The Legislation of Congress for the Government of the Organized Territories of the United States 1789-1895
by Max Farrand
An Internet tutorial, reference and troubleshooting guide for lawyers. From getting online and conducting research, to using newer applications such as Internet phone, radio and videoconferencing, Jerry Lawson reveals how to use the Internet to improve, grow and market your practice.
How to Get a Simple Green Card Without a Lawyer Everything You Need to Know Explained Easily (with Companion CD-ROM)
This book, for the first time, brings Niklas Luhmann's work into dialogue with other theoretical positions, including Lacan, Derrida, Deleuze, gender studies, bioethics, translation, ANT, eco-theories and complexity theory.
Motions, rules, and procedures—all the problems of running a successful meeting smoothly and fairly—are covered in this special edition of a famous manual of parliamentary procedure. A clear presentation of the complex Procedure of Motions, clarifications of many technical points, explanatory charts and diagrams have been added to the original 1893 Robert’s Rules of Orders to make it especially valuable to clubs, churches, and organizations, of every type and size. For this long-needed tas...
This book throws new light on the way in which the Internet impacts on democracy. Based on Jurgen Habermas' discourse-theoretical reconstruction of democracy, it examines one of the world's largest, most diverse but also most unequal democracies, Brazil, in terms of the broad social and legal effects the internet has had. Focusing on the Brazilian constitutional evolution, the book examines how the Internet might impact on the legitimacy of a democratic order and if, and how, it might yield oppo...
Nolo's Essential Guide to Buying Your First Home
by Ilona Bray and Ann O'Connell
Aktienanalysten Und Ratingagenturen - - Wer Ueberwacht Die Ueberwacher? (Frankfurter Wirtschaftsrechtliche Studien, #79)
by Dirk Reidenbach
Konfliktloesung Im Mittelalter (Handbuch Zur Geschichte der Konfliktloesung In Europa, #2)
Das vierbandige "Handbuch zur Geschichte der Konfliktloesung in Europa" beschaftigt sich mit rechtlichen und ausserrechtlichen Wegen der Entscheidung von Konflikten zwischen einzelnen Menschen sowie zwischen Personen und ihren Obrigkeiten. Das von Expertinnen und Experten aus vielen europaischen Landern geschriebene Handbuch soll als zentrales Referenzmedium fur die historische Dimension aller Aspekte der Streitentscheidung dienen. Der Aufbau des Werks orientiert sich an den vier Epochen Antike...
Between 1623 and 1960 (the date of the last execution as of 1999), Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont legally put to death more than 700 men and women for a wide variety of capital crimes ranging from army desertion to murder. This companion volume to the previously released ""Legal Executions in New York State"" (McFarland, 1997) is comprised of chronologically arranged biographical entries for the executed persons. Each entry gives personal data on the e...
Designed for today's businesses, clubs, unions, boards, societies, churches, and other organizations, Robert's Rules of Order will help readers conduct meetings with civility and efficiency. Henry M. Robert published his first Robert's Rules of Order in 1876, and literally within days of its printing, began making changes for future printings. Now, a professional parliamentarian has continued this tradition by updating Robert's classic manual for today's needs. Easy to read, understand,...
This handbook provides a comprehensive roadmap to the requirements, legal thinking, and critical issues of water pollution control law. This handbook covers a wide range of programs and requirements that have developed over the years through statutory changes, regulatory enactments, and court decisions.In the Second Edition, Lynn Gallagher and Leonard Miller have written an entirely new handbook to provide the most reliable, compliance information available.
The Law and Special Education: Pearson New International Edition
by Mitchell L Yell
For courses in Special Education Law. Long-recognized as one of the top special education law books in the field, The Law and Special Educationpresents the necessary information for educators to understand the history and development of special education laws and the requirements of these laws in the field of special education. In the highly litigated area of Special Education, it is imperative that professionals in the field understand the legal requirements of providing a free appropriate publ...
WordPerfect 6.1 for Windows for the Legal Profession
by Mary Alice Eisch, Linda Hefferin, and EISCH
Blinde Evolution lautet ein Motto der Rechtswissenschaft nach ihren theologischen und metaphysischen Enttauschungen. Das Werk bietet eine vorzugliche Einfuhrung in die Theorie der Rechtsevolution. Mit anschaulichen Fallbeispielen, einem kurzen wissenschaftshistorischen Uberblick, einer systematischen Zusammenfassung der Kernargumente und einer kritischen Reflexion ist das Buch hervorragend als Einfuhrung und als weiterfuhrender Impuls geeignet. Gegenuber den bisher eher okonomisch orientierten D...
The Book of the General Lawes and Libertyes Concerning the Inhabitants of the Massachusets
A new hardcover edition of the 1929 type facsimile of The Book of the General Lawes and Libertyes Concerning the Inhabitants of the Massachusetts, featuring an introduction by Professor Dunn, has been produced to commemorate the original printing of this document in 1948. The only copy of this first printed book of laws in the history of the United States is in the Huntington Library.
Trump: Los mejores consejos de bienes raíces que he recibido
by Donald J. Trump
En Trump: Los Mejores Consejos de Bienes Raíces Que He Recibido sin duda recibirás consejos e inspiración de líderes exitosos y reconocidos a nivel mundial. En esta obra 100 expertos comparten sus estrategias de bienes raíces, con la sabiduría que han adquirido a base de la experiencia. Contiene información que te brindará ayuda en la planificación de tu propio éxito en bienes inmuebles, independientemente de si te encuentras entrando en el negocio o ya en proceso de compra/venta. Este libro rep...
The Nicaraguan revolution of 1978 and the subsequent violence engulfing the Central American states, causes mass migration of Latin American persons seeking territorial asylum. Latin American States and Political Refugees focuses on the questions surrounding this new problem of refugees. Yundt uses regime analysis, a method whereby principles, norms, and social institutions are studied to identify the general obligations due refugees. The central concern of this study is whether the regional rul...