Journal d'un lieutenant de cage a poules
by Claude Briot and Jacqueline Briot
Causeries Du Lundi, Vol. 11 (Classic Reprint)
by Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve
This is the story of a hardworking woman told in her own words. The opening volume gives the full text of her years at Coltishall, on the Norfolk Broads near Norwich. The diarist's husband William, a former excise officer, is a brewery manager and tenant of a small farm. In 1776 he builds a sailing barge, a wherry, to carry his produce down to the port of Great Yarmouth. His wife, with three very young children, copes with all the problems that come their way. She nurses the younger two through...
Briefwechsel Zwischen Ihm Und Seinen Zeitgenossen. Hrsg. Von Charlotte Steinbrucker... Volume 1
Correspondences of Tolstoy
by Count Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy, 1828-1910
New Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle, Vol. 2 of 2 (Classic Reprint)
by Jane Welsh Carlyle
uvres Completes de Voltaire, Vol. 3: Théâtre, Tome Deuxième (Classic Reprint)
Lettere Inedite del Padre Paolo Segneri D. C. D. G (Classic Reprint)
by Paolo Segneri
Entretiens Sur La Pluralite Des Mondes
by Bernard Le Bovier De Fontenelle
Melanges Religieux, Historiques, Politiques Et Litteraires. Tome 5
by Louis Veuillot