The Poems of William Cowper: Volume I: 1748-1782 (Oxford English Texts)
by William Cowper
A scholarly edition of poems by William Cowper. The edition presents an authoritative text, together with an introduction, commentary notes, and scholarly apparatus.
After a century of critical neglect, poet and writer Amy Levy is gaining recognition as a literary figure of stature. This definitive biography accompanied by her letters, along with the recent publication of her selected writings, provides a critical appreciation of Levy's importance in her own time and in ours. As an educated Jewish woman with homoerotic desires, Levy felt the strain of combating the structures of British society in the 1880s, the decade in which she built her career and mov...
A Doubter's Doubts about Science and Religion. By a Criminal Lawyer
by Robert Anderson
Wales's best-loved contemporary poet, one of the major poets of our endangered environment, returns to prose in Roots Home. As in At the Source (2008), she does something unusual with form. She combines two elements. Seven vivid essay-meditations, informed by (among others) Dylan Thomas, George Herbert and W. B. Yeats, explore the ways in which poetry bears witness to what is and what might be, presence and transcendence in a threatened world. The meditations precede a journal that runs from Ja...
The Complete Works of Robert Browning, Volume I (The Complete Works of Robert Browning, Volume I) (Complete Works Robert Browning)
by Robert Browning
Bluebeard is the main character in one of the grisliest and most enduring fairy tales of all time. A serial wife murderer, he keeps a horror chamber in which remains of all his previous matrimonial victims are secreted from his latest bride. She is given all the keys but forbidden to open one door of the castle. Astonishingly, this fairy tale was a nursery room staple, one of the tales translated into English from Charles Perrault's French Mother Goose Tales. Bluebeard: A Reader's Guide to the...
In seventeen volumes, copublished with Baylor University, this acclaimed series features annotated texts of all of Robert Browning's known writing. The series encompasses autobiography as well as influences bearing on Browning's life and career and aspects of Victorian thought and culture.? With this seventeenth and final volume, The Complete Works of Robert Browning concludes the major phase of a great scholarly project: the accurate preservation and transmission of the poet's works for future...
The Collected Letters of George Gissing Volume 2 (Collected Letters Gissing)
by George Gissing
For many years, the only Gissing letters available to the public were those in the modest selection of letters to his family published in 1927. In the following years a good number were published separately in such places as journals, memoirs, and sales catalogues, but like the single and small groups of unpublished letters scattered in libraries around the world, they remained in practical terms inaccessible. Even though in recent years small groups of letters to individual correspondents have...
In the 1880s, the aging Browning showed once again the remarkable versatility of his lyric and narrative talents. Ranging across eras and cultures, the books here reveal his late thoughts about history, myth, legend, faith, love, and desire. He had never been more popular, and the founding of the Browning Society in 1881 expanded both his audience and his sense of his place in English letters. The first title in Volume XV is Dramatic Idylls, Second Series (1880). Taking his subjects from classic...
The American Crisis (Founding Fathers Collection, #4) (American Crisis)
by Thomas Paine
Thomas Paine wrote the American Crisis in an effort to justify the American Revolution and to bolster the moral of the Continental Army. THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triu...
Mehalah a Story of the Salt Marshes
by John Herring and Sabine Baring-Gould
One of medieval Irelands greatest collections of stories and poems, THE COLLOQUY OF OLD MEN is an extraordinary fictive account of journeys made by saint Patrick and the pagan Cailte, a survivor from an earlier epoch. This wealth of literary, cultural and folkloric material is retold in a fresh modern idiom and is complete with the full armature of scholarly research material.
The Novels and Selected Works of Mary Shelley Vol 2
by Nora Crook, Pamela Clemit, and Betty T. Bennett
These eight volumes contain the works of Mary Shelley and include introductions and prefatory notes to each volume. Included in this edition are "Frankenstein" (1818), "Matilda" ((1819), "Valperga" (1823), "The Last Man" (1826), "Perkin Warbeck" (1830) and "Lodore" (1835).
'Wodehouse would have made an excellent sports writer' Sunday TimesAs Wodehouse’s biographer Frances Donaldson observed, it was vitally important to the boy Plum that he was ‘above average at games’. Luckily, he was known at school as ‘a noted athlete, a fine footballer and cricketer [and] a boxer’, and sport inspired much of his earliest writings, as well as some of his very finest and laugh-out-loud funniest. Wodehouse wrote with trademark wit on a rich range of games – and on cricket and golf...