Discoveries and Inventions: A Lecture (Classic Reprint)
by Abraham Lincoln
Phyllis Schlafly Speaks, Volume 2 (Phyllis Schlafly Speaks, #2)
by Phyllis Schlafly
A Brief Sketch of the First Monitor and Its Inventor
by Eben P Door
The Complete Idiot's Guide (R) to Cashing in On Your Inventions
by Richard C. Levy
Patent Quality Management: Implementing a System f or Creating Value
by Gibbs
With the growing imperative to identify alternative (internal) sources of revenue, corporate shareholders, managers, and senior executives are aware of the critically important value of patents to the bottom line. To achieve these objectives, now more than ever companies must implement a patent-centric management process. This book introduces a new methodology that provides a hands-on implementation process, guiding every level of corporate manager, from CEO on down, through the establishment of...
Intellectual Property (IP) covers all rights that are generated by one's creative intellectual efforts. Being intangible, intellectual property has no material existence but is, nevertheless, a valuable asset with substantial commercial value. With the knowledge gleaned from Intellectual Property for Integrated Circuits, integrated circuit (IC) designers will possess a substantial understanding of the numerous forms of intellectual property and their underlying laws and governing principles to e...
Visser's Annotated European Patent Convention 2022 Edition
by Peter de Lange and Andrew Rudge
Patentrecht, Markenrecht und Designschutz bilden einen Bereich, der ständigem Wandel unterworfen ist. Selbst für Spezialisten ist es zur Herausforderung geworden, Rechte und Forschungsergebnisse zu schützen in einem internationalen Umfeld, das täglich komplexer wird. Basierend auf dem 1991 erschienenen erfolgreichen Werk "Patentbegriffe von A bis Z" und ergänzt um ein dreisprachiges Fachwortverzeichnis, führt das hoch vernetzte Glossar durch den Dschungel der Begrifflichkeiten und berücksichti...
Seed Activism (Food, Health, and the Environment)
by Karine E. Peschard
How lawsuits around intellectual property in Brazil and India are impacting the patentability of plants and seeds, farmers’ rights, and the public interest. Over the past decade, legal challenges have arisen in the Global South over patents on genetically modified crops. In this ethnographic study, Karine E. Peschard explores the effects of these disputes on people’s lives, while uncovering the role of power—material, institutional, and discursive—in shaping laws and legal systems. The expansio...
Utility Patenting for IP SAVVYS (Intellectual Property Boostcamp (Ip-Bc))
by David Schwartz
Technological Innovation Index (Vernon Series in Economic Methodology)
by Fredrick Pachys
Starting with the 13th century, this book explores how patents have been used as an economic protectionist tool, developing and evolving to the point where thousands of patents have been ultimately granted not over inventions, but over isolated or purified biological materials. DNA, invented by no man and once thought to be 'free to all men and reserved exclusively to none', has become cartelised in the hands of multinational corporations. The author questions whether the continuing grant of pat...
Intellectual Property Law for Engineers, Scientists, and Entrepreneurs, Second Edition
by Howard B. Rockman
Fully revised new edition that completely covers intellectual property law-and many related issues-for engineers, scientists, and entrepreneurs This book informs engineering and science students, technology professionals, and entrepreneurs about the intellectual property laws that are important in their careers. It covers all of the major areas of intellectual property development and protection in non-legalistic terms that are understandable to technology and science professionals. New material...
2020-2021 Monthly Planner (2020-2021 Daily Monthly Calendar Pocket Planner, 24 Months Jan 2020 to Dec 2021, #4)
by John Book Publishing
July 2019 - June 2020 Calendar (2019-2020 Weekly Planner, #4)
by Anika J Gibson
The Routledge Handbook of EU Copyright Law
The Routledge Handbook of EU Copyright Law provides a definitive survey of copyright harmonization in the European Union, capturing the essential and relevant issues of this relatively recent phenomenon. Over the past few years, two themes have emerged: on the one hand, copyright policy and legislative initiatives have intensified; on the other hand, the large number of references to the Court of Justice of the European Union has substantially shaped the EU copyright framework and, with it, the...
Innovation, Creativity and Law (Studies in Industrial Organization, #12)
by William Kingston
This book develops the theme of my earlier Innovation: The Creative Impulse in Human Progress, and considerably expands the latter book. I came to the study of innovation from experience in industry which had brought me into close practical contact with it, and my initial interest in the subject was in terms of the way in which it expressed human creativity. Progressively, however, my focus shifted towards the laws which help or hinder creativeness in being economically fruitful. This led to the...