Panel Studies of Variation and Change (Routledge Studies in Language Change)
The relationship between the individual and the community is at the core of sociolinguistic theorizing. To date, most longitudinal research has been conducted on the basis of trend studies, such as replications of cross-sectional studies, or comparisons between present-day cross-sectional data and ‘legacy’ data. While the past few years have seen an increasing interest in panel research, much of this work has been published in a variety of formats and languages and is thus not easily accessible....
Corpus Linguistics and the Analysis of Sociolinguistic Change demonstrates how particular styles and varieties of language are chosen and represented in the media, to reveal changing language ideologies and sociolinguistic change. Drawing on a corpus of ads broadcast on an Irish radio station between 1977 and 2017, this book shows how corpus linguistic tools can be creatively employed, in conjunction with frameworks and concepts such as audience and referee design and indexicality, and examines...
Graphic Politics in Eastern India (Bloomsbury Studies in Linguistic Anthropology)
by Nishaant Choksi
Investigating the communicative practices of indigenous Santali speakers in eastern India, Nishaant Choksi examines the overlooked role of script in regional movements for autonomy to provide one of the first comprehensive theoretical and ethnographical accounts of 'graphic politics'. Based on extensive fieldwork in the villages of southwestern West Bengal, Choksi explores the deployment of Santali scripts, including a newly created script called Ol Chiki, in Bengali-dominated local markets, th...
Storytelling and Ecology (Bloomsbury Advances in Ecolinguistics)
by Anthony Nanson
'Finalist' in the PROSE Award (2022) for Language & Linguistics Awarded Honors at the Storytelling World Awards 2022 Linking the ongoing ecological crisis with contemporary conditions of alienation and disenchantment in modern society, this book investigates the capacity of oral storytelling to reconnect people to the natural world and enchant and renew their experience of nature, place and their own existence in the world. Anthony Nanson offers an in-depth examination of how a diverse ecos...
Bi- And Multilingualism from Various Perspectives of Applied Linguistics
Minority Language Conference (4th): Vol.II, Western + Eastern European Papers (Multilingual Matters)
Language Learning in Study Abroad (New Perspectives on Language and Education, #88)
Vestiges of monolingual bias are present in the portrayal of study abroad as an idealised monolingual immersion experience and the steps many programs take to encourage or enforce target language monolingualism. In reality, study abroad is often inherently multilingual. This book addresses the need for a recognition of the multilingual realities of study abroad across a variety of traditional and non-traditional national contexts and target languages. The chapters examine multilingual socializat...
The Multilingual Edge of Education
This book highlights the need to develop new educational perspectives in which multilingualism is valorised and strategically used in settings and contexts of instruction and learning. Situated in the current educational debate about multilingualism and ethno-linguistic minorities, chapter authors examine the polarised response to heightened linguistic diversity and how the debate is very much premised on binary views of monolingualism and multi- or bilingualism. Contributors argue that the dive...
The Routledge Handbook of Language and the Global South/s (Routledge Handbooks in Applied Linguistics)
This Handbook centers on language(s) in the Global South/s and the many ways in which both "language" and the "Global South" are conceptualized, theorized, practiced, and reshaped. Drawing on 31 chapters situated in diverse geographical contexts, and four additional interviews with leading scholars, this text showcases: Issues of decolonizationPromotion of Southern epistemologies and theories of the Global South/sA focus on social/applied linguisticsAn added focus on the academyA nuanced under...
Scripting Japan (Routledge Studies in Sociolinguistics)
Imagine this book was written in Comic Sans. Would this choice impact your image of me as an author, despite causing no literal change to the content within? Generally, discussions of how language variants influence interpretation of language acts/users have focused on variation in speech. But it is important to remember that specific ways of representing a language are also often perceived as linked to specific social actors. Nowhere is this fact more relevant than in written Japanese, where a...
The Event of Psychopoetics (Concepts for Critical Psychology)
by Raul Ernesto Garcia
The Event of Psychopoetics overviews and investigates the notion of psychopoetics, a sociopsychological event that involves re-creative slips and that emerges under certain cultural conditions and power relations in the context of everyday interaction and through certain modes of dialoguing and conversing. This transdisciplinary text takes the reader through the thought processes of Deleuze, Guattari, Agamben, Maffesoli, Foucault, Butler, Haraway, and Braidotti, among others, addressing debates...
Draws on the author's extensive research from "Proust and the Squid" to consider the future of the reading brain and its capacity for critical thinking, empathy, and reflection in today's highly digitized world. A decade ago, Wolf's Proust and the Squid revealed what we know about how the brain learns to read and how reading changes the way we think and feel. Now, in a series of letters, Wolf describes her concerns-- and hopes-- about how digital mediums may be changing our brains. Wolf herself...
Raymonde Carroll presents an intriguing and thoughtful analysis of the many ways French and Americans--and indeed any members of different cultures--can misinterpret each other, even when ostensibly speaking the same language. Cultural misunderstandings, Carroll points out, can arise even where we least expect them--in our closest relationships. The revealing vignettes that Carroll relates, and her perceptive comments, bring to light some fundamental differences in French and American presupposi...
Intimitat in Der Sprache (Beihefte Zur Zeitschrift Fur Romanische Philologie, #470)
by Britta Steinke
The eminent historian Patrick J. Geary has written a provocative book, based on lectures delivered at the Historical Society of Israel about the role of language and ideology in the study and history of the early Middle Ages. He includes a fascinating discussion of the rush by nationalist philologists to rediscover the medieval roots of their respective vernaculars, the rivalry between vernacular languages and Latin to act as transmitters of Christian sacred texts and administrative documents, a...
A Guide to Discursive Organizational Psychology
This lively guide showcasing original and carefully curated research illustrates the dynamic relationship between discourse and organizational psychology. It maps the origins and development of discursive approaches in the field of organizational psychology and provides a timely review of the challenges that may confront researchers in the years to come, thereby charting the current and future boundaries of the field.A Guide to Discursive Organizational Psychology delineates a potential research...
Network Society (Vernon Series in Sociology)
Discursive Constructions of the Suicidal Process
by Dariusz Galasinski and Justyna Ziolkowska
What is suicide? When does suicide start and when does it end? Who is involved? Examining narratives of suicide through a discourse analytic framework, Discursive Constructions of the Suicidal Process demonstrates how linguistic theories and methodologies can help answer these questions and cast light upon what suicide involves and means, both for those who commit an act and their loved ones. Engaging in close analysis of suicide letters written before the act and post-hoc narratives from afte...
Encounters at the Counter (Studies in Interactional Sociolinguistics)
Bringing together a diverse collection of studies from a team of international scholars, this pioneering volume focuses on interactions in shops, exploring the dynamics of conversation between sellers and customers. Beginning with the emergence of a 'need' for a product before the request to a seller is actually made, all the way through to the payment phase, it explores the rich and deeply methodical practices employed by customers and sellers as they go about the apparently mundane work of buy...
Hindi Publishing in Colonial Lucknow centers on the literary activities emerging out of the publishing house Ganga Pustak Mala in colonial Lucknow in the first half of the twentieth century. Closely associated with Ganga Pustak Mala was the Hindi monthly Sudha (lit. nectar, ambrosia), a literary, social, political and illustrated periodical, in which Hindi writings in prose and poetry, including Hindi literary criticism, and other activities concerning the Hindi public sphere, such as language p...
Provides a linguistic foundation for students of all majors Assisted by numerous pedagogical aids, A Concise Introduction to Linguistics, 4/e explains all concepts in a systematic way making complex linguistic topics as easy to learn as possible. This introductory title covers the core topics of linguistics, providing the information and concepts that will allow students to understand more detailed and advanced treatments of linguistics. This student-friendly and well-balanced overview of the f...