Zum Verhältnis Von Abbild Und Bedeutung (Sammlung Akademie-Verlag / Sprache, #39)
by Wolfgang Lorenz and Gerd Wotjak
Process Theories
Processes constitute the world of human experience - from nature to cognition to social reality. Yet our philosophical and scientific theories of nature and experience have traditionally prioritized concepts for static objects and structures. The essays collected here call for a review of the role of dynamic categories in the language of theories. They present old and new descriptive tools for the modelling of dynamic domains, and argue for the merits of process-based explanations in ontology, c...
Semantics II: Interpretation and Truth (Treatise on Basic Philosophy, #2)
by M. Bunge
How to Critique Authoritarian Populism (Studies in Critical Social Sciences)
Many metaphors go beyond pionting to the existing similarities between two objects -- they create the similarities. Such metaphors, which have been relegated to the back seat in most of the cognitive science research, are the focus of attention in this study, which addresses the creation of similarity within an elaborately laid out interactive framework of cognition. Starting from the constructivist views of Nelson Goodman and Jean Piaget, this framework resolves an apparent paradox in in...
Dieser Band liefert verschiedene Perspektiven auf ein Kooperationsprojekt zwischen Schule und Hochschule. Im Rahmen des Projekts begleiten Studierende der linguistischen Facher Schuler dabei, sprachwissenschaftliche Projekte durchzufuhren. Schuler, Studierende, Lehrer, Hochschuldidaktiker und Lehrende an der Universitat evaluieren das Projekt und vermitteln ihre Sicht auf die Moeglichkeiten, aber auch Herausforderungen einer problembasierten, selbstverantwortlichen Projektarbeit von Studierenden...
Clinical Applications of Linguistics to Speech-Language Pathology
Clinical Applications of Linguistics to Speech-Language Pathology is a practical guide that provides linguistically grounded approaches to clinical practice. It introduces key linguistic disciplines and discusses how they form a basis for assessment and treatment of individuals with communication differences or disorders. Written by experts in linguistics and communication disorders, each chapter provides clinicians with a foundational understanding of linguistics as it applies to spoken and s...
In "Discourse Analysis as Sociocriticism", Antonio Gomez-Moriana applies contemporary literary theory to classical texts of the Spanish Golden Age, including "Lazarillo de Tormes", "Don Quixote", Tirso de Molina's "Don Juan" play, and Columbus's "Diary". Gomez-Moriana begins by reminding us that Saussure had originally intended semiology as a study of signs in social life before proceeding to focus on the study of system and structure. Gomez-Moriana argues that the structuralists subsequently mi...
Unity, Truth and the Liar (Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science, #8)
by Shahid Rahman, Tero Tulenheimo, and Emmanuel Genot
Andinmy haste, I said: "Allmenare Liars" 1 -Psalms 116:11 The Original Lie Philosophical analysis often reveals and seldom solves paradoxes. To quote Stephen Read: A paradox arises when an unacceptable conclusion is supported by a plausible argument from apparently acceptable premises. [...] So three di?erent reactions to the paradoxes are possible: to show that the r- soning is fallacious; or that the premises are not true after all; or that 2 the conclusion can in fact be accepted. There are s...
Meaning and Textuality (Toronto Studies in Semiotics and Communication)
by Francois Rastier
Historically there has been a wide gulf between European and Anglo/American thought on the philosophy of language, in part because it is often difficult to find important European works in English translation. Meaning and Textuality represents key elements of the ground-breaking new theory on signs and discourse that has come out of Europe in the last few decades. Meaning and Textuality is an investigation into methods useful to the analysis of language and literature. Rastier seeks ways to bett...
Kollokationen im zweisprachigen Woerterbuch (Lexicographica. Series Maior)
by Ekaterina Butina-Koller
Lexicographica. Series Maior features monographs and edited volumes on the topics of lexicography and meta-lexicography. Works from the broader domain of lexicology are also included, provided they strengthen the theoretical, methodological and empirical basis of lexicography and meta-lexicography. The almost 150 books published in the series since its founding in 1984 clearly reflect the main themes and developments of the field. The publications focus on aspects of lexicography such as micro-...
In Poiesis and Possible Worlds, Thomas L. Martin makes a highly focused intervention in the debate about poststructuralist and postmodern theorizing and offers a philosophical approach to some of the controversial tenets of recent theorists. The result is an important addition to the existing literature on the usefulness of possible worlds theory for literature. Martin argues that literary studies remain mired in the anomalies of a linguistic methodology derived from early twentieth-century la...
Die Siebenzeilige Strophe in Der Deutschen Litteratur
by Ernst Ferdinand Kossmann
Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfangen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen fur die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfugung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden mussen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.
Zur Geschichte Der Deutschen Sprache Im 20. Jahrhundert (Schriften Zur Diachronen Und Synchronen Linguistik, #9)
Diese Arbeit zeichnet die wichtigsten Aspekte fur die Entwicklung des deutschen Sprachraumes und der deutschen Sprache im 20. Jahrhundert nach. An der Schwelle des 20. Jahrhunderts wurden die Rechtschreibung und die Aussprache normiert, wobei allerdings viele Fragen offen gelassen wurden. Auch mit der letzten Orthographiereform wurde die Diskussion um die Rechtschreibung nicht abgeschlossen, da manche Probleme, wie beispielsweise die Kleinschreibung der Substantive, nicht endgultig geloest wurde...
Die Entstehung Der Deutschen Schriftsprache (Nordrhein-Westfalische Akademie Der Wissenschaften, #290)
by Werner Besch
Die Untersuchung geht von der zentralen Fragestellung aus, was "Schreiben uber den Holocaust" angesichts kindlicher und jugendlicher Rezipienten bedeutet und klart insbesondere die altersgerechte Versprachlichung von Angst. Literaturwissenschaftliche und sprachwissenschaftliche Analysemethoden erganzen sich dabei wechselseitig: Auf erzahltheoretischem Gebiet steht die Analyse der Erzahlerrolle im Vordergrund. Den textlinguistischen Teil stutzen im Wesentlichen der Thema-Ansatz von Loetscher und...
An Introduction to Lexical Semantics provides a comprehensive theoretical overview of lexical semantics, analysing the major lexical categories in English: verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and prepositions. The book illustrates step-by-step how to use formal semantic tools. Divided into four parts, covering the key aspect of lexical semantics, this book: - introduces readers to the major influential theories including the syntax-lexical semantics interface theory by Levin and Rappaport and...
Meyers Handbuch Uber Die Literatur (Meyers Handbucher der Grossen Wissensgebiete / Literatur)