The series is devoted to the publication of high-level monographs which cover the whole spectrum of current nonlinear analysis and applications in various fields, such as optimization, control theory, systems theory, mechanics, engineering, and other sciences. One of its main objectives is to make available to the professional community expositions of results and foundations of methods that play an important role in both the theory and applications of nonlinear analysis. Contributions which are...
Alberto P. Calderon (1920-1998) was one of the 20th century's leading mathematical analysts. His contributions have changed the way researchers approach and think about a variety of topics in mathematics and its applications, including harmonic analysis, partial differential equations and complex analysis, as well as in more applied fields such as signal processing, geophysics and tomography. In addition, he helped define the "Chicago school" of analysis, which remains influential to this day. I...
Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Problems (Cambridge Texts in Applied Mathematics)
by Randall J Leveque
This book, first published in 2002, contains an introduction to hyperbolic partial differential equations and a powerful class of numerical methods for approximating their solution, including both linear problems and nonlinear conservation laws. These equations describe a wide range of wave propagation and transport phenomena arising in nearly every scientific and engineering discipline. Several applications are described in a self-contained manner, along with much of the mathematical theory of...
Dimensional and order-of-magnitude estimates are practiced by almost everybody but taught almost nowhere. When physics students engage in their first theoretical research project, they soon learn that exactly solvable problems belong only to textbooks, that numerical models are long and resource consuming, and that “something else” is needed to quickly gain insight into the system they are going to study. Qualitative methods are this “something else”, but typically, students have never heard of...
This monograph presents in a unified manner the use of the Morse index, and especially its connections to the maximum principle, in the study of nonlinear elliptic equations. The knowledge or a bound on the Morse index of a solution is a very important qualitative information which can be used in several ways for different problems, in order to derive uniqueness, existence or nonexistence, symmetry, and other properties of solutions.
Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers
by Lokenath Debnath
This expanded, revised edition is a thorough and systematic treatment of linear and nonlinear partial differential equations and their varied applications. It contains updated modern examples and applications from diverse fields. Methods and properties of solutions, along with their physical significance, make the book useful for a diverse readership including graduates, researchers, and professionals in mathematics, physics and engineering.
Mollification Method and the Numerical Solution of Ill-Posed Problems
by Diego A Murio
Uses a strong computational and truly interdisciplinary treatment to introduce applied inverse theory. The author created the Mollification Method as a means of dealing with ill-posed problems. Although the presentation focuses on problems with origins in mechanical engineering, many of the ideas and techniques can be easily applied to a broad range of situations.
This is the first book on the numerical method of lines, a relatively new method for solving partial differential equations.
The present book carefully studies the blow-up phenomenon of solutions to partial differential equations, including many equations of mathematical physics. The included material is based on lectures read by the authors at the Lomonosov Moscow State University, and the book is addressed to a wide range of researchers and graduate students working in nonlinear partial differential equations, nonlinear functional analysis, and mathematical physics. Contents Nonlinear capacity method of S. I....
Harmonic Analysis Method for Nonlinear Evolution Equations, I
by Baoxiang Wang, Zhaohui Huo, Chengchun Hao, and Zihua Guo
This monograph provides a comprehensive overview on a class of nonlinear evolution equations, such as nonlinear Schroedinger equations, nonlinear Klein-Gordon equations, KdV equations as well as Navier-Stokes equations and Boltzmann equations. The global wellposedness to the Cauchy problem for those equations is systematically studied by using the harmonic analysis methods.This book is self-contained and may also be used as an advanced textbook by graduate students in analysis and PDE subjects a...
Mathematical Models in Applied Mechanics (Reissue) (Oxford Texts in Applied and Engineering Mathematics)
by A. B. Tayler
This textbook demonstrates the power of mathematics in solving practical, scientific, and technical problems through mathematical modelling techniques. It has been designed specifically for final year undergraduate and graduate students, and springs from the author's extensive teaching experience. The text is combined with twenty-one carefully ordered problems taken from real situations, and students are encouraged to develop the skill of constructing their own models of new situations.
200 Worksheets - Word Names for 4 Digit Numbers (200 Days Math Number Name, #3)
by Kapoo Stem
Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations for the Beginner
by Laszlo Szekelyhidi
This textbook is intended for college, undergraduate and graduate students, emphasizing mainly on ordinary differential equations. However, the theory of characteristics for first order partial differential equations and the classification of second order linear partial differential operators are also included. It contains the basic material starting from elementary solution methods for ordinary differential equations to advanced methods for first order partial differential equations.In addition...
Kolmogorov Equations for Stochastic Pdes (Advanced Courses in Mathematics - CRM Barcelona)
by Giuseppe Da Prato
Kolmogorov Equations for Stochastic PDEs gives an introduction to stochastic partial differential equations, such as reaction-diffusion, Burgers and 2D Navier-Stokes equations, perturbed by noise. It studies several properties of corresponding transition semigroups, such as Feller and strong Feller properties, irreducibility, existence and uniqueness of invariant measures. In addition, the transition semigroups are interpreted as generalized solutions of Kologorov equations.
Hilbert Space Methods in Partial Differential Equations (Dover Books on Mathematics)
by Ralph E. Showalter
The emphasis in this book is placed on techniques for solving partial differential equations found in physics and engineering but discussions on existence and uniqueness of solutions are included. Several different methods of solution are presented, with the primary emphasis on the classical method of separation of variables. Secondary emphasis is placed on transform solutions, as well as on the method of Green's functions. The derivation and analysis of heat, wave and potential equations are co...
This revised and expanded comprehensive second edition discusses mathematical models that give rise to PDEs, classifies the equations and problems into different types, and examines exact and approximate methods for solution of these problems. The book addresses problems that involve both linear and nonlinear equations of the three basic types: parabolic, hyperbolic and elliptic. The coverage ranges from solution methods for first-order PDEs to perturbation and asymptotic methods for solving lin...
Select Ideas in Partial Differential Equations (Synthesis Lectures on Mathematics and Statistics)
by Peter J. Costa
This text provides an introduction to the applications and implementations of partial differential equations. The content is structured in three progressive levels which are suited for upper–level undergraduates with background in multivariable calculus and elementary linear algebra (chapters 1–5), first– and second–year graduate students who have taken advanced calculus and real analysis (chapters 6-7), as well as doctoral-level students with an understanding of linear and nonlinear functional...
High Order Difference Methods for Time Dependent Pde. Springer Series in Computational Mathematics, Volume 38.
by Bertil Gustafsson
The Finite Element Method (Oxford Applied Mathematics & Computing Science)
by Alan J. Davies