On how our sense of balance has defined us as a nation and will safeguard our future. In the years that John Howard served in the national parliament he came to understand the special character of Australia; to appreciate its strengths and weaknesses; and most importantly to respect the sense of balance in the formulation of public policy that has long defined us as a nation and made Australia an attractive destination for people from across the world. In this book he explores this balance, its...
The Mueller Report - Large Print Edition
by Robert S Mueller, Special Counsel U S Department of Justice, and Alan Dershowitz
Code of Federal Regulations Title 40, Protection of Environment, Parts 1060-End, 2020
Code of Federal Regulations Title 48, Federal Acquisition Regulations System (Fars), Parts 15-28, 2020
American Public Opinion and the Modern Supreme Court, 1930-2020
by Thomas R. Marshall
Organized Interests and Self-regulation (FEEM Studies in Economics)
This collected volume studies the role of organized interests in collective decision-making and the emergence of self-regulation. In democratic settings, organized interests play a role at the legislative stage, affecting the outcome through lobbying activity. While pressure groups and lobbying are a traditional topic in public choice theory, the incentives to maintain private rules and enforcement through self-regulation is a less developed research area in political economy. The book provides...
A Citizen's Guide on Using the Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy
Code of Federal Regulations Title 49, Transportation, Parts 400-571, 2020
Code of Federal Regulations, Title 34 Education 400-679, Revised as of July 1, 2020 (Code of Federal Regulations, Title 34 Education)
Title 34 presents regulations governing education related activities and programs. General provisions, civil rights, elementary and secondary education, special education and rehabilitative services, vocational and adult education, bilingual education and minority languages affairs, postsecondary education, educational research and improvement, literacy, and disability are addressed in separate chapters. Additions and revisions to this section of the code are posted annually by July. Publication...
Title 41 sets forth practices of wage determination, health and safety standards, regulations governing purchase from people who are blind or severely disabled, and employment practices expected of federal contractors. The system for property management covers inventories, management and use of records, acquisition, construction and alteration of public buildings. Procurement of products, management and use of telecommunications resources, management of means of transportation and travel expendi...
The Future of Federalism (Studies in Fiscal Federalism and State-local Finance)
The global financial crisis had a dramatic short-term effect on federal relations and, as the twelve case studies in this illuminating book show, set in place a new set of socio-political factors that are shaping the longer-run process of institutional change in federal systems. The Future of Federalism illustrates how an understanding of these complex dynamics is crucial to the development of policies needed for effective and sustainable federal governance in the 21st century. The book finds th...
Title 22 presents regulations governing the Department of State, the International Development Cooperation Agency, the Peace Corps, and other federal agencies regarding foreign relations. It includes regulations pertaining to Foreign Service personnel, visas, nationality and passports, diplomatic privileges and immunities, and international agreements. Additions and revisions to this section of the code are posted annually by April. Publication follows within six months.
Code of Federal Regulations, Title 34 Education 300-399, Revised as of July 1, 2020 (Code of Federal Regulations, Title 34 Education)
Title 34 presents regulations governing education related activities and programs. General provisions, civil rights, elementary and secondary education, special education and rehabilitative services, vocational and adult education, bilingual education and minority languages affairs, postsecondary education, educational research and improvement, literacy, and disability are addressed in separate chapters. Additions and revisions to this section of the code are posted annually by July. Publication...
Title 40 presents regulations governing care of the environment from the 14 subchapters of Chapter I and from the provisions regarding the Council on Environmental Quality found in Chapter V. Programs addressing air, water, pesticides, radiation protection, and noise abatement are included. Practices for waste and toxic materials disposal and clean-up are also prescribed. Additions and revisions to this section of the code are posted annually by July. Publication follows within six months.
The National Security Strategy (House of Lords Papers, Session 2009-10, 115i)
Guide to the Code of conduct (House of Lords Papers, Session 2009-10, 81)
Title 41 sets forth practices of wage determination, health and safety standards, regulations governing purchase from people who are blind or severely disabled, and employment practices expected of federal contractors. The system for property management covers inventories, management and use of records, acquisition, construction and alteration of public buildings. Procurement of products, management and use of telecommunications resources, management of means of transportation and travel expendi...