Emergence of Chaotic Dynamics from Singularities (Coloquio Brasileiro de Matematica)
by Santiago Ibanez, Alexandre A Rodrigues, and J Angel Rodriguez
Advanced Mathematical Modeling with Technology (Advances in Applied Mathematics)
by William P. Fox and Robert E. Burks
Mathematical modeling is both a skill and an art and must be practiced in order to maintain and enhance the ability to use those skills. Though the topics covered in this book are the typical topics of most mathematical modeling courses, this book is best used for individuals or groups who have already taken an introductory mathematical modeling course. Advanced Mathematical Modeling with Technology will be of interest to instructors and students offering courses focused on discrete modeling or...
Hamiltonian Dynamical Systems
Classical mechanics is a subject that is teeming with life. However, most of the interesting results are scattered around in the specialist literature, which means that potential readers may be somewhat discouraged by the effort required to obtain them. Addressing this situation, Hamiltonian Dynamical Systems includes some of the most significant papers in Hamiltonian dynamics published during the last 60 years. The book covers bifurcation of periodic orbits, the break-up of invariant tori, chao...
"CliffsQuickReview" course guides cover the essentials of your toughest classes. Get a firm grip on core concepts and key material, and test your newfound knowledge with review questions. "CliffsQuickReview Math Word Problems" gives you a clear, concise, easy-to-use review of the basics of solving math word problems. Introducing each topic, defining key terms, and carefully walking you through each sample problem gives you insight and understanding to solving math word problems. You begin by bui...
The Strong Nonlinear Limit-Point/Limit-Circle Problem
by Miroslav Bartusek and John R Graef
Selected Papers Of Weiyue Ding (Peking University Series In Mathematics, #7)
This collection covers all papers and partial talks given by Prof Weiyue Ding, who was a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Prof Weiyue Ding devoted his academic career to the research in the field of ordinary differential equations and geometric analysis, e.g. Poincare-Birkhoff fixed point theorems, blow-up analysis for heat flow of harmonic maps.
This book is an introduction to the study of ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations, ranging from elementary techniques to advanced tools. The presentation focusses on initial value problems, boundary value problems, equations with delayed argument and analysis of periodic solutions: main goal is the analysis of diffusion equation, wave equation Laplace equation and signals. The study of relevant examples of differential models highlights the notion of well-posed prob...
Richardson Extrapolation (De Gruyter Series in Applied and Numerical Mathematics)
by Zahari Zlatev, Ivan Dimov, Istvan Farago, and Agnes Havasi
Scientists and engineers are mainly using Richardson extrapolation as a computational tool for increasing the accuracy of various numerical algorithms for the treatment of systems of ordinary and partial differential equations and for improving the computational efficiency of the solution process by the automatic variation of the time-stepsizes. A third issue, the stability of the computations, is very often the most important one and, therefore, it is the major topic studied in all chapters of...
Spectral Theory of Canonical Systems (De Gruyter Studies in Mathematics)
by Christian Remling
Canonical systems occupy a central position in the spectral theory of second order differential operators. They may be used to realize arbitrary spectral data, and the classical operators such as Schroedinger, Jacobi, Dirac, and Sturm-Liouville equations can be written in this form. 'Spectral Theory of Canonical Systems' offers a selfcontained and detailed introduction to this theory. Techniques to construct self-adjoint realizations in suitable Hilbert spaces, a modern treatment of de Branges s...
Lectures on Ordinary Differential Equations (Dover Phoneix Editions) (Dover Books on Mathematics)
by Witold Hurewicz
Differential Equations (Textbooks in Mathematics)
by Robert P. Gilbert, George C. Hsiao, and Robert J. Ronkese
This book illustrates how MAPLE can be used to supplement a standard, elementary text in ordinary and partial differential equation. MAPLE is used with several purposes in mind. The authors are firm believers in the teaching of mathematics as an experimental science where the student does numerous calculations and then synthesizes these experiments into a general theory. Projects based on the concept of writing generic programs test a student's understanding of the theoretical material of the...
Hoehere Analysis - Funktionentheorie Und Gewoehnliche Differentialgleichungen
by Hans-Joachim Runckel
Ordinary Differential Equations and Stability Theory (Dover Books on Mathematics) (Golden Gates Books)
by David A. Sanchez
100 Worksheets - Identifying Places with 9 Digit Numbers (100 Days Math Identify Place, #8)
by Kapoo Stem
100 Worksheets - Identifying Places with 7 Digit Numbers (100 Days Math Identify Place, #6)
by Kapoo Stem
Hyers-Ulam Stability of Ordinary Differential Equations
by Arun Kumar Tripathy
Hyers-Ulam Stability of Ordinary Differential Equations undertakes an interdisciplinary, integrative overview of a kind of stability problem unlike the existing so called stability problem for Differential equations and Difference Equations. In 1940, S. M. Ulam posed the problem: When can we assert that approximate solution of a functional equation can be approximated by a solution of the corresponding equation before the audience at the University of Wisconsin which was first answered by D. H....
Crowds In Equations: An Introduction To The Microscopic Modeling Of Crowds (Advanced Textbooks In Mathematics, #0)
by Bertrand Maury and Sylvain Faure
The book contains self-contained descriptions of existing models, accompanied by critical analyses of their properties both from a theoretical and practical standpoint. It aims to develop 'modeling skills' within the readers, giving them the ability to develop their own models and improve existing ones. Written in connection with a full, open source Python Library, this project also enables readers to run the simulations discussed within the text.
Juega con tu mente (Sudoku Killer, #33) (Sudoku Samurai, #96)
by Juega Con Tu Mente
This introductory text acts as a singular resource for undergraduates learning the fundamental principles and applications of integration theory.Chapters discuss: function spaces and functionals, extension of Daniell spaces, measures of Hausdorff spaces, spaces of measures, elements of the theory of real functions on R.
Graph Paper Notebook (School Composition Notebooks, #7)
by Alun Publishing