Cengage Advantage Books: Intermediate Algebra: Class Test Edition
by Laura Bracken and Ed Miller
Beginning and Intermediate Algebra, A La Carte Plus
by Margaret L Lial, John Hornsby, and Terry McGinnis
Intermediate Algebra for College Students: Pearson New International Edition
by Allen R. Angel and Dennis Runde
The Angel author team meets the needs of today's learners by pairing concise explanations with the new Understanding Algebra feature and an updated approach to examples. Discussions throughout the text have been thoroughly revised for brevity and accessibility. Whenever possible, a visual example or diagram is used to explain concepts and procedures. Understanding Algebra call-outs highlight key points throughout the text, allowing readers to identify important points at a glance. The updated ex...
Pat McKeague's passion and dedication to teaching mathematics and his ongoing participation in mathematical organizations provides the most current and reliable textbook for both instructors and students. Pat McKeague's main goal is to write a textbook that is user-friendly. Students are able to develop a thorough understanding of the concepts essential to their success in mathematics because of his attention to detail, exceptional writing style, and organization of mathematical concepts. The Fi...
Algebra (Pure and Applied Mathematics, #110) (Pure & Applied Mathematics S.)
by Larry C Grove, Unknown Author, and Gerard Meurant
The Algebraic Theory of Modular Systems (Cambridge Mathematical Library)
by F S Macaulay
Many of the ideas introduced by Macaulay in this book have developed into central concepts in what has become the branch of mathematics known as Commutative Algebra. Today his name is remembered through the term 'Cohen-Macaulay ring', however, it is less well known that he pioneered several other fundamental ideas, including the concept of the Gorenstein ring and the use of injective modules, ideas which were not systematically developed until considerably later in this century. An introduction...
This market-leading text continues to provide students and instructors with sound, consistently structured explanations of the mathematical concepts. Designed for a one-term course that prepares students for further study in mathematics, the new Seventh Edition retains the features that have always made College Algebra a complete solution for both students and instructors: interesting applications, pedagogically effective design, and innovative technology combined with an abundance of carefully...
Larson IS student success. INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA: ALGEBRA WITHIN REACH owes its success to the hallmark features for which the Larson team is known: learning by example, a straightforward and accessible writing style, emphasis on visualization through the use of graphs to reinforce algebraic and numeric solutions and to interpret data, and comprehensive exercise sets. These pedagogical features are carefully coordinated to ensure that students are better able to make connections between mathemati...
Exceptionally clear and accessible, Pat McKeague's best-selling texts offer all the review, drill, and practice students need to develop solid mathematical proficiency and confidence. McKeague's attention to detail, exceptional writing style, and organization of mathematical concepts make teaching enjoyable and learning accessible. The seventh edition of this popular series gives the book a greater emphasis on the connections between equations, tables, and graphs and by incorporating pedagogy th...
Linear Algebra and Its Applications, Books a la Carte Edition
by David Lay, Steven Lay, and Judi McDonald
Student Workbook for Kaufmann/Schwitters' Intermediate Algebra, 10th
by Jerome Kaufmann and Karen Schwitters
The Student Workbook contains the entire student Assessments, Activities, and Worksheets from the Instructor's Resource Binder for classroom discussions, in-class activities, and group work.
"Integers" is a refereedonline journal devoted to research in the area of combinatorial number theory. It publishes original research articles in combinatorics and number theory. Topics covered by the journal include additive number theory, multiplicative number theory, sequences and sets, extremal combinatorics, Ramsey theory, elementary number theory, classical combinatorial problems, hypergraphs, and probabilistic number theory. Integers also houses a combinatorial games section. This work...
Number Tracing book craft trace workbooks for kids ages 3+
by Workbooks for Kids Publishing
Exceptionally clear and accessible, Pat McKeague's best-selling texts offer all the review, drill, and practice students need to develop solid mathematical proficiency and confidence. McKeague's attention to detail, exceptional writing style, and organization of mathematical concepts make teaching enjoyable and learning accessible. The seventh edition of this popular series gives the book a greater emphasis on the connections between equations, tables, and graphs and by incorporating pedagogy th...