Since the First International Conference on the Reduction of Drug-Related Harm, held in 1990, the term 'harm reduction' has gained wide currency in the areas of public health and drug policy. Previously the field was characterized by heated struggle between prohibition and legalization of addictive substances, and this debate tended to obscure practical, collective approaches. Harm reduction, an approach which encompasses various policy directives and program initiatives was inspired by the posi...
Arzneimittel- Und Apothekenrecht Der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik. Lieferung 1
Arzneimittel- Und Apothekenrecht Der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik. Lieferung 4
- Ab-DDR 87 - (Arzneimittel- Und Apothekenrecht Der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik)
American Contagions
by Professor of Law and History John Fabian Witt
Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material (Seriya norm MAGATE po bezopasnosti)
The purpose of these regulations is to establish standards of safety that provide an acceptable level of control of the radiation hazards to persons, property and the environment that are associated with the transport of radioactive material. These regulations apply to the transport of radioactive material by all modes of transport, including transport that is incidental to the use of the radioactive material. Transport is deemed to comprise all operations and conditions associated with and invo...
Intellectual Property Law and Access to Medicines (Law, Development and Globalization)
The history of patent harmonization is a story of dynamic actors, whose interactions with established structures shaped the patent regime. From the inception of the trade regime to include intellectual property (IP) rights to the present, this book documents the role of different sets of actors – states, transnational business corporations, or civil society groups – and their influence on the structures – such as national and international agreements, organizations, and private entities – that h...
Research Handbook on Socio–Legal Studies of Medicine and Health
by Marie-andree Jacob and Anna Kirkland
This timely Research Handbook offers significant insights into an understudied subject, bringing together a broad range of socio-legal studies of medicine to help answer complex and interdisciplinary questions about global health - a major challenge of our time. Interdisciplinary chapters explore both how the terrain of medicine can generate new questions about law, regulation and the state, and how the law intersects with health and medicine at every level. Bringing together leading internati...
Tom Christoffel pens "an excellent overview of the law for non-lawyers in the health care field" (George Annas, Professor of Law and Medicine at Boston University Schools of Medicine and Public Health). Health and the Law provides health professionals and students with a balanced, comprehensive, highly readable survey of the legal concepts and controversies affecting them today. Avoiding unnecessarily technical language, it lucidly explains basic legal principles and theories, examines curren...
When a powerful mystic steps on the hand of a radical young hippie doctor from Detroit, it changes lives and the world. Sometimes Brilliant is the adventures of a philosopher, mystic, hippie, doctor, groundbreaking tech innovator, and key player in the eradication of one of the worst pandemics in human history. His story, of what happens when love, compassion and determination meet the right circumstances to effect positive change, is the kind that keeps hope and the sense of possibility alive.A...
H.R. 3200, America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 (Introduced in House)
Research Handbook on Global Health Law
by Gian Luca Burci and Brigit Toebes
This timely Research Handbook provides a critical conceptualization and definition of the growing field of global health law. The Research Handbook forms the first comprehensive study on the treatment of health issues in international legal regimes and explores the role of international law in addressing the most prominent global health challenges. The editors have consciously adopted a holistic approach by including 'soft' norms and informal law-making processes in the Research Handbook's sco...
This Safety Guide provides recommendations on achieving and demonstrating compliance with IAEA Safety Standards Series No. TS-R-1, Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material, establishing safety requirements to be applied to the national and international transport of radioactive material. Transport is deemed to comprise all operations and conditions associated with and involved in the movement of radioactive material, including the design, fabrication and maintenance of packagin...
Technology, Innovation and Healthcare - An Evolving Relationship
by Bernadette J. Richards, Mark Taylor, and Susannah Sage Jacobson
This timely book emphasizes the importance of regulation in enabling and channelling innovation at a time when technology is increasingly embedded in healthcare. It considers the adequacy of current regulatory approaches, identifying apparent gaps, risks and liabilities, and discusses how these might be collectively addressed. The authors present possible solutions that balance the protection and promotion of public trust in healthcare against enabling technological progress and disruptive innov...
Media Analysis and Public Health
This volume showcases new approaches to studying public health in traditional and emerging media, suggesting that we need more analyses that focus on the production of media and on power dynamics, as well as studies of audience reception of media messages. The collection asks a variety of questions about the role of media in analysing public health. Contributors ask: who is influential in producing the stories we see in the press and on social media? Who benefits, and who is damaged, by media...
BVR/Ahla Guide to Healthcare Industry Compensation and Valuation
by Timothy Smith and Mark O Dietrich
Copyright, Data and Creativity in the Digital Age (Routledge Research in Intellectual Property)
by Julian Warner
The Supreme Court of the United States in Feist v. Rural (1991) required that databases must have a minimal degree of creativity for copyright. The judgment was highly significant and the subsequent period is understood as the post-Feist era. It has been globally influential. However, the decision is extremely complex and remains unsatisfactorily interpreted. In particular, it has been impossible to illuminate the creativity requirement. The book gives an account of the decision’s conceptual st...
Presents a guide to the legal issues surrounding money and finances for older people or those planning for older age. Many of us leave it all too late to plan for retirement, or are caring for elderly relatives and face difficult decisions. The legal complexities are daunting. This guide by John Kerrigan, a professional solicitor, is written for law students, lawyers and financial advisors who are advising those planning for retirement, are retired or are caring for retired people. It clearly ex...