Infinite Groups: Geometric, Combinatorial and Dynamical Aspects (Progress in Mathematics)
by L Bartholdi
Appropriate for a one- or two-semester introductory course in Numerical Analysis with an emphasis on applications. This text introduces numerical methods by emphasizing the practical aspects of their use. In the process the book establishes their limitations, advantages and disadvantages. It is intended to assist future as well as practicing engineers in fully understanding the fundamentals of numerical methods.
Expert Systems for Scientific Computing
This proceedings volume provides an overview of very high level and expert systems for scientific applications. The state-of-the-art of expert systems and problem-solving systems for numerical computing is reviewed and think-pieces by leading scientists on the nature and future of scientific computing are presented. Computer scientists, engineers in computer applications, graduate students and researchers should find this volume of practical interest.
"Integers" is a refereedonline journal devoted to research in the area of combinatorial number theory. It publishes original research articles in combinatorics and number theory. Topics covered by the journal include additive number theory, multiplicative number theory, sequences and sets, extremal combinatorics, Ramsey theory, elementary number theory, classical combinatorial problems, hypergraphs, and probabilistic number theory. Integers also houses a combinatorial games section. This work...
Written at an easy to understand level, this text carefully explains the necessary mathematical topics such as number systems, sets and logic, combinatorics, finite probability spaces, relations and functions. Optional programming exercises that apply the mathematical concepts have been included, but there is no loss of continuity if the programming material is omitted. There are hundreds of examples for students to work through and graded exercise sets encourage students to apply the informatio...
Developments in Language Theory (Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues, #3572) (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, #3572)
DLT 2005 was the 9th Conference on Developments in Language Theory. It was intended to cover all important areas of language theory, such us gr- mars, acceptors and transducers for strings, trees, graphs, and arrays; e?cient text algorithms; algebraic theories for automata and languages; combinatorial andalgebraicpropertiesofwordsand languages;variable-lengthcodes; symbolic dynamics; decision problems; relations to complexity theory and logic; picture descriptionandanalysis;polyominoesandbidimen...
Symmetric Designs (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note)
by Eric S. Lander
Symmetric designs are an important class of combinatorial structures which arose first in the statistics and are now especially important in the study of finite geometries. This book presents some of the algebraic techniques that have been brought to bear on the question of existence, construction and symmetry of symmetric designs – including methods inspired by the algebraic theory of coding and by the representation theory of finite groups – and includes many results. Rich in examples and cont...
Algebra for Secure and Reliable Communication Modeling (Contemporary Mathematics)
This volume contains the proceedings of the CIMPA Research School and Conference on Algebra for Secure and Reliable Communication Modeling, held from October 1-13, 2012, in Morelia, State of Michoacan, Mexico. The papers cover several aspects of the theory of coding theory and are gathered into three categories: general theory of linear codes, algebraic geometry and coding theory, and constacyclic codes over rings. The aim of this volume is to fill the gap between the theoretical part of algeb...
For the first time, the very different aspects of trees are presented here in one volume. Articles by specialists working in different areas of mathematics cover disordered systems, algorithms, probability, and p-adic analysis. Researchers and graduate students alike will benefit from the clear expositions.
Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientists
by Clifford Stein, Robert L Drysdale, and Kenneth Bogart
Stein/Drysdale/Bogart's Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientists is ideal for computer science students taking the discrete math course.Written specifically for computer science students, this unique textbook directly addresses their needs by providing a foundation in discrete math while using motivating, relevant CS applications. This text takes an active-learning approach where activities are presented as exercises and the material is then fleshed out through explanations and extensions of...
Evolutionary computation (EC) involves the study of problem-solving and op- mization techniques inspired by principles of natural evolution and genetics. EC has been able to draw the attention of an increasing number of researchers and practitioners in several ?elds. Evolutionary algorithms have in particular been showntobee?ectivefordi?cultcombinatorialoptimizationproblemsappearing in various industrial, economics, and scienti?c domains. This volume contains the proceedings of EvoCOP 2005, the...
Games of No Chance 4 (Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Publications)
Combinatorial games are the strategy games that people like to play, for example chess, Hex, and Go. They differ from economic games in that there are two players who play alternately with no hidden cards and no dice. These games have a mathematical structure that allows players to analyse them in the abstract. Games of No Chance 4 contains the first comprehensive explorations of misère (last player to move loses) games, extends the theory for some classes of normal-play (last player to move win...
Discrete Structures, Logic, and Computability (Jones & Bartlett Computer Science)
by James L Hein
Hein (Portland State U.) offers an introductory textbook that aims to give the reader a holistic understanding of discrete mathematics and computer science, through careful illustration of relationships between key concepts. Focusing on computation and the construction of objects, the text is organi
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization, ISCO 2012, held in Athens, Greece, in April 2012. The 37 revised full papers presented together with 4 invited talks were carefully reviewed and selected from 94 regular and 30 short submissions. They present original research on all aspects of combinatorial optimization, ranging from mathematical foundations and theory of algorithms to computational stud...
Algorithms (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, #450)
This is the proceedings of the SIGAL International Symposium on Algorithms held at CSK Information Education Center, Tokyo, Japan, August 16-18, 1990. SIGAL (Special Interest Group on Algorithms) was organized within the Information Processing Society of Japan in 1988 to encourage research in the field of discrete algorithms, and held 6-8 research meetings each year. This symposium is the first international symposium organized by SIGAL. In response to the call for papers, 88 papers were submitt...
The Theory of Information and Coding (Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications)
by Robert McEliece
This is a revised edition of McEliece's classic. It is a self-contained introduction to all basic results in the theory of information and coding (invented by Claude Shannon in 1948). This theory was developed to deal with the fundamental problem of communication, that of reproducing at one point, either exactly or approximately, a message selected at another point. There is a short and elementary overview introducing the reader to the concept of coding. Then, following the main results, the cha...
A Course in Mathematical Statistics, Second Edition, contains enough material for a year-long course in probability and statistics for advanced undergraduate or first-year graduate students, or it can be used independently for a one-semester (or even one-quarter) course in probability alone. It bridges the gap between high and intermediate level texts so students without a sophisticated mathematical background can assimilate a fairly broad spectrum of the theorems and results from mathematical s...
Advanced Parallel Processing Technologies (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, #2834)
This volume contains the papers presented at the 5th International Workshop on Advanced Parallel Processing Technologies, APPT 2003. This series of workshops is designed to strengthen the cooperation between the German and Chinese institutions active in the area of these technologies. It has continued to grow, providing an excellent forum for reporting advances in parallel processing technologies. The 5th workshop itself addressed the entire gamut of related topics, ranging from the architectura...
Problem Solving (Studies in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence)
by O V German and D V Ofitserov
Problem solving is the very area of artificial intelligence (AI) which, probably, will never result in a complete set of formalized theories, in a pragmatic philosophy, or in a "universal" applied discipline. Studying questions concerning this area encompasses different concepts, models and theories. This volume of the series looks at classifying problems, interpreting them, and the methods of solving them. The final chapter covers future concepts such as universal problem solving approach resto...
Parallelisms of Complete Designs (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note)
by Peter J. Cameron
These notes present an investigation of a condition similar to Euclid's parallel axiom for subsets of finite sets. The background material to the theory of parallelisms is introduced and the author then describes the links this theory has with other topics from the whole range of combinatorial theory and permutation groups. These include network flows, perfect codes, Latin squares, block designs and multiply-transitive permutation groups, and long and detailed appendices are provided to serve as...