This is a complete resource of employment law and personnel practice. This book comes at a time when managers are faced with still more new legislation, obligations and potential penalties. This is an essentially practical book: in a straightforward, no-jargon manner it explains what the law is and then what to do, providing expert advice on every aspect of employment practice from recruitment, pay and incentives to maternity/paternity leave, personnel records, contracts, holidays, harassment, d...
Lord Jim (Picador Books) (Serie Aventures de Joseph Conrad, #4)
by Joseph Conrad
Lord Jim (1900): Jim is one of Conrad's most complex creations, and Conrad explores, along the vast horizon of this gorgeous novel, the phenomena of shame, guilt, retribution -- and redemption. How right it is for our times!Originally published in 1904, Nostromo is considered by many to be Conrad's supreme achievement. Set in the imaginary South American republic of Costaguana, the novel reveals the effects of unbridled greed and imperialist interests on many different lives. V.S. Pritchett wrot...
Wirtschaftsunternehmen sind nicht nur oekonomische Einheiten, sondern auch Wertgemeinschaften. In der Wissenschaft wird das bisher unterschiedlich erfasst. Die Wirtschaftstheorie konzentriert sich auf oekonomische Wertungen wie Gewinn, Erhaltung der Ertragskraft, Umsatzsteigerung, Bestehen im Wettbewerb, Sicherheit und Qualitat der Produkte oder Dienstleistungen. Die Unternehmenspraxis nennt daruber hinaus in Unternehmensgrundsatzen, Fuhrungsleitlinien, Arbeitsordnungen und Betriebsvereinbarung...
Freelance en los medios de comunicacion audiovisuales en Mexico
by Guillermo Garcia Naranjo Urzaiz
European Labour Law and Social Policy : Cases and Materials (European Labour Law and Social Policy)
by Alan C. Neal
Die Tariffaehigkeit Der Gewerkschaft (Schriften Zum Arbeitsrecht Und Wirtschaftsrecht, #24)
by Kristin Doerlich
In der Tarifpraxis gewinnen Haustarifvertrage, bei denen die Gewerkschaften in dem Unternehmen nur mit einer Minderheit vertreten ist, zunehmend an Bedeutung. Mit Blick auf das Prinzip der Tarifeinheit greift die Arbeit die Frage auf, ob der daraus resultierenden Gefahr einer "Majorisierung der Mehrheit durch eine Minderheit" wirksam begegnet werden kann, indem die Tariffahigkeit einer Arbeitnehmervereinigung getrennt beurteilt wird - entweder hinsichtlich des gesamten tariflichen Zustandigkeits...
The typical workplace is a hotbed of human relationships--of friendships, conflicts, feuds, alliances, partnerships, coexistence and cooperation. Here, problems are solved, progress is made, and rifts are mended because they need to be - because the work has to get done. And it has to get done among increasingly diverse groups of co-workers. At a time when communal ties in American society are increasingly frayed and segregation persists, the workplace is more than ever the site where Americans...
Медиа-типы и ликвидация последствий стихи
by Мохаммад Ямал Уддин
Berufs- Und Erwerbsunfaehigkeit (Schriften Zum Deutschen Und Europaeischen Oeffentlichen Rech, #1)
by Henry Roth
Arbeitskampfparitaet (Europaeische Hochschulschriften Recht, #3130)
by Klaus Ruhland
Labour Law and the Gig Economy
This international book analyses the impact of digitisation in labour markets, on labour relationships and also on labour processes.The rapid progress of modern disruptive technologies and AIs and their multiple applications to each phase of the labour production system, are changing the production rules on a global scale with significant impacts in every aspect of work. As new technologies transform work patterns and change the type of jobs available - destroying some while creating others - an...
Workplace Violence and Harassment: A Forensic Investigation Handbook is a definitive manual for those tasked with screening and conducting workplace investigations of varying severity, sensitivity, and complexity. The opening chapter delves into the definition of workplace violence and discusses how different organizations have attempted to carve out policies to reflect its often interpretive nature. The second chapter examines the definitions of workplace harassment and sexual harassment and m...
Forced Labour and Human Trafficking
The history of youth work in Europe (The history of youth work in Europe)
by Council of Europe
In a book that confronts the moral choices that U.S. corporations make every day in the treatment of their workers, James A. Gross issues a clarion call for the transformation of the American workplace based on genuine respect for human rights, rather than whatever the economic and regulatory landscape might allow. Gross questions the nation's underlying fabric of values as reflected in its laws and our assumptions about workers and the workplace.Arguing that our market philosophy is incompatibl...
European Union Private International Labour Law
by Andrzej Marian Swiatkowski
The European Union as an area of freedom, security, and justice has created a community which adheres to unified laws. In matters regulated by labour law (individual and collective) as well as social security law, the above aim may be met by introducing unified regulations, allowing for identical ways of resolving conflicts of labour law that arise in work relations where there is a cross national element present. In order to ensure legal stability within work relations, national regulations con...
Growing Green
Wages and Employment Policy 1936-1985 (Routledge Library Editions: Labour Economics, #12)
by Russell Jones
First published in 1987. This fascinating study provides an understanding of the failings of the post-war era of active macroeconomic policy-making, and only by a better comprehension of past failings can we hope to provide the successful policies for the present and future. The book takes as its primary bench mark an analysis of Keynes’s conception of the wages problem at or near full employment in The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money. It then depicts the developments in officia...