This work is a comparative study of domestic implementation of Security Council mandatory sanctions taken under Article 41, Chapter VII of the UN Charter, including the establishment of the two international criminal tribunals, the ICTY and ICTR, and recent resolutions on the combating of the financing of terrorism. The book examines implementation in 16 select States in Europe, America, Asia, the Middle East and Africa, underlining also the particular problems arising from sanctions implementat...
Amtliche Mitteilungen Aus Der Abteilung Fur Forsten Des Preussischen Ministeriums Fur Landwirtschaft, Domanen Und Forsten
by Preuen
Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfangen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen fur die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfugung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden mussen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.
British Diplomacy in Turkey, 1583 to the Present (Diplomatic Studies)
by Geoffrey R Berridge
The Future of U.S. Public Diplomacy (Diplomatic Studies)
by Kathy Fitzpatrick
Das Handbuch der gefahrlichen Guter ist das Standardwerk fur den Transport von Gefahrgutern. Es gibt Informationen zu nationalen und internationalen Transportvorschriften und zu Notfallmassnahmen bei Unfallen mit gefahrlichen Gutern sowie Hinweise fur die arztliche Erstbehandlung von Personen. Fur alle Gefahrguter, die im Hommel enthalten sind, wurden die GHS-Kennzeichnungen mit aufgenommen: Signalworte, Piktogramme, sowie die neuen Gefahrenhinweise (H-Statements) und Sicherheitshinweise (P-Stat...
Politische Plane zur Rucknahme von Steuervergunstigungen oder Subventionen sind haufig mit der Forderung nach Vertrauensschutz fur Altinvestoren verbunden. Dieses Problem der UEbergangsgerechtigkeit ist Gegenstand dieses Buchs. Ausgangspunkt ist die finanzwissenschaftliche Diskussion um Steuerreformprobleme und die Rechtsprechung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts zum verfassungsrechtlichen Vertrauensschutz. Hierauf aufbauend wird analysiert, wie sich UEbergangsgerechtigkeit implementieren lasst und...
The Transition of Religion to Culture in Law and Public Discourse
by Lori Beaman
This book explores the recent trend toward the transformation of religious symbols and practices into culture in Western democracies. Analyses of three legal cases involving religion in the public sphere are used to illuminate this trend: a municipal council chamber; a town hall; and town board meetings. Each case involves a different national context—Canada, France and the United States—and each illustrates something interesting about the shape-shifting nature of religion, specifically its flex...
The conspicuous absence of private international law from the current global governance debate may be traced in part to its traditional "public law taboo", fed by liberal understandings of statehood and its characteristic public/private divide, in the context of the modern schism between the public and private branches of international law. This research review assembles work that is of immediate interest to both public and private international lawyers, and more broadly to all those interested...
American Lawyers and Their Communities (Revisions: A Series of Books on Ethics)
by Thomas L. Shaffer
This book examines the ethical development of American lawyers against a historical, cultural, and religious backdrop. Goes beyond the rules and statements of professional organizations, such as the American Bar Association, and considers how lawyers actually perceive their responsibility for their communities and the ethical standards of their profession.
Aus dem Inhalt: Die Vergabe öffentlicher Aufträge im Hinblick auf die Einführung der elektronischen Vergabe im Team Immobilienmanagement der Stadtverwaltung Bensheim / Vergleich von HGB und IFRS im Hinblick auf die Bilanz eines Unternehmens / Wertorientierte Unternehmensführung / Immaterielle Mitarbeitermotivation / Strategieoptionen etablierter Energieversorgungsunternehmen im liberalisierten Elektrizitätsmarkt der Bundesrepublik Deutschland unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der HEAG Südhessisc...
Through the creative use of literary analysis, Memory, Imagination, Justice provides a critical and highly original discussion of contemporary topics in criminal law and bioethics. Author David Gurnham uses popular and classical texts, by authors including Shakespeare, Dickens, Euripides, Kafka, the Brothers Grimm, Huxley and Margaret Atwood to shed fresh light on such controversial legal and ethical issues as passionate homicide, life sentences, child pornography and genetic enhancement. Gurnha...
When Americans Complain (Oliver Wendell Holmes Lectures, #1966)
by Walter Gellhorn
Family, Religion and Law (Cultural Diversity and Law in Association with RELIGARE)
This collection discusses how official legal systems do and should respond to the reality of a plurality of family types and origins within their jurisdictions. It further examines the challenges that arise for practitioners, including lawyers and judges, when faced with such plurality. Focussing on empirical research, the volume presents legal and sociological data of unprecedented comparative depth. It also includes a discussion of how members of minority families respond to the need to org...
Wertorientierte Steuerplanung Und Unternehmensfuhrung in Der Globalen Wirtschaft
by Michael Von Wuntsch and Stefan Bach
Accommodating Cultural Diversity (Applied Legal Philosophy)
This volume explores recent developments in the theory and practice of accommodating cultural diversity within democratic constitutional orders. The aim of the book is to provide a broad vision of the constitutional management of cultural diversity as seen through the prisms of different disciplines and experiences, both theoretical and practical. The contributions, which come from Canada and Europe, comprise a review of the evolving theory of cultural diversity, followed by two main case studi...
Constitutional Law and Precedent
This collection examines case-based reasoning in constitutional adjudication, that is, how courts decide on constitutional cases by referring to their own prior case law and the case law of other national, foreign and international courts. Argumentation based on judicial authority is now fundamental to the resolution of constitutional disputes. At the same time, it is the most common form of reasoning used by courts. This volume shows not only the strengths and weaknesses of such argumentation,...
Religious Minorities, Islam and the Law (ICLARS Series on Law and Religion)
This book examines the legal conundrum of reconciling international human rights law in a Muslim majority country and identifies a trajectory for negotiating the protection of religious minorities within Islam. The work explores the history of religious minorities within Islam in Indonesia, which contains the world's largest Muslim population, as well as the present-day ways by which the government may address issues through reconciling international human rights law and Islamic law. Given the...
In recent years, China, the US, and the EU and its Member States have either promulgated new national laws and regulations or drastically revised existing ones to exert more rigorous government control over inward foreign direct investment (FDI). Such government control pertains to the establishment of an ex-ante review regime of FDI in the host state in sectors that are considered as ‘sensitive’ or ‘strategic’, with an aim to mitigate the security-related implications. This book conducts a syst...
"Weil Wir frei sein wollen" beantwortet die Frage, warum wir den Staat brauchen. Die Antwort thematisiert ihn als Republik oder - in korrekter UEbersetzung des lateinischen Lehnwortes - als Freistaat. Thema des Buches ist daher nicht der rechtsstaatliche Schutz privater, persoenlicher Freiheit, sondern der republikanische Wille zu oeffentlicher, politischer Freiheit. Was der betreffende Freiheitswille vermag, hat die Welt am 9. November 1989 gehoert und gesehen: "Wir sind das Volk" war die Parol...
The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in the Member States (Eu Law in the Member States)
Ten years after the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union became part of binding primary law, and twenty years since its adoption, this volume assess the application of the EU Charter in the Member States. How often, and in particular by which actors, is the EU Charter invoked at the national level? In what type of situations is it used? Has the approach of national courts in general, and of constitutional courts in particular, to EU law to EU fundamental rights law changed followi...