This book considers methods of approximate analysis of mechanical, elec tromechanical, and other systems described by ordinary differential equa tions. Modern mathematical modeling of sophisticated mechanical systems consists of several stages: first, construction of a mechanical model, and then writing appropriate equations and their analytical or numerical ex amination. Usually, this procedure is repeated several times. Even if an initial model correctly reflects the main properties of a ph...
This research monograph summarizes a line of research that maps certain classical problems of discrete mathematics and operations research - such as the Hamiltonian Cycle and the Travelling Salesman Problems - into convex domains where continuum analysis can be carried out. Arguably, the inherent difficulty of these, now classical, problems stems precisely from the discrete nature of domains in which these problems are posed. The convexification of domains underpinning these results is achieved...
Full-Duplex Wireless Communications Systems (Wireless Networks)
by Tho Le-Ngoc and Ahmed Masmoudi
This book introduces the development of self-interference (SI)-cancellation techniques for full-duplex wireless communication systems. The authors rely on estimation theory and signal processing to develop SI-cancellation algorithms by generating an estimate of the received SI and subtracting it from the received signal. The authors also cover two new SI-cancellation methods using the new concept of active signal injection (ASI) for full-duplex MIMO-OFDM systems. The ASI approach adds an approp...
Schaum's Outline of Graph Theory: Including Hundreds of Solved Problems
by V K Balakrishnan
This book is a pedagogical presentation aimed at advanced undergraduate students, beginning graduate students and professionals who are looking for an introductory text to the field of Distance Geometry, and some of its applications. This versions profits from feedback acquired at undergraduate/graduate courses in seminars and a number of workshops.
Monte Carlo simulation is one of the best tools for performing realistic analysis of complex systems as it allows most of the limiting assumptions on system behavior to be relaxed. The Monte Carlo Simulation Method for System Reliability and Risk Analysis comprehensively illustrates the Monte Carlo simulation method and its application to reliability and system engineering. Readers are given a sound understanding of the fundamentals of Monte Carlo sampling and simulation and its application for...
Multiscale Modelling and Simulation (Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, #39)
In August 2003, ETHZ Computational Laboratory (CoLab), together with the Swiss Center for Scientific Computing in Manno and the Universita della Svizzera Italiana (USI), organized the Summer School in "Multiscale Modelling and Simulation" in Lugano, Switzerland. This summer school brought together experts in different disciplines to exchange ideas on how to link methodologies on different scales. Relevant examples of practical interest include: structural analysis of materials, flow through poro...
Code Recognition and Set Selection with Neural Networks (Mathematical Modeling, v. 7)
by Clark Jeffries
Optimization Theory (Applied Optimization, #59)
This volume contains refereed papers based on the lectures presented at the XIV International Conference on Mathematical Programming held at Matrahaza, Hungary, between 27-31 March 1999. This conference was organized by the Laboratory of Operations Research and Deci sion Systems at the Computer and Automation Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The editors hope this volume will contribute to the theory and applications of mathematical programming. As a tradition of these events, the main...
This textbook is an application-oriented introduction to the theory of distributions, a powerful tool used in mathematical analysis. The treatment emphasizes applications that relate distributions to linear partial differential equations and Fourier analysis problems found in mechanics, optics, quantum mechanics, quantum field theory, and signal analysis. The book is motivated by many exercises, hints, and solutions that guide the reader along a path requiring only a minimal mathematical backgro...
Numerical Analysis (Essential)
Bind-In Access Code Card for Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering
by Tirupathi R. Chandrupatla and Ashok D Belegundu
Fuzzy Logic - das bedeutet mehr Flexibilität in der Automatisierungstechnik, Regelungstechnik, Logistik und Elektrotechnik. Die Grundlagen der vielversprechenden Technologie werden in diesem einführenden Lehrbuch aufgezeigt. Für Leser, die nicht nur die Potentiale erkennen wollen, sondern sich für die praktische Umsetzung interessieren. Die zweite Auflage wurde um einen Aufgabenteil erweitert.
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms 2008
Engineering Computations and Modeling in MATLAB/Simulink
by Oleg A. Yakimenko
Engineering Computations and Modeling in MATLAB(R)/Simulink(R) provides a broad overview of The MathWorks' MATLAB(R)/Simulink(R)/GUIDE development and modeling environment. This textbook shows how to use these software tools effectively in a variety of engineering applications, including modeling real-world dynamic systems. Concepts Discussed: Major concepts of MATLAB(R), Symbolic Math ToolboxA', Simulink(R), and GUIDE * Development of effective foolproof M-file scripts and functions * Use o...
The scope of this volume is primarily to analyze from different methodological perspectives similar valuation and optimization problems arising in financial applications, aimed at facilitating a theoretical and computational integration between methods largely regarded as alternatives. Increasingly in recent years, financial management problems such as strategic asset allocation, asset-liability management, as well as asset pricing problems, have been presented in the literature adopting formu...
The Mathematical Theory of Coding
Subdifferentials (Mathematics and its Applications, #323)
by Anatoly G. Kusraev and Semen S. Kutateladze
Presenting the most important results of a new branch of functional analysis - subdifferential calculus and its applications - this monograph details new tools and techniques of convex and non-smooth analysis, such as Kantorovich spaces, vector duality, Boolean-valued and infinitesimal versions of non-standard analysis, covering a wide range of topics. The book aims to fill the gap between the theoretical core of modern functional analysis and its applicable sections, such as optimization, optim...
Einfuhrung in die Moderne Mathematik (Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik, #5)
by Albert Monjallon
Die standige Entwicklung der Wissenschaft, deren Ergebnisse die Welt immer schneller verandern, hat wahrscheinlich bei Dmen Verwunderung hervorgerufen, die nicht ohne Angst geblieben ist. Sicher haben Sie an die bedeutende Rolle ge- dacht, die die Mathematik dabei spielt. In keinem Bereich ist sie unentbehrlich: Flugwesen und Schiffahrt, Eisenbahn-und Kraftverkehr, Bergwerke und Bohrwesen, hydraulische und nukleare Energiegewinnung stehen standig unter ihrem Einfluss. Die Wissenschaftler sind ni...
Dieses Buch stellt eine Weiterentwicklung seines Vorgangers "Wissenschaft liches Rechnen und Differentialgleichungen: Eine EinfUhrung in die Numerische Mathematik "(Golub und Ortega [1992]) dar. Ziel des vorliegenden Buches ist es, die grundlegenden Ideen des Vektor-und Parallelrechnens im Rahmen der Einfiihrung in die Grundlagen numerischer Verfahren darzustellen. Dies ist un serer Meinung nach sowohl fUr Studenten der Informatik als auch der Natur und Ingenieurwissenschaften von Interesse. Es...
The Poisson-Dirichlet Distribution and Related Topics (Probability and Its Applications)
by Shui Feng
The Poisson-Dirichlet distribution, a probability on the in?nite-dimensional s- plex, was introduced by Kingman in 1975. Since then it has found applications in Bayesian statistics, combinatorics, number theory, ?nance, macroeconomics, physics and, especially, in population genetics. Several books have appeared that contain sections or chapters on the Poisson-Dirichlet distribution. These include, but are not limited to, Aldous [2], Arratia, Barbour and Tavare[ ' 9], Ewens [67], Kingman [127, 13...