Renewable Energy Integration: Challenges and Solutions (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)
by Serge Lang and S. Lang
Foundations of Computational Mathematics
This book contains a collection of articles corresponding to some of the talks delivered at the Foundations of Computational Mathematics conference held at IMPA in Rio de Janeiro in January 1997. Some ofthe others are published in the December 1996 issue of the Journal of Complexity. Both of these publications were available and distributed at the meeting. Even in this aspect we hope to have achieved a synthesis of the mathematics and computer science cultures as well as of the disciplines. The...
Iterative Solution of Large Linear Systems (Computer Science and Applied Mathematics) (Dover Books on Mathematics)
by David M Young
Curso de Elementos de Matematica Con Aplicaciones
by Sara Cecilia Pennise
Linear Algebra and Projective Geometry. Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume II.
by Reinhold Baer
Advanced Algebra for Colleges and Schools (Classic Reprint)
by William James Milne
Written by John Banks, San Jose City College and Evergreen Valley College. The student solutions manual provides worked out solutions to the odd-numbered problems in the text.
Introductory Algebra Plus Pearson Mylabs Math with Pearson Etext -- Access Card Package
by Margaret L Lial, John Hornsby, and Terry McGinnis
Prentice Hall Algebra 1
by Jan Fair, Sadie C Bragg, and Bettye C Hall
Matrix Calculus and Kronecker Product with Applications and C++ Programs
by Willi-hans Steeb
The Kronecker product of matrices plays a central role in mathematics and in applications found in engineering and theoretical physics. These applications are signal processing, statistical physics, quantum groups and quantum computers. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the Kronecker product of matrices together with its software implementation in C++ using an object-oriented design.
Modules Over Endomorphism Rings (Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Its Applications, #130)
by Theodore G. Faticoni
This is an extensive synthesis of recent work in the study of endomorphism rings and their modules, bringing together direct sum decompositions of modules, the class number of an algebraic number field, point set topological spaces, and classical noncommutative localization. The main idea behind the book is to study modules G over a ring R via their endomorphism ring EndR(G). The author discusses a wealth of results that classify G and EndR(G) via numerous properties, and in particular results f...
This third edition examines the fundamentals of algebra.
Das Buch vermittelt in leicht verstandlicher Sprache die Grundlagen des Loesens von Gleichungen und Ungleichungen. Eines der Hauptthemen ist das Loesen von quadratischen Gleichungen, unabhangig davon, ob sie bereits in Normalform vorliegen oder erst in diese gebracht werden mussen. Als Instrument hierfur behandelt der Autor die p-q-Formel und die Mitternachtsformel. Daneben geht es um lineare Gleichungen sowie ganz allgemein um die Frage, welche Manipulationen man an einer Gleichung vornehmen da...
This book provides a rigorous introduction to the basic aspects of the theory of linear estimation and hypothesis testing, covering the necessary prerequisites in matrices, multivariate normal distribution and distributions of quadratic forms along the way. It will appeal to advanced undergraduate and first-year graduate students, research mathematicians and statisticians.