A critical analysis of the transformation of constitutionalism from an increasingly irrelevant theory of limited government into the most influential philosophy of governance in the world today.Constitutionalism is universally commended because it has never been precisely defined. Martin Loughlin argues that it is not some vague amalgam of liberal aspirations but a specific and deeply contentious governing philosophy. An Enlightenment idea that in the nineteenth century became America's unique c...
Das Handbuch der gef??hrlichen G??ter ist ein Standardwerk f??r den Transport von Gefahrg??tern. Es gibt Informationen zu nationalen und internationalen Transportvorschriften und zu Notfallma??nahmen bei Unf??llen sowie Hinweise f??r die ??rztliche Erstbehandlung von Personen. Der Band 3 des Handbuchs der gef??hrlichen G??ter wurde aktualisiert.
Constitutional Democracy in a Multicultural and Globalised World
by Thomas Fleiner-Gerster and Lidija R Basta Fleiner
After World War II, states transformed into 'collective fortresses' in order to protect competing ideological systems. The debate on post-modern statehood heavily built on ideological disputes between liberalism and communism, over the nature of the economic and social system, and the state and government that could sustain such a system. What is an 'ideologically acceptable' state-concept; which tasks and fu- tions should the state fulfil, and how to legitimate not only democratic, but also aut...
COVID19 et le droit administratif dans la region MENA Etude de cas Egypte
by Maged Shebaita
Moving beyond the question of whether an area of scholarly investigation can truly be characterized as 'legal', Exploiting the Limits of Law combats the often unhelpful constraints of law's subject-matter and formal processes. Through a process of reflection on the limits of law and repeated efforts to redraw them, this book challenges the general sense of pessimism among feminists and others about the usefulness of law as an instrument of change. The work combines theoretical analysis of the l...
Legal Aspects of Public Procurement (Cornerstones of Public Procurement)
by Michael Flynn, Kirk W. Buffington, and Richard Pennington
Legal Aspects of Public Procurement, Third Edition provides a glimpse into the relationships between the legal, ethical, and professional standards of public procurement, outlining not only the interconnections of federal, state, and local law but also best practice under comprehensive judicial standards. The book addresses the ever-changing legal structures that work in conjunction and define the public procurement profession, providing recommended guidance for how practitioners can engage in t...
Judging in the Islamic, Jewish and Zoroastrian Legal Traditions
by Janos Jany
Judicial Deference in International Adjudication (Studies in International Law)
by Johannes Hendrik Fahner
International courts and tribunals are increasingly asked to pass judgment on matters that are traditionally considered to fall within the domestic jurisdiction of States. Especially in the fields of human rights, investment, and trade law, international adjudicators commonly evaluate decisions of national authorities that have been made in the course of democratic procedures and public deliberation. A controversial question is whether international adjudicators should review such decisions de n...
Rights of Third-Country Nationals Under Eu Association Agreements (Nijhoff Studies in European Union Law)
Promises of justice and equality made in the U.S. Constitution, numerous Amendments, and decisions of the Supreme Court are hallmarks of American civil rights. Yet the realities of inequality remain facts of modern life for too many Native Americans, African Americans, and Latino Americans, even though state-mandated racial segregation has been outlawed for years. Women still face a variety of forms of discrimination-some subtle and others more overt. There remain many laws that treat people dif...
Schallbewertung ist eine zentrale Aufgabe der Larmforschung. Gerausche am Arbeitsplatz, in der Freizeit, in der Umwelt allgemein koennen als angenehm, als stoerend oder sogar als schmerzhaft wahrgenommen werden. Schall stellt im einen Extrem einen Informationstrager, im anderen eine Ursache fur gesundheitliche Beeintrachtigungen dar. Das interdisziplinare Arbeitsfeld wird hier systematisch, teilweise der historischen Entwicklung folgend, auch fur den Nicht-Fachmann verstandlich, dargestellt.
Die Bayerische Allgemeine Dienstordnung Für Die Staatsbehörden Vom 12. Januar 1933
by Johann Rudolf Von Schelhorn
In The Legality and Legitimacy of the Use of Force in Northeast Asia, Brendan Howe and Boris Kondoch bring together distinguished authors with extensive Northeast Asian backgrounds to offer a diverse and comprehensive evaluation of when it is right, from regional perspectives, to use force in international relations. The use of force in international relations has been severely curtailed by pragmatic considerations of international order, and further constrained by positive international law. I...
LA MUERTE DE UNA CONSTITUCION. El procso constituyente de 1999 desencadenado por dos sentencias de la Corte Suprema
by Allan R Brewer-Carias
Gesetzgebung ohne Parlament? (Schriftenreihe der Juristischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin)
by Eckart Klein
Der einerseits teils versteckte, teils offene Verlust der parlamentarischen Steuerungsfahigkeit und die andererseits wachsende Praponderanz der Regierung in wichtigen gesellschaftspolitischen Fragen (z. B. Atomausstieg, Terrorismusbekampfung) wird immer haufiger kritisiert, da sie das Parlament zunehmend aus dem Zentrum der politischen Macht verdrangten. Der Vortrag geht den Grunden dieser Entwicklung nach und gelangt uber die Analyse der Bedeutung des parlamentarischen Entscheidungsprozesses un...
While nineteenth-century literary scholars have long been interested in women's agency in the context of their legal status as objects, Curious Subjects makes the striking and original argument that what we find at the intersection between women subjects (who choose and enter into contracts) and women objects (owned and defined by fathers, husbands, and the law) is curiosity. Women protagonists in the novel are always both curiosities: strange objects worthy of our interest and actors who are th...