Strategy and Game Theory (Springer Texts in Business and Economics)
by Felix Munoz-Garcia and Daniel Toro-Gonzalez
This textbook presents worked-out exercises on game theory with detailed step-by-step explanations. While most textbooks on game theory focus on theoretical results, this book focuses on providing practical examples in which students can learn to systematically apply theoretical solution concepts to different fields of economics and business. The text initially presents games that are required in most courses at the undergraduate level and gradually advances to more challenging games appropriate...
Vom Richtigen Und Falschen in Der Elementaren Algebra
by J Rgen Tietze and Jurgen Tietze
Der Lange Weg Zur Erfolgsmannschaft
Das Buch bietet ein neuartiges Modell zur Klassifizierung, Weiterentwicklung und Fuhrung von Sportmannschaften. Dabei geht es um die konstante Realisierung von (grundlegendem oder inkrementellen) Wandel bei der Spielweise (a) Stabilisierung, b) Erneuerung, c) Optimierung, d) Kombinationen aus Erneuerung und Optimierung).
Geogames and Geoplay (Advances in Geographic Information Science)
This book brings together contributions from researchers, GIS professionals and game designers to provide a first overview of this highly interdisciplinary field. Its scope ranges from fundamentals about games and play, geographic information technologies, game design and culture, to current examples and forward looking analysis. Of interest to anyone interested in creating and using Geogames, this volume serves as a channel for sharing early experiences, discussing technological challenges and...
Game Theory, Diplomatic History and Security Studies
by Ub Distinguished Professor Frank C Zagare
This book is the first in-depth guide to applying the philosophy, theory, and methods of decision analysis to creating and executing winning legal strategies. With explanations that progress from introductory to advanced and practice problems at the end of each chapter, this is a book the reader will want to use and refer to for years to come. Practicing decision analysts, operations research and management science students, attorneys and law students will find this book an invaluable addition...
Perfekt f r Studenten: Praxisorientierte Einf hrung in die Methoden der konometrie, die in Wissenschaft und Praxis an Relevanz gewinnen. Die schl ssige und verst ndliche Didaktik des Autors macht konometrie einem breiteren Interessentenkreis zug nglich. Er verzichtet komplett auf den Einsatz der Matrixalgebra. Zahlreiche Illustrationen, ausf hrliche Erl uterungen und numerische Beispiele erkl ren die Grundlagen und anspruchsvollere Themen.
Games and Dynamics in Economics
This book focuses on the latest advances in nonlinear dynamic modeling in economics and finance, mainly-but not solely-based on the description of strategic interaction by using concepts and methods from dynamic and evolutionary game theory. The respective chapters cover a range of theoretical issues and examples concerning how the qualitative theory of dynamical systems is used to analyze the local and global bifurcations that characterize complex behaviors observed in social systems where hete...
Global Interdependence
This volume records the proceedings of the 22nd Annual International Con ference of the International Simulation and Gaming Association (ISAGA), 15-19 July, 1991, Kyoto, Japan, sponsored by the Science Council of Japan and the Japanese Association of Simulation and Gaming (JASAG). The con ference theme was Global Modeling for Solving Global Problems. The first 2 days of the conference were held in the magnificent Kyoto International Conference Hall; the 3rd day was spent admiring the floats of...
Combat Modeling (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, #134)
by Alan Washburn and Moshe Kress
"Combat Modeling" is a systematic learning resource and reference text for the quantitative analysis of combat. After a brief overview, authors Washburn and Kress present individual chapters on shooting without feedback; shooting with feedback; target defense; attrition models; game theory and wargames; search; unmanned aerial vehicles; and terror and insurgency. Three appendices provide a review of basic probability concepts, probability distributions, and Markov models; an introduction to opti...
Das Lineare Komplementaritatsproblem (Springer-Lehrbuch)
by Uwe Schafer
Wer Querverbindungen in der Mathematik mag, den interessiert mit Sicherheit auch das lineare Komplementaritatsproblem. Denn viele mathematische Problemstellungen, die auf den ersten Blick nichts miteinander zu tun haben, lassen sich in ein lineares Komplementaritatsproblem uberfuhren. Das Buch stellt erstmals auf Deutsch viele dieser Problemstellungen vor. Zur Loesung werden sowohl direkte als auch iterative Verfahren betrachtet. Die Loesungen zu den in den Kapiteln gestellten Aufgaben sind ausg...
Mathematical Formulas for Economists
by Bernd Luderer, Volker Nollau, and Klaus Vetters
The present collection of formulas has been composed for students of economics or management science at universities, colleges and trade schools. It contains basic knowledge in mathematics, financial mathematics and statistics in a compact and clearly arranged form. This volume is meant to be a reference work to be used by students of undergraduate courses together with a textbook and by researchers in need of exact statements of mathematical results. People dealing with practical or applied pro...
60 Multiplication Worksheets with 3-Digit Multiplicands, 2-Digit Multipliers (60 Days Math Multiplication, #7)
by Kapoo Stem
Game Theory (Second Edition)
by Leon A. Petrosyan and Nikolay A Zenkevich
In today's confrontational and connected world, communication is the key strategic act. This book uses drama theory-a radical extension of game theory-to show how best to communicate so as to manage the emotionally charged confrontations occurring in any worthwhile relationship. Alongside a toolset that provides a systematic framework for analysing conflicts, drama theory explains why people need to listen to, and rely on, their feelings to help shake themselves out of fixed, unproductive positi...
Starthilfe Finanz- und Rechnungswesen
by Bernd Britzelmaier, Klaus R. Dittrich, and Roman Macha
Die Starthilfe Finanz- und Rechnungswesen soll den Einstieg in das BWL-Studium erleichtern. Sie wendet sich an Schüler, die ein Studium aufnehmen möchten und an Studierende im ersten Studienjahr. Das Buch vermittelt in kompakter Weise einen prägnanten und anschaulichen Überblick über die Grundlagen des Finanz- und Rechnungswesens. Grundbegriffe und Zusammenhänge werden erklärt und Aspekte der EDV-Unterstützung diskutiert.
An Introduction to Optimization
by Edwin K Chong and Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering Stanislaw H Zak
Playing for Real, Coursepack Edition: A Text on Game Theory
by Emeritus Professor of Economics Ken Binmore
Computational Aspects of General Equilibrium Theory (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, #604)
by Donald Carney and Felix Kubler
This monograph presents a general equilibrium methodology for microeconomic policy analysis. It is intended to serve as an alternative to the now classical, axiomatic general equilibrium theory as exposited in Debreu`s Theory of Value (1959) or Arrow and Hahn`s General Competitive Analysis (1971). The monograph consists of several essays written over the last decade. It also contains an appendix by Charles Steinhorn on the elements of O-minimal structures.