Imaginary Homelands of Writers in Exile
by Cristina Emanuela Dascalu
Paradigm Shift in Indian English Literature
by Agarwal and Beena Agarwal
Wonders and Splendours in Indian Fiction in English
by P Gopichand and P Nagasuseela
Sensitivity and Cultural Multiplexity in Recent Indian English Poetry
by RAO
The nineteenth century in Bengal has been identified and then reviled as a period of renaissance or false renaissance. This study moves beyond those sterile parameters to provide a new understanding of the interactive, living, and cataclysmic nature of events. Analysing certain cultural turning points in the history of Bengali literature, it investigates the place of the aesthetic, the political, and the collective in the composition of a literary culture to show the relevance and significance o...
Four Raj Novels
by Edmund Candler, Christine Weston, Flora Annie Steel, and Philip Mason
The Omnibus will carry a comprehensive Introduction by Saros Cowasjee, which will place these novels in their socio-historical and literary contexts. The collection will appeal to general readers as well as scholars interested in Anglo-Indian writing, colonial history and literature, and British historiography of India. The four books included in this selection, under the editorship of Saros Cowasjee, have all been out of print for nearly forty years or more. These include "On the Face of the Wa...
Vikrama's Adventures or the Thirty Two Tales of the Throne
by Franklin Edgerton
Origin and Originality in Rushdie's Fiction
by Martine Hennard Dutheil de La Rochaere