Condominium Governance and Law in Global Urban Context
This book examines condominium, property, governance, and law in international and conceptual perspective and reveals this urban realm as complex and mutating. Condominiums are proliferating the world over and transforming the socio-spatial organization of cities and residential life. The collection assembles arguably the most prominent scholars in the world currently working in this broad area and situated in multiple disciplines, including legal and socio-legal studies, political science, pub...
Der Pruefingenieur Fuer Bauleistungen (Europaeische Hochschulschriften Recht, #4100)
by Frank Kluth
Canadian Federalism and Its Future
The time is ripe to revisit Canada's past and redress its historical wrongs. Yet in our urgency to imagine roads to reconciliation with Indigenous peoples, it is important to keep in sight the many other forms of diversity that Canadian federalism has historically been designed to accommodate or could also reflect more effectively. Canadian Federalism and Its Future brings together international experts to assess four fundamental institutions: bicameralism, the judiciary as arbiter of the federa...
Risk, Power and the State addresses how power is exercised in and by contemporary state organisations. Through a detailed analysis of programmatic attempts to shape behaviour linked to considerations of risk, this book pursues the argument that, whilst Foucault is useful for understanding power, the Foucauldian tradition - with its strands of discourse analysis, of governmentality studies, or of radical Deleuzian critique - suffers from a lack of clarification on key conceptual issues. Oriented...
With disappearing music venues, and arts and culture communities at constant risk of displacement in our urban centers, the preservation of intangible cultural heritage is of growing concern to global cities. This book addresses the role and protection of intangible cultural heritage in the urban context. Using the methodology of Urban Legal Anthropology, the author provides an ethnographic account of the civic effort of Toronto to become a Music City from 2014-18 in the context of redevelopme...
Providing a vital background to some of the pressing issues in contemporary New Zealand politics, this novel perspective on the distinctive foundations of the country’s welfare state raises issues concerning modern-day concepts of citizenship as this welfare state comes under challenge. Government policy has been linked to this evolving social contract between wage earners and the state; With the contract’s genesis in the migration of wage earners from Britain in the 1840s, New Zealand became an...
Title 26 presents regulations, procedures, and practices that govern income tax, estate and gift taxes, employment taxes, and miscellaneous excise taxes as set forth by the Internal Revenue Service. Additions and revisions to this section of the code are posted annually by April. Publication follows within six months.
Title 26 presents regulations, procedures, and practices that govern income tax, estate and gift taxes, employment taxes, and miscellaneous excise taxes as set forth by the Internal Revenue Service. Additions and revisions to this section of the code are posted annually by April. Publication follows within six months.
Title 26 presents regulations, procedures, and practices that govern income tax, estate and gift taxes, employment taxes, and miscellaneous excise taxes as set forth by the Internal Revenue Service. Additions and revisions to this section of the code are posted annually by April. Publication follows within six months.
Ffh-Richtlinie (Europaische Hochschulschriften Recht, #3981) (Europaeische Hochschulschriften Recht, #3981)
by Tobias Kador
Am 05. Juni 1992 wurde den Mitgliedstaaten der Europaischen Gemeinschaft eine Richtlinie aus dem Bereich des Naturschutzes bekannt gemacht. Es handelte sich um die Richtlinie 92/43/EWG - die sogenannte FFH-Richtlinie zum Schutze der europaischen Naturressourcen. Lange Zeit ist die Bedeutung der FFH-Richtlinie in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland nicht ausreichend erkannt worden. Was die Schutzgebietsausweisung fur die kommunale Bauleitplanung bedeutet, ist fur die Gemeinden vielerorts voellig unkla...
Code of Federal Regulations Title 50, Wildlife and Fisheries, Parts 17. 95(b), 2020
Die Entwicklung Des Luftrechts Bis Zum Luftverkehrsgesetz Von 1922 (Rechtshistorische Reihe, #286)
by Kathrin Bethkenhagen
Zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts brachte die technische Entwicklung und Nutzung der Luftfahrzeuge neue Gefahren mit sich. Das machte den Erlass spezialgesetzlicher Regelungen erforderlich. Neben den ersten in der damaligen Literatur diskutierten luftrechtlichen Fragestellungen und der hoechstrichterlichen Rechtsprechung zur Haftpflicht des Luftfahrzeughalters werden die fur Preussen schon 1910 ergangenen luftrechtlichen Regelungen und die Entstehung des noch 1914 im Reichstag eingebrachten Entwurf...
Title 21 presents regulations promulgated by the Food and Drug Administration, the Drug Enforcement Administration, and the Office of the National Drug Control Agency in the area of food and drugs. These regulations encompass food and drugs for human and animal use, biologics, cosmetics, medical devices, radiological health, and controlled substances. Additions and revisions to this section of the code are posted annually by April. Publication follows within six months.
Code of Federal Regulations Title 49, Transportation, Parts 100-177, 2020
Bislang werden in Deutschland grundsatzlich alle Ausgaben, die im Zusammenhang mit dem Bau und der Unterhaltung von Strassen anfallen, aus dem Staatshaushalt finanziert. Eine Gegenfinanzierung durch die Erhebung von Entgelten fur die Strassenbenutzung erfolgt grundsatzlich nicht. Aufgrund der gegenwartigen Haushaltslage ist es auf Bundes- und Landesebene jedoch nicht mehr moeglich, alle notwendigen Investitionen in die deutsche Strassenverkehrsinfrastruktur vorzunehmen. Besonders betroffen sind...