Das Moderne Kriegsrecht Der Civilisierten Staten, ALS Rechtsbuch Dargestellt
by Richard De Bury
Aviation and Maritime Security Act 1990
2020-2021 Two Year Planner (2020-2021 Daily Monthly Calendar Planner 8.5x11, 24 Months Jan 2020 to Dec 2021, #5)
by John Book Publishing
When international rules and regulations governing space travel were first being developed, only a few countries had any space presence and commercial space activity was non-existent. Today, over 50 countries have on-orbit satellites and commercial space presence is essential to commercial telecommunications and broadcasting, yet international space law remains in its infancy. Space Safety Regulations and Standards is the definitive book on regulatory initiatives involving space safety, new spac...
Practical Aviation Law is designed to be used in conjunction with the Practical Aviation Law Workbook as a college text for aviation law courses. This text also stands alone as a reference guide for aviation managers, pilots, mechanics, aircraft owners, and others involved in aviation by vocation or avocation. This book takes a practical viewpoint to provide the reader with the basic legal knowledge and perspective to understand how the legal system works in relation to aviation activities, and...
"A lucid, bright and essential work of reporting, analysis and genuine care. Peter Ward has given us a new way to think about private endeavors in space. Superb."—Rivka Galchen, author of Little Labors This in-depth work of reportage dares to ask what’s at stake in privatizing outer space Earth is in trouble—so dramatically that we’re now scrambling to explore space for valuable resources and a home for permanent colonization. With the era of NASA’s dominance now behind us, the private sector...
Inspired by the vision of the future of humankind in outer space, an international team of technical experts, lawyers and political scientists examined topical issues of law and policy under the leadership of the editors - not only with respect to international space flight and space exploration, but also in view of the safe and sustainable use of space technology for the benefit of our planet. After all, our original habitat should not be sacrificed on our way to Moon and Mars!In this regard, O...
This highly technical work is at the leading edge of spatial analysis. It covers the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) initiative in the international context of access to environmental data. This book identifies the data policy issues, such as intellectual property rights, privacy, licensing and archiving policies, that affect environmental monitoring organisations, statistical institutes, mapping agencies, institutes for natural resources and Earth observation. It recommend...
International Space Law and Space Laws of the United States
by Steve Mirmina and Caryn Schenewerk
International Space Law and Space Laws of the United States provides helpful practice tips for representing clients and doing business in today's commercial space industry, as well as important coverage of the essentials for students of Space Law. Each chapter explores a nuanced space law issue and concludes with review questions.Written by two Georgetown Space Law professors who are also Space Law practitioners, with more than 50 years of combined expertise having worked as legal counsel for NA...
60 Nasa Kepler Beyond Planets Finding Exploding Stars (Type Felt Supernova)
by Guido Gottwald
Wer sich mit dem Flugzeugbau, der Fliegerei und angrenzenden Bereichen besch??ftigt, wird von diesem Buch garantiert profitieren. Die zweite Auflage wurde ??berarbeitet und gliedert sich in drei Teile: Der Lexikonteil enth??lt die Definition von rund 2300 Begriffen und Abk??rzungen aus dem Bereich der Luftfahrt. Der Fachthementeil fasst spezifische Themenbereiche zur schnellen Recherche ??bersichtlich zusammen. Der Handbuchteil erschlie??t verschiedene Themen der Luftfahrt wie Luftfahrtgeschicht...
Drone Law and Policy
Drone Law and Policy describes the drone industry and its evolution, describing the benefits and risks of its exponential growth. It outlines the current and proposed regulatory framework in Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom and Europe, taking into consideration the current and evolving technological and insurance landscape. This book makes recommendations as to additional regulatory and insurance initiatives which the authors believe are necessary to achieve an effective balanc...