The Tough Luck Constitution and the Assault on Healthcare Reform
by Andrew Koppelman
The legal challenge to the Affordable Care Act, and the Supreme Court's decision to uphold the law, is quite possibly the most momentous Supreme Court case on the issue of federal power in our era. Yet, despite the Court's ruling, the issue of health care reform is still an incredibly divisive issue. For the left, the federal government has the power to regulate interstate commerce, and the health insurance industry surely falls under the definition of interstate commerce. For conservatives, th...
Patient Autonomy and Criminal Law (Routledge Research in Health Law)
This book shows how the legal systems of individual European countries protect patient autonomy. In particular, it explains the role of criminal law, that is, what criminal law protection of patient autonomy looks like on a European scale in both legal and social dimensions. Despite EU integration processes, the work illustrates that the legal orders of individual European countries are far from uniform in this area. The concept of patient autonomy here is generally in the context of the patient...
Cross Curricular Contexts, Themes and Dimensions in Primary Schools (Cultural Diversity and the Curriculum)
by Professor Gajendra K Verma
The final volume of four, the authors, all specialists in the areas of the curriculum, consider how the concerns of ethnic groups may be addressed within the framework of the National Curriculum. Despite the indecision surrounding the structure, content, pedagogy and assessment of many components of the primary school curriculum, it remains that the multicultural nature of the population and of schools will develop. These developments and their educational implications must be considered if the...
The author of the bestselling Just Medicine reveals how racial inequality undermines public health and how we can change it With the rise of the Movement for Black Lives and the feverish calls for Medicare for All, the public spotlight on racial inequality and access to healthcare has never been brighter. The rise of COVID-19 and its disproportionate effects on people of color has especially made clear how the color of one's skin is directly related to the quality of care (or lack thereof) a per...
Glucose Log Book (Daily Diabetic Glucose Record Book Readings Before & After for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Bedtime, #6)
by Minnie D White
All the key health and safety regulations are explained without the usual emphasis on jargon. There a plenty of practical examples and checklists. Using the report, almost anyone with managerial responsibility will be able to quickly appreciate what to do to prepare for all the commonly encountered dilemmas that normally leave you reaching for the phone or the web. If you have already been challenged by the insurer, inspector, or one of your workforce about the status of your health and safety t...
Famine and Disease in Ireland, Volume II
by Leslie Clarkson and E. Margaret Crawford
The Great Famine of 1845-9 remains the great climacteric in Irish history. This title contains reprints of contemporary works relating to the Great Famine, including writings on the medical conditions in Ireland at the time gathered from the "Dublin Journal of Medical Science" and similar publications.
Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material (Chinese Safety Standards)
The purpose of these regulations is to establish standards of safety that provide an acceptable level of control of the radiation hazards to persons, property and the environment that are associated with the transport of radioactive material. These regulations apply to the transport of radioactive material by all modes of transport, including transport that is incidental to the use of the radioactive material. Transport is deemed to comprise all operations and conditions associated with and invo...
This comprehensive book provides a detailed survey and practical examination of a wide range of legal and regulatory topics in HealthTech. Combining the insights of leading healthcare experts from around the world, chapters first examine the key characteristics, use cases and regulation in the field, before turning to the development and potential applications of cutting-edge technologies in healthcare. The book also addresses the main issues involved in setting up and running a HealthTech busin...
Guide to Food Regulations in the United Kingdom
Environmental Health in International and EU Law
This book presents a broad overview of the many intersections between health and the environment that lie at the basis of the most crucial environmental health issues, focusing on the responses provided by international and EU law. Consistent with the One Health approach and moving from the relevant international and EU legal frameworks, the book addresses some of the most important issues of environmental health including the traditional, such as pollution of air, water and soil and related foo...
No Vaccine, No Cure: HIV and AIDS in the United Kingdom - Report
In the wake of the Charlie Gard and Alfie Evans cases, a wide-ranging international conversation was started regarding alternative thresholds for intervention and the different balances that can be made in weighing up the rights and interests of the child, the parent's rights and responsibilities and the role of medical professionals and the courts. This collection provides a comparative perspective on these issues by bringing together analysis from a range of jurisdictions across Europe, North...
This book explores the discrepancies among what protections Title IX provides to pregnant and parenting students, what colleges communicate, and what pregnant and parenting students actually experience. To actually protect pregnant and parenting students, the authors argue that a school must provide multi-faceted support that is effectively communicated to an entire campus community, including students who are parenting, who are pregnant, and who may become pregnant. The first part of the book...
Global Health Disputes and Disparities (Routledge Studies in Public Health)
by u Bhattacharya
Global Health Disputes and Disparities explores inequalities in health around the world, looking particularly at the opportunity for, and limitations of, international law to promote population health by examining its intersection with human rights, trade, and epidemiology, and the controversial issues of legal process, religion, access to care, and the social context of illness. Using a theoretical framework rooted in international law, this volume draws on a wide range of rich empirical data...
A landmark narrative of an epic legal battle, Civil Warriors is the gripping behind-the-scenes account of how one tenacious lawyer led the charge against the titans of the tobacco industry. Drawing on five years of eyewitness reporting, thousands of pages of internal documents, and riveting firsthand stories of plaintiffs, lawyers, jurors, and scientists, Civil Warriors weaves the compelling story of attorney Ron Motley, who, along with other die-hard lawyers, scientists, and tobacco-busters, f...
Monitoring health system performance in Peru (OECD reviews of health systems)
State by State Guide to Managed Care Law 2010 Edition (State by State Guide to Managed Care Law)
by John F Buckley and Nicole D Prysby
The world is a better place than it used to be. People are healthier, wealthier, and live longer. Yet the escapes from destitution by so many has left gaping inequalities between people and nations. In The Great Escape, Angus Deaton--one of the foremost experts on economic development and on poverty--tells the remarkable story of how, beginning 250 years ago, some parts of the world experienced sustained progress, opening up gaps and setting the stage for today's disproportionately unequal world...
Quick Reference to Hipaa Compliance, 2012-2013 Edition
by Pamela Sande and Joan Vigliotta
Exercise Psychology: Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior
by Heather Hausenblas and Ryan E Rhodes
Written for the upper-level undergraduate and graduate-level courses in exercise psychology and behavioral physical activity, Exercise Psychology: The Psychology of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior focuses on the psychological effects of physical activity in a variety of special populations. The first text of its kind to focus on both the psychology of exercise and sedentary behavior, it provides a strong theoretical and applied focus to the field, and includes interesting vignettes and...