultaten fur die moderne Grundlag...
The Arche Papers on the Mathematics of Abstraction (The Western Ontario Series in Philosophy of Science, #71)
This volume collects together a number of important papers concerning both the method of abstraction generally and the use of particular abstraction principles to reconstruct central areas of mathematics along logicist lines. Attention is focused on extending the Neo-Fregean treatment to all of mathematics, with the reconstruction of real analysis from various cut- or cauchy-sequence-related abstraction principles and the reconstruction of set theory from various restricted versions of Basic Law...
Sweet Reason is a unique introductory logic text that covers both the basic rudiments of formal and informal logic as well as the real world where the discipline of logic adds substance and meaning to human discourse. As the text alternately discusses, instructs, questions, teases and challenges, readers will find themselves absorbing the fundamentals of the discipline, becoming fluent in the language of logic, understanding how logic works in the real world, and enjoying logic's ability to ente...
Reasoning About Theoretical Entities (Advances In Logic, #3) (Advances in Logic S., v. 3)
by Thomas E Forster
Reductionism is one of those philosophical myths that are either enthusiastically embraced or wholeheartedly rejected. And, like all other philosophical myths, it rarely gets serious consideration. Reasoning About Theoretical Entities strives to give reductionism its day in court, as it were, by explicitly developing several versions of the reductionist project and assessing their merits within the framework of modern symbolic logic. Not since the days of Carnap's Aufbau has reductionism receive...
Probabilistic Extensions of Various Logical Systems
The contributions in this book survey results on combinations of probabilistic and various other classical, temporal and justification logical systems. Formal languages of these logics are extended with probabilistic operators. The aim is to provide a systematic overview and an accessible presentation of mathematical techniques used to obtain results on formalization, completeness, compactness and decidability. The book will be of value to researchers in logic and it can be used as a supplemen...
Collected and enhanced from Dennis Shasha's popular Scientific American column, here are thirty-six of the most innovative and emotive mathematical puzzles ever to appear in its pages. Edgy, challenging and representing the ultimate in recreational mathematical games, Puzzling Adventures dares the reader to work out the logic underlying venture fund investments, escape a Minotaur, catch a polar bear, play power politics, work out if a witness is lying, spy on contraband traders and verify DNA. A...
Inductive Logic Programming (Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Lecture Notes in Artific, #2583) (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, #2583)
The Twelfth International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming was held in Sydney, Australia, July 9-11, 2002. The conference was colocated with two other events, the Nineteenth International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML2002) and the Fifteenth Annual Conference on Computational Learning Theory (COLT2002). Startedin1991,InductiveLogicProgrammingistheleadingannualforumfor researchers working in Inductive Logic Programming and Relational Learning. Continuing a series of international c...
Machine Translation and the Information Soup (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, #1529) (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, #1529)
Machine Translation and the Information Soup! Over the past fty years, machine translation has grown from a tantalizing dream to a respectable and stable scienti c-linguistic enterprise, with users, c- mercial systems, university research, and government participation. But until very recently, MT has been performed as a relatively distinct operation, so- what isolated from other text processing. Today, this situation is changing rapidly. The explosive growth of the Web has brought multilingual t...
Algebraic Methods in General Rough Sets (Trends in Mathematics)
This unique collection of research papers offers a comprehensive and up-to-date guide to algebraic approaches to rough sets and reasoning with vagueness. It bridges important gaps, outlines intriguing future research directions, and connects algebraic approaches to rough sets with those for other forms of approximate reasoning. In addition, the book reworks algebraic approaches to axiomatic granularity. Given its scope, the book offers a valuable resource for researchers and teachers in the area...
The philosophy of science as it is known today emerged out of a combination of three traditional concerns: the classification of the sciences, methodology and the philosophy of nature. Included in the series "Works in the Philosophy of Science 1830-1914" are all three of these interrelated areas. The titles should be of interest to both the philosopher of science and to the historian of ideas. The former will be able to trace present-day concerns back to their origins; the latter should find it...
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science, RAMiCS 2018, held in Groningen, The Netherlands, in October/November 2018. The 21 full papers and 1 invited paper presented together with 2 invited abstracts and 1 abstract of a tutorial were carefully selected from 31 submissions. The papers are organized in the following topics: Theoretical foundations; reasoning about computations and programs; and applications...