Real Rights provides a new theory of the grounds of legal and moral rights. Wellman argues that only agents can be right-holders, that children and the mentally limited can have only limited rights, and that foetuses, the dead, and groups can have none. Real Rights also describes how rights imply duties, and how rights conflicts can be resolved and what considerations override rights.
July 2019-June 2020 Academic Planner (2019-2020 Planner, #14)
by Anika J Gibson
Der Autor untersucht die Entstehung von Sicherheitsgesetzen am Beispiel der Einfuhrung der gesetzlichen Ermachtigungen zur polizeilichen Videouberwachung im oeffentlichen Raum in den Bundeslandern Nordrhein-Westfalen, Hessen und Brandenburg. Ausgangshypothese ist eine besonders hohe Dominanz der Exekutive bei der Gesetzgebung im Politikfeld der Inneren Sicherheit. Diese wird vor dem Hintergrund der parlamentarischen Legitimationsleistungen im Gesetzgebungsprozess analysiert. Es werden Erkenntnis...
In The Natural Rights Republic, renowned political theorist Michael P. Zuckert examines the natural rights philosophy as expressed in sources like the Declaration of Independence and aims to counter contemporary confusion by offering an insightful study of the concept that dominated the mindset of the founding generation of the United States.
Research Handbook on Natural Law Theory
by Jonathan Crowe and Constance Y. Lee
This thought-provoking Research Handbook provides a comprehensive overview of current research on natural law theory in ethics, politics and law, demonstrating the rigour and versatility of the tradition and offering an up-to-date picture of these ideas in the 21st century. Featuring contributions from leading international scholars in disciplines from law and government to philosophy and religious studies, the Handbook explores both the philosophical foundations of natural law thinking and i...
An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation; Volume 1
by Jeremy Bentham
This new translation offers a contemporary rendering of this ancient work which addresses fundamental questions of law and duty for all members of society. One cannot but be impressed by the breadth of scope conjoined with sometimes minute and informative detail. The Laws embody the genius of their originators whose minds could contemplate the full extent of human society and accommodate a code of conduct which would ensure its lawful and harmonious regulation. The modern mind will certainly tak...
Human Dignity and the Law (Routledge Research in Legal Philosophy)
by Michal Rupniewski
This book reassesses the relationship between human dignity, law and specifically the 'personalist' school of agency. The work argues that a specific way of appreciating dignity is contained in how law understands the person, and so can be used to improve upon how we explain and interpret the law. Despite considerable differences between jurisdictions as regards human dignity in application, it is argued that the particular weight of human persons is the widely shared focal point. The central c...
Aristotle and Natural Law (Continuum Studies in Ancient Philosophy)
by Anthony Burns
A new approach to understanding the relationship between Aristotle's political philosophy and the natural law tradition. "Aristotle and Natural Law" offers an important new examination of Aristotle's political thought and its relationship to the natural law tradition. The book challenges recent alternative interpretations of Aristotle and argues that Aristotle's ethics is most usefully seen as a particular type of natural law theory. Tony Burns shows that the type of natural law theory to which...
Adam Thurschwell, a respected academic and death penalty lawyer, draws upon continental theory and the Anglo-American jurisprudential tradition in order to deliver a critical survey of both the theoretical aspects of capital punishment and its actual administration. Pursuing an original political approach rather than taking a moral stance, his discussion compares the topics of sovereignty, power and legitimacy with moral desert or consequentialism and explores their impact on perceptions and pr...
The Whole Duty of Man According to the Law of Nature
by Samuel Pufendorf (Freiherr Von) and Samuel Pufendorf
Mit der Grundung der Universitat Halle im Territorium Brandenburg setzt die Blutezeit des modernen, sakularisierten Naturrechts in Deutschland ein. Die Ringvorlesung behandelt philosophische Pramissen wie praktische Folgen des in Halle propagierten Naturrechts und verfolgt die Rezeption der neuen Gedanken.
Person and Natural Law (Catholic Thought from Lublin, #7)
by Mieczyslaw Albert Krapiec
July 2019 - June 2020 Calendar (2019-2020 Weekly Planner, #4)
by Anika J Gibson
Natural Law Today: The Present State of the Perennial Philosophy explains and defends various aspects of traditional natural law ethical theory, which is rooted in a broad understanding of human nature. Some of the issues touched upon include the relation of natural law to speculative reason and human ends (teleology), the relationship between natural law and natural theology, the so-called naturalistic fallacy (deriving "ought" from "is"), and the scope of natural knowledge of the precepts of...
Drawing on his fifteen years' experience as a High Court judge in England, the author explores the concept of justice in seven essays. He acknowledges that definition is far from easy but argues that justice today tends to be confined within the phrase 'social justice', which is inextricably bound up with the remedies promoted by socialist governments - even the policies of 'right-wing' governments in the West are to some extent based on socialist principles. If justice is a difficult concept, i...