Optimal Control of Switched Systems Arising in Fermentation Processes (Springer Optimization and Its Applications, #97)
The book presents, in a systematic manner, the optimal controls under different mathematical models in fermentation processes. Variant mathematical models - i.e., those for multistage systems; switched autonomous systems; time-dependent and state-dependent switched systems; multistage time-delay systems and switched time-delay systems - for fed-batch fermentation processes are proposed and the theories and algorithms of their optimal control problems are studied and discussed. By putting forward...
Retarded Functional Differential Equations (Chapman & Hall/CRC Research Notes in Mathematics)
by S.E.A. Mohammed
This book is devoted to the study of existence of solutions or positive solutions for various classes of Riemann-Liouville and Caputo fractional differential equations, and systems of fractional differential equations subject to nonlocal boundary conditions. The monograph draws together many of the authors' results, that have been obtained and highly cited in the literature in the last four years.In each chapter, various examples are presented which support the main results. The methods used in...
Functional Analysis in China (Mathematics and Its Applications, #356)
Functional Analysis has become one of the main branches in Chinese mathematics. Many outstanding contributions and results have been achieved over the past sixty years. This authoritative collection is complementary to Western studies in this field, and seeks to summarise and introduce the historical progress of the development of Functional Analysis in China from the 1940s to the present. A broad range of topics is covered, such as nonlinear functional analysis, linear operator theory,...
Real Submanifolds in Complex Space and Their Mappings (PMS-47) (Princeton Mathematical)
by M. Salah Baouendi, Peter Ebenfelt, and Linda Preiss Rothschild
This book presents many of the main developments of the past two decades in the study of real submanifolds in complex space, providing crucial background material for researchers and advanced graduate students. The techniques in this area borrow from real and complex analysis and partial differential equations, as well as from differential, algebraic, and analytical geometry. In turn, these latter areas have been enriched over the years by the study of problems in several complex variables addre...
Geometry of Banach Spaces, Duality Mappings and Nonlinear Problems (Mathematics and Its Applications, #62)
by Ioana Cioranescu
One service mathematics has rendered the 'Et moi, ...* si Javait so comment en revenir. je n'y serais point alle.' human race. It has put common sense back Jules Verne where it belongs, on the topmost shelf next to the dusty canister labelled 'discarded non- The series is divergent; therefore we may be sense'. Eric T. Bell able to do something with it. o. Heaviside Mathematics is a tool for thought. A highly necessary tool in a world where both feedback and non- linearities abound. Similarly, al...
Complex Analysis and Its Applications (Chapman & Hall/CRC Research Notes in Mathematics, #305)
by C. C. Yang, Guo Chun Wen, K Y Li, and Y.M. Chiang
This volume presents a collection of contributions to an international conference on complex analysis and its applications held at the newly founded Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in January 1993. The aim of the conference was to advance the theoretical aspects of complex analysis and to explore the application of its techniques to physical and engineering problems. Three main areas were emphasised: Value distribution theory; Complex dynamical system and geometric function theory...
Introduction to Differential Equations with Dynamical Systems
by Stephen L. Campbell and Richard Haberman
Many textbooks on differential equations are written to be interesting to the teacher rather than the student. Introduction to Differential Equations with Dynamical Systems is directed toward students. This concise and up-to-date textbook addresses the challenges that undergraduate mathematics, engineering, and science students experience during a first course on differential equations. And, while covering all the standard parts of the subject, the book emphasizes linear constant coefficient equ...
This IMA Volume in Mathematics and its Applications TWIST MAPPINGS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS is based on the proceedings of a workshop which was an integral part of the 1989- 90 IMA program on "Dynamical Systems and their Applications". The workshop brought together many of the leading figures in the modern study of twist maps. We thank Shui-Nee Chow, Martin Golubitsky, Richard McGehee, Ken Meyer, Jiirgen Moser, Clark Robinson, George R. Sell, and Eduard Zehnder for organizing the meeting and, espe...
Elementary Differential Equations, Binder Ready Version
by William E Boyce and Richard C DiPrima
Stability of Functional Differential Equations (Mathematics in Science and Engineering)
by Vladimir B Kolmanovski, Unknown Author, and Gerard Meurant
Inverse problems are usually nonlinear and are separated into one-dimensional and multidimensional problems, depending on whether the sought function (or functions) is a function of one variable or of many. Multidimensionality of inverse problems has particular value at present, because practice shows that many investigating processes are described by an equation, of which the co-efficient essentially depends on many variables. This monograph is devoted to statements of multidimensional invers...
Nonlinear Systems Of Partial Differential Equations: Applications To Life And Physical Sciences
by Anthony W Leung
The book presents the theory of diffusion-reaction equations starting from the Volterra-Lotka systems developed in the eighties for Dirichlet boundary conditions. It uses the analysis of applicable systems of partial differential equations as a starting point for studying upper-lower solutions, bifurcation, degree theory and other nonlinear methods. It also illustrates the use of semigroup, stability theorems and W2ptheory. Introductory explanations are included in the appendices for non-expert...
Asymptotic Methods in Singularly Perturbed Systems (Monographs in Contemporary Mathematics)
by E F Mishchenko and etc.
Furthers the construction of a full asymptotic theory of relaxation oscillations begun by earlier authors, and contains the results of a number of new problems, especially in systems of parabolic partial differential equations. Considers a singularly perturbed system to be one in which as the parame
Partial Differential Equations in General Relativity (Oxford Graduate Texts in Mathematics)
by Alan D. Rendall
A graduate level text on a subject which brings together several areas of mathematics and physics: partial differential equations, differential geometry and general relativity. It explains the basics of the theory of partial differential equations in a form accessible to physicists and the basics of general relativity in a form accessible to mathematicians. In recent years the theory of partial differential equations has come to play an ever more important role in research on general relativity....
01/07 This title is now available from Walter de Gruyter. Please see www.degruyter.com for more information. The problems of determining coefficients of hyperbolic equations and systems from additional information on their solutions are of great practical significance. As a rule, the desired coefficients are important characteristics of the media under consideration. In this monograph, dynamic type of inverse problems in which the additional information is given by the trace of the direct probl...
Blow-Up in Nonlinear Equations
by Maxim Olegovich Korpusov and Alexey Vital Ovchinnikov
This book is about the phenomenon ofthe emergence of blow-up effectsin nonlinear equations.In particular it deals with theirapplicationsin modern mathematical physics.The bookmay also serve as a manual for researchers who want toget an overview ofthe main methods in nonlinear analysis.
Elements of Applied Bifurcation Theory (Applied Mathematical Sciences, #112)
by Yuri Kuznetsov
Providing readers with a solid basis in dynamical systems theory, as well as explicit procedures for application of general mathematical results to particular problems, the focus here is on efficient numerical implementations of the developed techniques. The book is designed for advanced undergraduates or graduates in applied mathematics, as well as for Ph.D. students and researchers in physics, biology, engineering, and economics who use dynamical systems as model tools in their studies. A mode...