From its posthumous publication in 1837, Pushkin's narrative poem, "The Bronze Horseman" has been regarded as a central text in Russian literature. This work considers the history of its composition, providing an excursus on the formal properties of the poem, extensive commentary, and an assessment of key thematic questions, with western and Russian responses and interpretations old and new.
Lev Shestov and His Times (American University Studies, Series 7: Theology & Religion, #155)
by Andrius Valevicius
Cuaderno Practico Para No Decir Siempre Que Si (Cuadernos Practicos)
by Marie-Helene Laugier
Tolstoy On Shakespeare
by Ernest Howard Crosby, Bernard Shaw, and Leo Tolstoy
In der russischen Literatur ist das Motiv des Doppelgangers an drei Kernbereiche gebunden: Erstens, der -Samozvanec- (Usurpator) versucht, den legitimen Herrscher von seinem Platz zu verdrangen und selbst dessen Stelle einzunehmen. Zweitens, ein stilisiertes Selbstbild in weitgehend autobiographischen Texten fuhrt zu einer imaginaren Verdoppelung der eigenen Person in Form einer -Spiegelschrift-. Drittens, Steinmonumente beleben sich, verleugnen ihre Zeichenhaftigkeit und verlassen - vermeintlic...
Noble Subjects (NIU Series in Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies)
by Bella Grigoryan
Relations between the Russian nobility and the state underwent a dynamic transformation during the roughly one hundred-year period encompassing the reign of Catherine II (1762–1796) and ending with the Great Reforms initiated by Alexander II. This period also saw the gradual appearance, by the early decades of the nineteenth century, of a novelistic tradition that depicted the Russian society of its day. In Noble Subjects, Bella Grigoryan examines the rise of the Russian novel in relation to the...
The Queen of Spades has long been acknowledged as one of the world's greatest short stories. In this classic literary representation of gambling, Alexander Pushkin explores the nature of obsession. Hints of the occult and gothic alternate with scenes of St Petersburg high-society in the story of the passionate Hermann's quest to master chance and make his fortune at the card-table. Underlying the taut plot is an ironical treatment of the romantic dreamer and social outcast. This volume contains...
Deutsche Dostojewskij-Gesellschaft- Jahrbuch 2002 (Deutsche Dostojewskij-Gesellschaft. Jahrbuch, #9)
Dieses Jahrbuch hat zwei Schwerpunkte, die sich aus den Themen der Veranstaltungen der Gesellschaft im letzten Jahr ergeben. Zum einen handelt es sich um Dostojewskijs Konzept vom "Untergrundmenschen", das er in Auseinandersetzung mit der Durchsetzung burgerlicher Gesellschaftsverhaltnisse in Russland in seinen "Aufzeichnungen aus dem Untergrund" entwickelt. Zum anderen beschaftigt sich der Band mit der Apokalyptik nach der Offenbarung des Johannes als einem gewichtigen strukturellen als auch in...
Johann Friedrich Schink (1755-1835) (Hamburger Beitraege Zur Germanistik, #62) (Hamburger Beitrage Zur Germanistik, #62)
Johann Friedrich Schink gehoert zu den vielseitigsten Dramatikern der Goethezeit. Bereits 1775 gewann er mit Gianetta Montaldi den Hamburger Trauerspiel-Preis und erregte mit seiner Verspottung des Sturm und Drang im Marionettentheater grosse Aufmerksamkeit. Es folgen zahlreiche weitere Dramen, noch wichtiger ist aber seine Rolle als Kritiker, Dramaturg und Theatermacher in Graz, Hamburg, Hannover und Wien. Schink beteiligte sich am neuen Genre kritischer Auffuhrungsberichte, etwa mit Ueber Broc...
Contemporary Russian Myths (Studies in Slavic Languages & Literature, v. 14)
by Iurii Druzhnikov
Russia for Kids: People, Places and Cultures - Children Explore the World Books
by Baby Professor
Narrative Principles in Dostoevskij's "Besy" (European University Studies, v. 10)
by Slobodanka B. Vladiv
Understanding Soviet Politics Through Literature
by Martin Crouch and Robert Porter
From Medieval Russian Culture to Modernism (Russian Culture in Europe, #8)
This volume dedicated to Ronald Vroon, Professor of The University of California, Los Angeles, a distinguished scholar of Russian literature, covers a wide range of topics reflecting his broad research interests (various periods in the history of Russian literature in its relationships with visual art, political life, and church). It brings together leading international specialists in the field - Nikolay Bogomolov (Moscow), Aleksandr Dolinin (Madison/WI), Lazar Fleishman (Stanford), Stefano Gar...
The Idiot (World Classics) (Dover Thrift Editions)
by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
The most autobiographical novel by the author of Crime and Punishment and The Brothers Karamazov—and the namesake of Elif Batuman’s debut novel, The Idiot Returning to St Petersburg from a Swiss sanatorium, the gentle and naïve epileptic Prince Myshkin— known as the “idiot”—pays a visit to his distant relative General Yepanchin and proceeds to charm the General and his family. But his life is thrown into turmoil when he chances on a photograph of the beautiful Nastasya Filippovna. Utterly in...