The Political Economy of the Company
Theoretical writing on the company and company law has been dominated in recent years by economics. This collection of essays by a distinguished team of authors drawn from a variety of disciplines seeks to build on the insights of this economic analysis and broaden understanding by examining the company in a wider historical,legal, political, and sociological context. Issues discussed include the attitudes of political parties in the UK to the company, the rise of the non-executive director, in...
Venture Capital Law in China (International Corporate Law and Financial Market Regulation)
by Lin Lin
China's venture capital market is not just the world's largest and fastest developing market, it also has the unique distinction of being engineered through heavy governmental intervention. This book breaks new ground by examining and testing established legal theories regarding the law of venture capital through the lens of the Chinese venture capital market. Using a hand-collected dataset of venture capital agreements, interviews with practitioners, and Chinese court judgements, it provides a...
Corporate Hacking and Technology-Driven Crime: Social Dynamics and Implications
"This book addresses various aspects of hacking and technology-driven crime, including the ability to understand computer-based threats, identify and examine attack dynamics, and find solutions"--Provided by publisher.
Inicie su propia corporacion (Rich dad's advisors)
by Garrett Sutton
Vivimos en un mundo bastante litigioso. Usted debe mantenerse en guardia en el transcurso de su vida. Al generar riqueza, uno debe saber como protegerla. Para los que no la protejan los esperan los depredadores y sus abogados y usaran cualquier truco para quitarle los bienes que no tengan protegidos. Inicie su propia corporacion le ensena a los lectores sobre las companias unipersonales (sole proprietorship), sociedades colectivas (general partnership), corporaciones tipo C (C corporation), soc...
Test Prep Guide to Accompany New Jersey Code of Criminal Justice
by Kenneth Del Vecchio
Activist Shareholders in Corporate Governance (Contemporary Studies in Corporate Law)
by Tim Bowley
This book explores the regulatory challenges of public company shareholder activism. Around the world, policy makers, practitioners and academics debate how best to regulate shareholder activism. Using Australia as a case study, the book examines key issues raised by this debate. With a market structure and legal settings that are conducive to activism, Australia makes an ideal case study and provides a fresh comparative perspective on the regulatory debate about shareholder activism, which ten...
ICSA Practice and Revision Kit
Since its introduction in 1983, the Business Expansion Scheme (BES) has not been widely used, mainly because of its complexity. This book cuts through this complexity by explaining the Scheme's conditions in simple language and by the use of 115 worked examples. Step-by-step instructions on administrative matters, checklists, and useful appendices are also provided. Where relevant, the legislation, case law decisions and Inland revenue press releases are set out in full, making the book a compre...
Corporate Governance and Whistleblowing (Routledge Studies in Corporate Governance)
by Moeen Umar Cheema, Rahat Munir, and Sophia Su
Whistleblowing is often about disclosing wrongdoings by members of organisations to persons or organisations that may be able to effect action. Media would at times publish stories of whistleblowers who engage in ‘heroic’ acts of exposing wrongdoings at work, but the whistlebowers often face significant negative consequences of their whistleblowing efforts. This book examines effects of national and organisational cultures on the whistleblowing decisions of employees. The book provides empirica...
ICSA Practice and Revision Kit
The business corporation is one of the greatest organizational inventions, but it creates risks both for shareholders and for third parties. To mitigate these risks, legislators, judges, and corporate lawyers have tried to learn from foreign experiences and adapt their regulatory regimes to them. In the last three decades, this approach has led to a stream of corporate and capital market law reforms unseen before. Corporate governance, the system by which companies are directed and controlled, i...
Verbandszweck und Glaubigerschutz (Perspektiven Sozialwirtschaft Und Sozialmanagement)
by Gregor Roth
Das Buch untersucht den Einfluss des Gesellschaftszwecks auf die Wirksamkeit der etablierten Glaubigerschutzinstrumente. Im Mittelpunkt stehen die GmbH und die Frage, welchen Einfluss die Verfolgung eines gemeinnutzigen Zwecks auf die Wirksamkeit des Glaubigerschutzsystems des GmbH-Rechts hat.
Condominium Governance and Law in Global Urban Context
This book examines condominium, property, governance, and law in international and conceptual perspective and reveals this urban realm as complex and mutating. Condominiums are proliferating the world over and transforming the socio-spatial organization of cities and residential life. The collection assembles arguably the most prominent scholars in the world currently working in this broad area and situated in multiple disciplines, including legal and socio-legal studies, political science, pub...
Strategies for Minimizing Risk Under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and Related Laws
by Mike Koehler
In the minds of some, complying with the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and related laws is easy: 'you just don't bribe.' The reality, as sophisticated professionals should know, is not so simple. This book is for professionals across various disciplines who can assist in risk management and want to learn strategies for minimizing risk under aggressively enforced bribery laws. Written by a leading expert with real-world practice experience, this book elevates knowledge and skills through a...
From corporate corruption and the facilitation of money laundering, to food fraud and labour exploitation, European citizens continue to be confronted by serious corporate and white-collar crimes. Presenting an original series of provocative essays, this book offers a European framing of white-collar crime. Experts from different countries foreground what is unique, innovative or different about white-collar and corporate crimes that are so strongly connected to Europe, including the tensions t...
ICSA Practice and Revision Kit
What could be more British than a cup of tea? what has proved a more resilient vice in Western life than tobacco? What are the origins of our enthusiasm for spice, smoke, and sugar? James Walvin illustrates how the tastes of the British people, and ultimately the sensory predilections of the entire west, were profoundly transformed by the fruits of distant empire and trade. Tracing the history of British global trade and the drive for imperial preeminence to the rise of a new kind of domestic ma...
Even in the wake of the biggest financial crash of the postwar era, the United States continues to rely on Securities and Exchange Commission oversight and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which set tougher rules for boards, management, and public accounting firms to protect the interests of shareholders. Such reliance is badly misplaced. In "Corporate Governance", Jonathan Macey argues that less government regulation - not more - is what's needed to ensure that managers of public companies keep their pr...