English Literature and the Classics (Classic Reprint)
by G. S. Gordon
Addison's Influence on the Social Reform of His Age (Classic Reprint)
by A. Paul
William Shakespeare Not an Impostor (Classic Reprint)
by George Henry Townsend
Revista de Archivos, Bibliotecas Y Museos, Vol. 27
by Cuerpo Facultativo De Archiveros
Award winning Paul Theroux has written many iconic shorter pieces of travel writing which have been collected together in the captivating Sunrise with Seamonsters. Sunrise with Seamonsters is Paul Theroux's immensely entertaining collection of his shorter writings, ranging from sketches to critical essays. Each piece marks a new 'confrontation with the world' and throws new light on the political and social climate of diverse cultures such as those of New York, Singapore, Ireland and Malawi. Oth...
Zum Geschichtsverstaendnis Heinrich Manns in Seiner Essayistischen Arbeit 1905-1950 (Europaische Hochschulschriften / European University Studies / Publications Universitaires Europeenn, #1758) (Europaeische Hochschulschriften / European University Studie, #1758)
by Madhu Sahni
Das Zeitalter Heinrich Manns umfasst den Imperialismus, den Demokratieversuch, den Faschismus, zwei Weltkriege und eine Revolution. In dieser Arbeit wird die Essayistik Heinrich Manns erstmals in ihrer Gesamtheit ausfuhrlich analysiert, um dadurch die Grundgedanken und die Problematik seiner Gesellschaftsutopie zu verstehen. Die Notwendigkeit einer Auseinandersetzung mit dem Mannschen Geschichtsverstandnis, das strukturell der dialektischen Geschichtsphilosophie Hegels verpflichtet ist, entsteht...
An Evening of Dreams
by Homero Aridjis, Eva Hoffman, Darian Leader, Tom McCarthy, and Selina Mills
En route to his next destination, Lonely Planet founder Tony Wheeler looks at the world's biggest business: travel. An unashamed travel addict, Wheeler writes about the joys of escaping home, satiating wanderlust, and why the bird's-eye view from the window seat is best. Confronting travel's great tensions-employment, income and connection versus overcrowding and cultural damage-he comes down on the side of 'pack and go'.
The Edinburgh Review, or Critical Journal, Vol. 75
by Francis Jeffrey