Fourteen lines, fourteen words ? one poem.
Deaf Professionals and Designated Interpreters - a New Paradigm
by Peter C Hauser, Karen Finch, and Angela B. Hauser
Deaf Professionals and Designated Interpreters: A New Paradigm defines a new model that depends upon strong partnerships between the growing number of deaf experts and their interpreters. Editors Peter C. Hauser, Karen L. Finch, and Angela B. Hauser have called upon more than a score of widely respected researchers to discuss the new dynamics of interpreting for deaf professionals. Divided into two parts, this volume first delineates Designated Interpreting, in which interpreters team with deaf...
The Arabic Version of Ṭūsī's Nasirean Ethics (Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science. Texts and Studies)
by Joep Lameer
For the 400th anniversary of Moliere's birth, all of Richard Wilbur's unsurpassed translations of Molière's plays--themselves towering achievements in English verse--are brought together for the first time in this two-volume gift set. One of the most accomplished American poets of his generation, Richard Wilbur (1921-2017) was also a prolific translator of French and Russian literature. His verse translations of Molière's plays are especially admired by readers and are still performed today aro...
This Italian language phrasebook has easy-to-navigate sections for key areas like food, health, accommodation, transport and going out. There is a two-way dictionary and a collection of coy, cute and classic pick-up lines.
Language and Legal Interpretation in International Law (Oxford Studies in Language and Law)
International law is usually communicated in more than one language and reflects common norms that lawyers and adjudicators across national legal cultures agree on and develop together. As a result, the negotiation of the wording and meaning of international legislative texts is an integral part of legal interpretation in international law. This book sheds light on that essential interpretation process. Language and Legal Interpretation in International Law treats the subject from the perspec...
The difficulty (and necessity) of translation is concisely described in Nineteen Ways of Looking at Wang Wei, a close reading of different translations of a single poem from the Tang Dynasty-from a transliteration to Kenneth Rexroth's loose interpretation. As Octavio Paz writes in the afterword, "Eliot Weinberger's commentary on the successive translations of Wang Wei's little poem illustrates, with succinct clarity, not only the evolution of the art of translation in the modern period but at th...
RE-Belle and Infidele / the Body Bilingual
by Susanne de Lotbiniere-Harwood
Faustus: From the German of Goethe
The major work of German literature, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's Faust (1808), was translated into English by one of Britain's most capable mediators of German literature and philosophy, Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Goethe himself twice referred to Coleridge's translation of his Faust. Goethe's character wrestles with the very metaphysical and theological problems that preoccupied Coleridge: the meaning of the Logos, the apparent opposition of theism and pantheism. Coleridge, the poet of torme...
Humour Translation in the Age of Multimedia
This volume seeks to investigate how humour translation has developed since the beginning of the 21st century, focusing in particular on new ways of communication. The authors, drawn from a range of countries, cultures and academic traditions, address and debate how today's globalised communication, media and new technologies are influencing and shaping the translation of humour. Examining both how humour translation exploits new means of communication and how the processes of humour translati...
Translating Great Russian Literature (BASEES/Routledge Series on Russian and East European Studies)
by Cathy McAteer
Launched in 1950, Penguin's Russian Classics quickly progressed to include translations of many great works of Russian literature and the series came to be regarded by readers, both academic and general, as the de facto provider of classic Russian literature in English translation, the legacy of which reputation resonates right up to the present day. Through an analysis of the individuals involved, their agendas, and their socio-cultural context, this book, based on extensive original research,...
Living Language English for Japanese Speakers, Complete Edition (ESL/ELL) (Complete)
English, Complete Edition is a unique multimedia program that is designed for Japanese speakers. It takes you from a beginner to an advanced level in one convenient package. At the core of English, Complete Edition is the Living Language Method™, based on linguistic science, proven techniques, and over 65 years of experience. Our method teaches you the whole language, so you can express yourself, not just recite memorized words or scripts. Millions have learned with Living Language®. Now it’s y...
Language Variation and Multimodality in Audiovis - A New Framework of Analysis
by Dora Renna
Translation and Adaptation in Theatre and Film (Routledge Advances in Theatre & Performance Studies)
This book provides a pioneering and provocative exploration of the rich synergies between adaptation studies and translation studies and is the first genuine attempt to discuss the rather loose usage of the concepts of translation and adaptation in terms of theatre and film. At the heart of this collection is the proposition that translation studies and adaptation studies have much to offer each other in practical and theoretical terms and can no longer exist independently from one another. As a...
'Ihrem Originale Nachzudenken' (Wolfenbutteler Studien Zur Aufklarung, #31)
Further Adventures on the Journey to the West
by Master of Silent Whistle Studio
Analysing English-Arabic Machine Translation (Routledge Studies in Translation Technology)
by Zakaryia Almahasees
Machine Translation (MT) has become widely used throughout the world as a medium of communication between those who live in different countries and speak different languages. However, translation between distant languages constitutes a challenge for machines. Therefore, translation evaluation is poised to play a significant role in the process of designing and developing effective MT systems. This book evaluates three prominent MT systems, including Google Translate, Microsoft Translator, and Sa...
Can the subaltern joke? Christi A. Merrill answers by invoking riddling, oral-based fictions from Hindi, Rajasthani, Sanskrit, and Urdu that dare to laugh at what traditions often keep hidden-whether spouse abuse, ethnic violence, or the uncertain legacies of a divinely wrought sex change. Herself a skilled translator, Merrill uses these examples to investigate the expectation that translated work should allow the non-English-speaking subaltern to speak directly to the English-speaking reader....
Complete Italian is a unique multimedia program that takes you beginner to advanced level in one convenient package. At the core of Complete Italian is the Living Language Method™, based on linguistic science, proven techniques, and over 65 years of experience. Our method teaches you the whole language, so you can express yourself, not just recite memorized words or scripts. Millions have learned with Living Language®. Now it’s your turn. • 3 Books: 46 lessons, additional review...
'Here is a vivacious account of how in the 1950s, under Eden and Lloyd at the Foreign Office, some 5,000 young men doing national service were quietly siphoned off from their units, secluded in Cornwall and Fifeshire, or, more boldly, next door to the Guards depot at Coulsdon in Surrey, and put through crash courses in Russian till they could speak it fluently ...' M. R. D. Foot, Spectator Lambasted by the Soviets as a 'spy school', the Joint Services School for Linguists (JSSL) was a major Col...