Memoiren Von Ludwig Wollrabe (1870)
by Selbstverlag Des Herausgebers Publisher
The Song of the Bell
by Ludwig 1787-1862 Uhland and Friedrich 1759-1805 Schiller
Aus Der Werkstatt Der Experimentellen Psychologie Und Padagogik (1913)
by Rudolf Schulze
Goethe on Human Creativeness, and Other Goethe Essays;
by Rolf King
Suedhessische Mundart Online (Suedhessische Mundart Online, #1)
by Frieda Gehbauer
Beytrage Zur Anatomie Der Pflanzen (1812)
by Johann Jacob Paul Moldenhawer
No philosopher has held a higher opinion of art than Hegel, yet nor was any so profoundly pessimistic about its prospects - despite living in the German golden age of Goethe, Mozart and Schiller. For if the artists of classical Greece could find the perfect fusion of content and form, modernity faced complicating - and ultimately disabling - questions. Christianity, with its code of unworldliness, had compromised the immediacy of man's relationship with reality, and ironic detachment had alienat...
Die Festgesetze Des Pentateuchs, Aufs Neue Kritisch Untersucht (1858)
by Johannes Bachmann
Die Wasserstrassen Nord-Europa's (1881)
by Max Maria Freiherr Von Weber
Die Wasserstrassen Nord-Europa's (1881)
by Max Maria Freiherr Von Weber
Die Neuesten Fortschritte Des Gefangnisswesens (1844)
by Joseph Von Wurth