Agricultural Stability and Farm Programs
This book attempts to contribute to a fuller understanding of perennial issues underlying farm problems and agricultural policies in the United States thus contributing to better projections of policy effects, to better forecasts of policy changes, and perhaps to better policy for agriculture.
Food Safety and Technology Governance
Recent advances in agri-food technology have brought about increasing complexity and emerging challenges to food safety regulation and governance, with many countries greatly divided in their regulatory approaches. As more advanced CRISPR based gene-editing technologies, and novel foods such as cloned animal products, non-traditional plants, nanofood, and plant-based meat are rapidly being developed, debates arise as to whether the existing models of governance require revision to ensure consume...
A Review of Experiences of Establishing Emerging Farmers in South Africa
At the end of Apartheid in 1994, about 82 million hectares of commercial farmland (86% of all farmland) was in the hands of the white minority. Over thirteen million black people lived in crowded former homelands under extreme poverty. Since 1994, the government of South Africa has initiated several land reform programs in order to address the racial imbalance in land holding and secure the land rights of historically disadvantaged people. This review of experiences of supporting emerging histor...
Property Rights and Climate Change
Property Rights and Climate Change explores the multifarious relationships between different types of climate-driven environmental changes and property rights. This original contribution to the literature examines such climate changes through the lens of property rights, rather than through the lens of land use planning. The inherent assumption pursued is that the different types of environmental changes, with their particular effects and impact on land use, share common issues regarding the rel...
Food Policy Trends in Europe
This book provides a review of developments in food science and technology that have taken place over the years and have provided solutions to basic problems concerning the availability and quality of food. Future trends in food policy are evaluated and the impact of food regulation on trends in nutrition, techniques of safety assessment, development in analytical techniques and the use of new technologies.
Massachusetts General Laws Part I Administration of the Government Title XXI Labor and Industries 2020 Edition
by Massachusetts Legislature
Dance with fairies ride a unicorn swim with mermaids chase rainbow (2019-2020 Student Planner, #5)
by Kate Austin A
2020-2021 Two Year Planner (2 Year Monthly Planner 2020-2021, #23)
by Johan Publishers
The prices of farm products are crucial determinants of the extent of poverty and inequality in the world. The vast majority of the world's poorest households depend to a considerable extent on farming for their incomes, while food represents a large component of the consumption of all poor households. For generations, food prices have been heavily distorted by government policies in high-income and developing countries. Many countries began to reform their agricultural price and trade policies...
Agricultural Policy in the US: Evolution and Economics traces the foundation of US agricultural policy from its colonial roots to the present, using economic concepts to analyze and interpret political and economic consequences. Ancient Roman food and agricultural reform, English Corn Law and other historic examples of agricultural policies are included to show that agricultural policy has a long history and has been found necessary for governance throughout history. Processes employed to develo...
Rethinking Public Policy In Agriculture. Lessons From Distant and Recent History
In this report FAO establishes, based on contemporary and historical precedents, the need for developing countries to adopt policies that ensure strong complimentarity between targeted public-sector interventions and private sector roles. The report provides a wide range of examples and highlights three important lessons. First, in all the now developed countries, governments, at the early stages of economic development, supported agriculture through, inter alia, price stabilization and provisio...
Over then past fifty years the British countryside has changed out of all recognition. A wide range of wildlife species are disappearing - victims of modern intensive farming, of pesticides and fertilisers and the sheer relentless pressure to maximise output from every hedge bank and field corner. It need not have happened. The loss of our wildlife and countryside has come about through a deliberate and sustained national policy, one that costs the British people 8 billion a year. The Killing...
Our basic right to healthy food is at risk. What can we do? Written in an astute, engaging style, armed with examples from her own homesteading lifestyle, small farmer Nicole Faires gives you the tools to fight the intangible battles, as well as the practical ones. When author and homesteader Nicole Faires decided to retrofit an old school bus and tour America’s small farms with her husband and two small children, she expected to learn a lot, be inspired, and have some fun. But what she found...
When author and homesteader Nicole Faires decided to retrofit an old school bus and tour America's small farms with her husband and two small children, she expected to learn a lot, be inspired, and have some fun. But what she found disturbed her. Mismanaged small farms; clueless urbanites setting up shop to "get back to the land"; a mindless devotion to organic farming; and, ultimately, the discovery of just how dependent we are on corporations for our food. She began to understand how dangerou...
Agriculture remains the main source of employment and livelihood for the large rural population of many transition countries, especially among the former Soviet republics. Accordingly, the World Bank continuously monitors the progress of land reform and farm restructuring in the region because of the potential impact of these processes on rural development and poverty alleviation in rural areas. The present study on Belarus is the latest addition to a long and growing series of World Bank public...
International agricultural trade regulation remains problematic despite the creation of the WTO and a specific Agreement on Agriculture in 1995. Fiona Smith challenges this orthodoxy and presents a new conceptual method by which the problem of international agricultural trade in the WTO can be understood. Attempts to revise the rules in the Doha Development Round of multilateral trade talks have repeatedly stalled as negotiators grapple with what is perceived to be the problem of international...
This fully revised and updated edition begins with insights into the scope, importance and continuing growth opportunities in the nutraceutical and functional food industries and explores the latest regulatory changes and their impacts. The book demonstrates the global scenario of the acceptance and demand for these products and explores the regulatory hurdles and claim substantiation of these foods and dietary supplements, as well as addressing the intricate aspects of manufacturing procedures....