Spectral Theory of Linear Operators (London Mathematical Society Monographs)
by H.R. Dowson
Praise for the Series "This book will be a useful reference to control engineers and researchers. The papers contained cover well the recent advances in the field of modern control theory." --IEEE Group Correspondence "This book will help all those researchers who valiantly try to keep abreast of what is new in the theory and practice of optimal control." --Control
Fundamentals of Probability and Stochastic Processes with Applications to Communications
by Kun Il Park
This book provides engineers with focused treatment of the mathematics needed to understand probability, random variables, and stochastic processes, which are essential mathematical disciplines used in communications engineering. The author explains the basic concepts of these topics as plainly as possible so that people with no in-depth knowledge of these mathematical topics can better appreciate their applications in real problems. Applications examples are drawn from various areas of communic...
Dale Seymour Publications Problem Solving Experiences (Problem Solving Experiences in Math)
ECMI has a brand name in Industrial Mathematics and organises successful biannual conferences. This time, the conference on Industrial Mathematics held in Eindhoven in June 2004 Mathematics focused on Aerospace, Electronic Industry, Chemical Technology, Life Sciences, Materials, Geophysics, Financial Mathematics and Water flow. The majority of the invited talks on these topics can be found in these proceedings. Apart from these lectures, a large number of contributed papers and minisymposium pap...
Cultures of Mathematics and Logic (Trends in the History of Science)
This book gathers the proceedings of the conference "Cultures of Mathematics and Logic," held in Guangzhou, China. The event was the third in a series of interdisciplinary, international conferences emphasizing the cultural components of philosophy of mathematics and logic. It brought together researchers from many disciplines whose work sheds new light on the diversity of mathematical and logical cultures and practices. In this context, the cultural diversity can be diachronical (different cult...
Thinking Geometrically (Mathematical Association of America Textbooks)
by Thomas Q. Sibley
This is a self-contained, comprehensive survey of college geometry that can serve a wide variety of courses for students of both mathematics and mathematics education. The text develops visual insights and geometric intuition while stressing the logical structure, historical development, and deep interconnectedness of the ideas. Chapter topics include Euclidean geometry, axiomatic systems and models, analytic geometry, transformational geometry, symmetry, non-Euclidean geometry, projective geome...
Statistische Methoden (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, #39)
Math Connects, Pre-K, Manipulative Kit (Elementary Math Connects)
by Mcgraw-Hill Education
Young children learn mathematics by using manipulatives to represent concepts in a concrete way. Packaged in two plastic tubs containing shapes, connecting cubes, Bears on a Boat, counters, and more.
by Jasmin C Alexander
Problemes de Mathematiques Et de Physique. Problemes de Mathematiques
by Labosne-A
Differential Calculus Cheat Sheet (Wesolvethem's Cheat Sheets for College Stem Majors, #4)
by Wesolvethem Team
Calculus for Life Sciences, 1e WileyPLUS Student Package
by Sebastian J. Schreiber, Karl J Smith, and Wayne M. Getz