Minimax Theorems (Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Their Applications, #24)
by Michel Willem
Many boundary value problems are equivalent to Au=O (1) where A : X ---+ Y is a mapping between two Banach spaces. When the problem is variational, there exists a differentiable functional 0 and e E X such that lIell > rand inf
Engineering Computations and Modeling in MATLAB®/Simulink®
by Oleg A. Yakimenko
Engineering Computations and Modeling in MATLAB®/Simulink®, Second Edition provides a broad overview of The MathWorks’ MATLAB®/Simulink®/GUIDE/App Designer development and modeling environment. This textbook shows how to use these software tools effectively in a variety of engineering applications, including modeling real-world dynamic systems. This book is used as a textbook by undergraduate and graduate students taking both introductory and advanced courses in applied programming, and also as...
Das Buch vermittelt allgemeinverstandlich die mathematischen Zusammenhange moderner Simulationsmethoden und deren systematische Fehlerquellen. Nur mit diesem Wissen ist es moeglich, Simulationsergebnisse kritisch beurteilen zu koennen. Die vorgestellten Methoden bilden die Grundlage fur fast alle gangigen Simulationsprogramme. Zahlreiche Simulationen beschreiben, wie Simulations-Tools heute eingesetzt werden. Fur die Durchfuhrung der Simulation am Rechner wird das weltweit verbreitete Finite-Ele...
Pseudo-Riemannian Homogeneous Structures (Developments in Mathematics, #59)
by Giovanni Calvaruso and Marco Castrillon Lopez
This book provides an up-to-date presentation of homogeneous pseudo-Riemannian structures, an essential tool in the study of pseudo-Riemannian homogeneous spaces. Benefiting from large symmetry groups, these spaces are of high interest in Geometry and Theoretical Physics. Since the seminal book by Tricerri and Vanhecke, the theory of homogeneous structures has been considerably developed and many applications have been found. The present work covers a gap in the literature of more than 35 years...
An Introduction to Probability Theory with Statistical Applications (Mathematical Concepts in Science & Engineering, #29)
by Michael a Golberg
Decision & Control in Management Science (Advances in Computational Management Science, #4)
Decision & Control in Management Science analyzes emerging decision problems in the management and engineering sciences. It is divided into five parts. The first part explores methodological issues involved in the optimization of deterministic and stochastic dynamical systems. The second part describes approaches to the model energy and environmental systems and draws policy implications related to the mitigation of pollutants. The third part applies quantitative techniques to problems...
An Introduction to Continuous-time Stochastic Processes (Modeling and Simulation in Science, Engineering and Technology)
by Vincenzo Capasso and David Bakstein
This concisely written book is a rigorous and self-contained introduction to the theory of continuous-time stochastic processes. Balancing theory and applications, the authors use stochastic methods and concrete examples to model real-world problems from engineering, biomathematics, biotechnology, and finance. Suitable as a textbook for graduate or advanced undergraduate courses, the work may also be used for self-study or as a reference. The book will be of interest to students, pure and appli...
Der spielerische Umgang mit auch komplexeren Themen der Zahlentheorie soll dem mit Programmiertechniken vertrauten Leser zu eigenen Experimenten animieren und ein Verständnis für Sicherheitstechniken fördern, das nicht mehr von Versprechungen anderer abhängt.
Nichtlineare Optimierung (Vieweg Studium; Aufbaukurs Mathematik) (Aufbaukurs Mathematik)
by Walter Alt
Ziel des Buches ist es eine Einfuhrung in die theoretischen Grundlagen, die numerischen Verfahren und in Anwendungen der nichtlinearen Optimierung zu geben. Eine Einfuhrung kann naturlich nur eine kleine Auswahl aus diesem sehr umfangreichen Gebiet prasentieren. Hier wurde versucht, diese Auswahl so zu treffen, dass einerseits grundlegende theoretische Kenntnisse vermittelt werden, andererseits aber auch die praktische Vorgehensweise bei der Losung konkreter Aufgabenstellungen ausreichend beruck...
Chaos ist eine Ausdrucksform nichtlinearer dynamischer Systeme, so daB der mathe matisch geschulte Leser die Chaostheorie in einem systematischen Aufbau nicht am Anfang sondern irgendwann spater erwarten wiirde, wenn ein miiglichst allgemeines begriffiiches Umfeld zur Verfiigung steht, in dem der Chaosbegriff und Eigenschaf ten chaotischer Systeme durch geeignete Spezifikationen gewonnen werden kiinnen. Ich habe einen anderen Aufbau gewahlt, und das hat im wesentlichen zwei Griinde: Erstens miic...
This book integrates the key concepts of mathematical programming (MP) and constraint programming (CP) into a unified framework that allows them to be generalized and combined. The unification of MP and CP creates optimization methods that have much greater modeling power, increased computational speed, and a sizeable reduction computational coding. This integration along with constraint programming being incorporated into a number of programming languages, brings the field a step closer to bein...
Randomized Algorithms for Analysis and Control of Uncertain Systems (Communications and Control Engineering)
by Roberto Tempo, Giuseppe Calafiore, and Fabrizio Dabbene
Moving on from earlier stochastic and robust control paradigms, this book introduces the fundamentals of probabilistic methods in the analysis and design of uncertain systems. The use of randomized algorithms, guarantees a reduction in the computational complexity of classical robust control algorithms and in the conservativeness of methods like H-infinity control. Features: * self-contained treatment explaining randomized algorithms from their genesis in the principles of probability theory...
Mathematical Modeling of Random and Deterministic Phenomena
This book highlights mathematical research interests that appear in real life, such as the study and modeling of random and deterministic phenomena. As such, it provides current research in mathematics, with applications in biological and environmental sciences, ecology, epidemiology and social perspectives. The chapters can be read independently of each other, with dedicated references specific to each chapter. The book is organized in two main parts. The first is devoted to some advanced...
Mathematical and Numerical Modelling of Heterostructure Semiconductor Devices
by E A B Cole
Design-Oriented Analysis of Structures (Solid Mechanics and Its Applications, #95)
by Uri Kirsch
This book was developed while I was teaching graduate courses on analysis, design and optimization of structures, in the United States, Europe and Israel. Structural analysis is a main part of any design problem, and the analysis often must be repeated many times during the design process. Much work has been done on design-oriented analysis of structures recently and many studies have been published. The purpose of the book is to collect together selected topics of this literature and to present...
More than ever before, complicated mathematical procedures are integral to the success and advancement of technology, engineering, and even industrial production. Knowledge of and experience with these procedures is therefore vital to present and future scientists, engineers and technologists. Mathematical Methods in Physics and Engineering with Mathematica clearly demonstrates how to solve difficult practical problems involving ordinary and partial differential equations and boundary value pro...
This book presents the main concepts of linear algebra from the viewpoint of applied scientists such as computer scientists and engineers, without compromising on mathematical rigor. Based on the idea that computational scientists and engineers need, in both research and professional life, an understanding of theoretical concepts of mathematics in order to be able to propose research advances and innovative solutions, every concept is thoroughly introduced and is accompanied by its informal inte...
Numerical Analysis (Computer Science and Applied Mathematics)
by Department of Computer Science James M Ortega
This collection of original articles and surveys, emerging from a 2011 conference in Bertinoro, Italy, addresses recent advances in linear and nonlinear aspects of the theory of partial differential equations (PDEs). Phase space analysis methods, also known as microlocal analysis, have continued to yield striking results over the past years and are now one of the main tools of investigation of PDEs. Their role in many applications to physics, including quantum and spectral theory, is equally imp...
This textbook on Linear and Nonlinear Optimization is intended for graduate and advanced undergraduate students in operations research and related fields. It is both literate and mathematically strong, yet requires no prior course in optimization. As suggested by its title, the book is divided into two parts covering in their individual chapters LP Models and Applications; Linear Equations and Inequalities; The Simplex Algorithm; Simplex Algorithm Continued; Duality and the Dual Simplex Algorit...
The outstanding feature of this book is that it provides a unified account of three types of decision problem. It covers the basic ideas of decision theory, classical game theory, and evolutionary game theory in one volume. No background knowledge of economics or biology is required as examples have been carefully selected for their accessibility. Detailed solutions to the numerous exercises are provided at the back of the book, making it ideal for self-study. This introduction to game theory is...
Multivariable Computer-Controlled Systems (Communications and Control Engineering)
by Efim N. Rosenwasser and Bernhard P. Lampe
In this book, the authors extend the parametric transfer function methods, which incorporate time-dependence, to the idea of the parametric transfer matrix in a complete exposition of analysis and design methods for multiple-input, multiple-output (MIMO) sampled-data systems. Appendices covering basic mathematical formulae, two MATLAB (R) toolboxes round out this self-contained guide to multivariable control systems. The book will interest researchers in automatic control and to development engi...
Matrix and Tensor Factorization Techniques for Recommender Systems (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science)
by Panagiotis Symeonidis and Andreas Zioupos
This book presents the algorithms used to provide recommendations by exploiting matrix factorization and tensor decomposition techniques. It highlights well-known decomposition methods for recommender systems, such as Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), UV-decomposition, Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF), etc. and describes in detail the pros and cons of each method for matrices and tensors. This book provides a detailed theoretical mathematical background of matrix/tensor factorization te...
Optimale Finanzkontrakte, Investitionspolitik Und Wettbewerbskraft (Studies in Contemporary Economics)
by Franz Hubert
Wie sehen optimale Finanzkontrakte aus? Beschrankt geringes Eigenkapital die Investitionen oder die Risikobereitschaft? Schwacht ein hoher Verschuldungsgrad die Wettbewerbskraft? Das Buch integriert unterschiedliche theoretische Ansatze in einem einheitlichen Rahmen um robuste Antworten auf diese Fragen zu finden. Durch die simultane Analyse der Finanzierungs- und Investitionsentscheidung bzw. des Wettbewerbsverhaltens ergeben sich neue Einsichten, die auch fur die Makrookonomik und die Wettbewe...